- published: 02 Mar 2016
- views: 47677
The Church of the Gesù (Italian: Chiesa del Gesù; Italian pronunciation: [ˈkjɛːza del dʒeˈzu]) is the mother church of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), a Catholic religious order. Officially named Chiesa del Santissimo Nome di Gesù all'Argentina (English: Church of the Most Holy Name of Jesus at the "Argentina"), its facade is "the first truly baroque façade", introducing the baroque style into architecture. The church served as model for innumerable Jesuit churches all over the world, especially in the Americas. The Church of the Gesù is located in the Piazza del Gesù in Rome.
First conceived in 1551 by Saint Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits Society of Jesus, and active during the Protestant Reformation and the subsequent Catholic Reformation, the Gesù was also the home of the Superior General of the Society of Jesus until the suppression of the order in 1773. The church having been subsequently regained by the Jesuits, the adjacent palazzo is now a residence for Jesuit scholars from around the world studying at the Gregorian University in preparation for ordination to the priesthood.
Jesus of Nazareth (Italian: Gesù di Nazareth) is a 1977 British-Italian television miniseries directed by Franco Zeffirelli and co-written by Zeffirelli, Anthony Burgess, and Suso Cecchi d'Amico which dramatises the birth, life, ministry, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus. It stars Robert Powell as Jesus. The miniseries features an all-star cast of famous American and European actors, including seven Academy Award winners: Anne Bancroft, Ernest Borgnine, Laurence Olivier, Christopher Plummer (subsequent winner), Anthony Quinn, Rod Steiger, and Peter Ustinov.
Extra-biblical traditions were used in the writing of the screenplay and some characters (such as Zerah) and situations were invented for the film for brevity or dramatic purposes. Notably, Jesus of Nazareth depicts Judas Iscariot as a well-intentioned man initially, but later as a dupe of Zerah who betrays Jesus largely as a result of Zerah's false platitudes and pretexts. However, in accordance with the Gospels, the film depicts Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea as sympathetic members of the Sanhedrin. Many of the miracles of Jesus, such as the changing of water into wine at the wedding at Cana, the transfiguration, and the calming of the storm are not depicted, although Jesus healing the blind man and the crippled woman on Sabbath, the feeding of the multitude, and the raising of Lazarus from the dead are presented here.
Spirito Santo or Santo Spirito are Italian forms of "Holy Spirit". Other things using that name are:
✥ "La Vità di GESÙ di Nazaret" Film HD in ITALIANO su Cristo, il Figlio di Dio ✥
Gesù di Nazareth (Zeffirelli) - Discorsi Bellissimi !
51 - La vita di Gesù in cartoni (film completo)
Troisi - Ma la spesa chi la paga Gesù o mio padre?
La grande storia - Gesù di Nazareth 2012
I 7 Misteri di Gesù
Gesù di Nazareth - Morte e Pietà di Maria
National Geographic: 1- Gesù Il Messia.flv
20 minuti con Gesù
Bimba morta di morbillo, il primario del Bambin Gesù: "Con il vaccino sarebbe ancora viva"
Actors: Francesco De Matteis (editor), Giuseppe Marco Albano (director), Giuseppe Marco Albano (writer), Antonio Andrisani (writer), Antonio Andrisani (actor), Enzo Saponara (actor), Damiano Laterza (writer),
Genres: Comedy, Short,Actors: Denis Lavant (actor), Jerzy Stuhr (actor), Giorgio Colangeli (actor), Robinson Stévenin (actor), Fabrizio Gifuni (actor), Guido Chiesa (director), Carlo Cecchi (actor), Guido Chiesa (writer), Guido Chiesa (writer), Luca Gasparini (editor), Djemel Barek (actor), Fadila Belkebla (actress), Viviana Ronzitti (miscellaneous crew), Lorenzo Moneta (miscellaneous crew), Alberto Masi (editor),
Genres: Biography, Drama, History,Actors: Lina Sastri (actress), Cosimo Cinieri (actor), Alessandro Lucidi (editor), Philippe Leroy (actor), Giulio Base (director), Omar Sharif (actor), Sydne Rome (actress), Luca Bernabei (producer), Johannes Brandrup (actor), Luca Lionello (actor), Saverio D'Ercole (miscellaneous crew), Marco Leonardi (actor), Vanni Corbellini (actor), Marco Frisina (composer), Fabio Camilli (actor),
Plot: Saint Peter, a reluctant but passionate leader, from the crucifixion of Jesus to his own. The film's first half dramatizes the New Testament's "Acts": early fear, the renewal of Pentecost, Saul's conversion, the decision to baptize pagans, and the Apostles' dispersal. In the second half, an aged Peter goes to Rome to join Paul, arriving on the day of Paul's arrest. Paul's death brings a crisis to Rome's Christians and to Peter; lessons from Jesus's teachings guide his decision to stay. Events within the fictive household of Persius, a Roman aristocrat, capture the upheaval that Christian teachings bring to the Eternal City.
