Daily Life

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Dear Jess: Should I get contraception for my 13-year-old daughter?

Q. My 13-year-old daughter has a boyfriend. She insists they are not having sex, but should I get contraception for her anyway?

A. Modern Mum, we both know your daughter is too young to be having sex. However, I'm impressed by your pragmatic approach. Teenagers wrongly believe they are already grown-ups and know far more than their parents about life. As parents, we must have ongoing conversations with our kids about challenging topics like sex, and it sounds as if you have a good relationship with your daughter. You're not naive to the pressures on some young people to be sexually active before they're emotionally ready. 

Even though your daughter "insists" she isn't having sex you should still tell her that, despite your reservations, you would much rather she always talks to you so that you can help her make the right choices. Also, have you spoken with her boyfriend? 

My mum insisted on talking with my first serious boyfriend, so he was well aware that he was equally as responsible for making sure I didn't fall pregnant. 

Q. I have discovered that our French au pair has been wearing my clothes. She promised not to do it again so I gave her another chance. My friends say I should have fired her. Should I?

A. Forgiving Friend, I like your style. I used to sneak into my mum's wardrobe and wear her clothes until she put a padlock on her bedroom door. Then my sister picked the lock, and we kept helping ourselves.

So I do understand the temptation for your young au pair, and she obviously thought you wouldn't notice her dipping into your wardrobe. But the main reason I like your style is that you have given her another chance. Everyone deserves that. However, if she does it again, it's back to France for her!

Contact me via Jessica.Rowe@fairfaxmedia.com.au. Instagram: @jessjrowe. Twitter:@JessRowe.

These answers are simply my views, and I am far from perfect. I struggle through some days better than others with the help of my family, cats, chocolate and antidepressants. Unfortunately, I cannot personally reply to questions