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Sexual harassment is all too common at gigs – even without artists like YG inciting it

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 When a friend of mine was in her teens, she attended an AC/DC concert with her parents and sister. They'd been looking forward to it for weeks. During the show, a group of drunk men approached the family and told my friend and her sister to get up on their shoulders during 'The Jack' and "flash their tits".

My friend was 15, her sister barely 13. The men persisted in their demands after the sisters had said no. What should have been a fun family outing turned into an uncomfortable introduction to the misogynistic underbelly of the world of live music.

Fast-forward to this week, and US rapper YG has come under fire after playing a 13+ show in Brisbane last weekend. During the gig, he called for female fans to remove their tops, singling some specific audience members out and making denigrating comments about their bodies.

He only reneged on his behaviour after being told that many of the fans at the show were underage, saying, "Oh s---, y'all are underage, I can't f--- with y'all," before asking them to promise him they'd go to school on Monday.

Much of the criticism of YG over this incident seems to be focused on the fact that the audience was underage. Of course, subjecting teens to this behaviour – and normalising requests for them to sexualise themselves for the male gaze – should be condemned.

But even if the audience weren't underage, the same rules should absolutely apply. The truth of the matter is that live music events are not safe spaces for women; even without the added pressure of on-stage performers encouraging blatant objectification, and in doing so creating a climate that empowers sexual harassment and assault.


Over the last summer, there were five instances of sexual assault reported to police at Falls Festival in Tasmania, and two at Rainbow Serpent in Victoria – and that's just the victims who felt comfortable reporting their experiences.

Within tight-knit local music scenes, too, there are often abusers – on stage and off – who are protected by their reputations, making live events uncomfortable and unsafe for victims and survivors of their assaults, who are often disbelieved.

Thankfully, these instances are gaining more visibility, with action including the #ItTakesOne campaign from Melbourne band Camp Cope and a program and policy to be implemented by the Victorian government to reduce sexual assault and harassment in live music venues. But responsibility must also be placed on performers to moderate their own behaviours in order to create an inclusive and safe environment for all of their fans.

Last year, Sydney DJ Nick Skitz released a track called 'Tits Out For the Boys'. Music critic Adam Lewis wrote at the time: 

"Skitz has created a song that arguably encourages environments in which women are unwelcome and subject to assault. It's an environment that tells men that they need to prove themselves by embracing a destructive hyper-masculinity. It's a song that turns shared spaces like dancefloors and festival stages against women, and this time, it's not just coming from the crowd – it's the focus of the entertainment itself."

It is hugely irresponsible for performers to incite and encourage behaviour that objectifies their female and non-binary audience members and places them in more vulnerable positions, as if being non-male at these often bro-heavy events isn't precarious enough. It is troubling that so many of these events, which should be fun and celebratory for all attendees, become instead an unequal playing ground in which women's bodies are present for male consumption and entertainment.

I have heard countless stories of friends being groped, grinded on and verbally harassed in these spaces. I have felt that fear myself.

Some might argue that it's all just banter – boys being boys, just a bit of fun. That women should be allowed to take off their tops and flash their tits if they want to. But it's the gang mentality that is frightening – the pressure to perform sexuality in a way that allows men to walk away, pleased that they got their money's worth, while women are placed in threatening situations.

I have heard countless stories of female and non-binary friends being groped, grinded on and verbally harassed in these spaces. I have felt that fear myself. Having attended live music events regularly since I was 14 years old, I can't imagine my life without the rush that seeing favourite bands brings – but I am always vigilant, watching my drinks, shielding my friends, staying on guard. I don't want it to have to be that way. I'm so tired.

YG's behaviour on the weekend was deplorable, but it is far from an isolated incident. It's not limited to any one scene or genre, nor is it specific to Australia. It is an epidemic.

The takeaway from this instance is not just to protect underage kids going to their first gigs, although we absolutely must do that. It's much wider – cultures that are sexist and exclusionary at their core become breeding grounds for dangerous and violent behaviours. They need to be upended.

These are our spaces, too. We deserve to feel safe and included.