Genres: Drama,Actors: Antonio Catania (actor), Pietro De Silva (actor), Iaia Forte (actress), Adriana Asti (actress), Sabina Guzzanti (actress), Sabina Guzzanti (actress), Sabina Guzzanti (director), Sabina Guzzanti (writer), Olimpia Carlisi (actress), Neri Marcorè (actor), Stefania Orsola Garello (actress), Giovanni Esposito (actor), Marzia Milanesi (miscellaneous crew), Francesco Paolantoni (actor), Caterina Guzzanti (actress),
Genres: ,Actors: Maria Grazia Cucinotta (actress), Massimo Ghini (actor), Benjamin Sadler (actor), Luca Bernabei (producer), Gottfried John (actor), Thure Riefenstein (actor), Imanol Arias (actor), Vittorio Amandola (actor), Laura Vergelli (miscellaneous crew), Carla Maria Perrina (miscellaneous crew), Mark Thompson-Ashworth (miscellaneous crew), Giuliana de Sio (actress), Marco Frisina (composer), Paola Sangiovanni (miscellaneous crew), Danny Quinn (actor),
Plot: When the marriage between AMOS and MARY MAGDALENE turns out to be childless, he casts her out and gets a divorce. Mary has to leave Magdala. She befriends SILVANO, a Roman prefect, who promises her a new life at his side. A few days after her departure Mary meets the prophet JOHN THE BAPTIST, whom Silvano suspects of being a revolutionary. The prefect tells her to cultivate John more intensively. In this way Mary becomes acquainted with the teaching of the coming Messiah, and it begins to interest her. To protect John from the Romans she pretends to Silvano that he is harmless # but when the prefect finds out that how dangerous John is in the eyes of the tetrarch HEROD ANTIPAS, he feels he was wronged and purposely tricked by Mary. He casts her out as well. After a suicide attempt, Mary lowers herself to prostitution. HEROIDAS, the wife of Herod Antipas, invites Mary to come to her because of her knowledge of the healing arts. In this way she gets to know SALOME, who later asks for the Baptist's head. Mary is also drawn into the war for Galilee, in the course of which her home town of Magdala goes up in flames. She tries in vain to save the life of SAMUEL, the son of her friend JOANNA. He dies in her arms. She then takes him to JESUS # who brings him back to life. Mary recognizes Jesus as the Messiah, and becomes one of his disciples.
Keywords: bible, character-name-in-title, mary-magdaleneActors: Bibi Bozzato (writer), Bibi Bozzato (editor), Bibi Bozzato (director), Bibi Bozzato (composer), Paola Brolati (actress), Lorenzo Soccoli (actor), Luca Mamprin (actor), Andrea Piscitello (actor), Eleonora Goattin (actress), Lello Gnesutta (composer), Lucio Bracco (actor), Elena Bertoldi (actress), Sarah Callegaro (actress), Cinzia Cestaro (actress), Lorenzo Coro (actor),
Genres: Comedy, Mystery,Actors: Francesco Salvi (actor), Eolo Capritti (actor), Enrico Vanzina (writer), Maria Tedeschi (actress), Sandro Ghiani (actor), Daniele Alabiso (editor), Moana Pozzi (actress), Ennio Antonelli (actor), Francesco Salvi (actor), Victor Cavallo (actor), Galliano Juso (producer), Umberto Smaila (actor), Bombolo (actor), Lucio Montanaro (actor), Sergio Di Pinto (actor),
Genres: Comedy,Actors: Roman Vlad (composer), Livio Lorenzon (actor), Riccardo Cucciolla (actor), Michele Malaspina (actor), Carlo D'Angelo (actor), Ubaldo Lay (actor), Livia Contardi (actress), Roberto Bertea (actor), Roberto Bertea (actor), Gianna Piaz (actress), Gabriella Genta (actress), Mario Leone (actor), Vincenzo Lucci-Chiarissi (director),
Genres: Documentary,Actors: Renzo Rossellini (composer), Liana Ferri (writer), Franca Parisi (actress), Fiorella Mari (actress), Virgilio Sabel (editor), Virgilio Sabel (producer), Virgilio Sabel (director), Emilio Cordero (producer), Eugenio Valenti (actor), Antonio Casali (actor), Jenny Magetti (actress), Giacomo Alberione (writer), Elia Del Duca (actor), Raffaele Costante (actor), Gaetano Diana (actor),
Genres: ,Actors: Carmine Gallone (director), Diana Karenne (actress), Luigi Duse (actor), Alberto Pasquali (actor), Godofredo Mateldi (director), Camillo De Rossi (actor), Pépa Bonafé (actress), Elisa Severi (actress), Luigi Rossi (actor), Fausto Salvatori (writer), Salvatore Ramponi (actor), Signora Innocenti (actress), Pallos (actor), Signor Guacci (actor), Salvatore Mereu (actor),
Genres: Drama,Sacra BIBBIA Audio in italiano: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL14O2y7D_SXnB8RVX6IYu5uXHAzmONhI5 ✥ "La Vità di Gesù di Nazaret" Film HD in italiano su Cristo, il Figlio di Dio ✥ La dottrina della Trinità - cioè, che Dio Padre, Figlio e Spirito Santo sono tutti ugualmente ed eternamente l'unico vero Dio - può apparire difficile da comprendere, ma è il fondamento dell'insegnamento cristiano. Sia l'Antico che il Nuovo Testamento insegnano l'unità e la trinità (o tri-unità) di Dio. L'idea che ci sia un solo Dio, che ha creato tutte le cose, viene ripetutamente sottolineata in molti versi della Bibbia; un esempio è Isaia 45:18: "Così dice l'Eterno che ha creato i cieli, egli, il Dio che ha formato la terra e l'ha fatta...: 'Io sono l'Eterno e non c'è alcun altro'". Questo verso dichia...
Geniale monologo di Massimo sul cibo e Gesù del 1982 riproposto nella trasmissione Troppo Giusti a fine filmato le splendide parole di Sabrina Impacciatore sul nostro
La grande storia - Gesù di Nazareth 2012
Il capolavoro di Franco Zeffirelli "Gesù di Nazareth" nel suo epilogo tragico: la morte per Crucifissione di Gesù e il pianto disperato di Maria, la madre.
Un personaggio mistico che ha sempre suscitato interesse per studiosi e ricercatori e che con il suo messaggio, non conforme al periodo storico in cui si presuppone sia vissuto, ha fatto nascere un credo religioso basato sulla fratellanza e l'amore tra gli uomini in un luogo in cui i movimenti di ribellione all'imperialismo romano crearono un focolaio di vendette trasversali basate su conflittualità interne anche nel popolo Ebreo. Con il suo messaggio la sua mistica personalità cercò di rinnovare quella dottrina patriarcale che da centinaia di anni unificava la Palesina nell'unico popolo eletto da Dio e che proprio il fanatismo dottrinale di quel popolo cercò, senza risultato, di annientare.
"Se fosse stata vaccinata non sarebbe morta ad aprile. Quest'anno non era difficile prendere il morbillo, soprattutto per un soggetto fragile e non vaccinato, proprio perché abbiamo avuto più di 3mila casi in Italia", dichiara a Fanpage.it il dottor Alberto Villani, primario di pediatria dell'Ospedale Bambino Gesù di Roma. Una bimba di nove anni, affetta da cromosomopatia, è morta lo scorso aprile per una complicanza dovuta a un'infezione da morbillo. Le persone con malattie croniche di base, quali quelle presentate dalla paziente - precisa in una nota stampa l'ospedale romano - hanno un rischio più elevato di avere forme gravi di morbillo, infezione la cui mortalità è pari a 0,5-1 caso ogni 1000 malati". http://youmedia.fanpage.it/video/aa/WVPap-Sw-zk3eA1o
http://tripwow.tripadvisor.com/tripwow/ta-00a0-7eb0-bbd5?ytv2=1 - Created at TripWow by TravelPod Attractions (a TripAdvisor™ company) Gesu Rome Read more at: http://www.travelpod.com/ad/Gesu-Rome Travel blogs from Gesu: - "... After lunch we went on one of our famous rambling walks, stopping at the Gesu church (mother of all baroque churches), the Trevi Fountain (for the traditional tossing of coins), the Spanish Steps, Caffe ..." - "... also busses hope that railing is strong Our walk yesterday took Paula and I thru the market in Campo D'Fiori, into the baroque Gesu church, to the top of the Victor Emmanuel monument for an overview of the city, and then a walk through the Roman ..." - "... of the Immaculate Conception near Piazza Barberini, with its Capuchin crypt, decorated with the e...
17:30 show, unveiling of the silver plated statue behind a painting. This is what they used to do in Rome, quite commonly, in the 16-1700's. For fun and for free!
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! The Bay of Naples. Castel dell'Ovo. Castel Nuovo. San Martino museum with Sant'Elmo fortress behind it. The Church of Gesù Nuovo. Royal Palace. One of the many caverns beneath Naples. Italian Air Force Academy overlooking the bay of Pozzuoli, near Naples. Naples panorama. San Paolo stadium in Naples. With this plaque, a local restaurant claims to be the birthplace of the pizza named for queen Margherita. Trams, trolleybuses and buses in Corso Giuseppe Garibaldi.
Emily and Jim take bus trip to center of Rome. Church of the Gesu and Trajan Forum. Palatine HIll Museum, Roman Forum, St Peters at night.
http://carluz.uk.cloudlogin.co/wonderfuldreams/wonderful.htm (where you can find all information, vídeos, pics, ...) Miami - USA (25/11/2016) Miami - Downtown Passeio pela baixa de Miami, começando pelos arredores da AmericanAirlines Arena com vista para a Freedom Tower. Visitámos depois a Gesu Catholic Church (com um interior magnifico com destaque para os seus vitrais). A terminar vista exterior do Federal Courthouse e Miami-Dade County Courthouse. Miami - USA (25/11/2016) Miami - Downtown Walking through downtown of Miami, starting by the surroundings of the AmericanAirlines Arena were is possible admire the Freedom Tower. Next stop the Gesu Catholic Church (with a magnificent interior highlighting its stained glass windows). To finished exterior view of the Federal...
Zahi Shaked A tour guide in Israel and his camera zahigo25@walla.com +972-54-6905522 tel סיור עם מורה הדרך ומדריך הטיולים צחי שקד 0546905522 My name is Zahi Shaked In 2000 I became a registered liscenced tourist guide. My dedication in life is to pass on the ancient history of the Holy Land. Following upon many years of travel around the world, which was highlighted by a very exciting emotional and soul-searching meeting with the Dalai Lama, I realized that I had a mission. To pass on the the history of the Holy Land, its religions, and in particular, the birth and development of Christianity. In order to fulfill this "calling" in the best way possible, I studied in depth, visited, and personally experienced each and every important site of the ancient Christians. I studied for and ...
Rome's Chiesea del Gesu Church is a must see with beautiful interior and when organist is playing before mass
ROME in 4K Playlist: https://goo.gl/Zh7FRr ITALY in 4K Playlist: https://goo.gl/DzeETV EUROPE in 4K Playlist: https://goo.gl/pnjrvi In this travel reel are presented some beautiful aerial view establishing shots in day time of Rome the tourism destination capital city of Italy in the European Union. Famous iconic italian tourist attraction landmarks can be seen here such: Monument of Vittorio Emanuele II (The Vittoriano also known as Altare della patria), Church of Saints Ambrogio and Carlo al Corso, Santissima Trinita degli Spagnoli, Sant'Atanasio Greek Catholic church, All Saints Anglican Church, All Saints Church, Gesu e Maria, San Giacomo in Augusta, Santa Maria in Montesanto catholic church, Santa Maria dei Miracoli church, Pantheon, The Church of St. Ignatius of Loyola at Campus Mar...
No where else than in Rome you can find so many reminders of the history of the Catholic Church and so many beautiful churches and monuments. And much of Rome is easy to walk. Many of these locations are within 10-20 blocks of one another, so if you pace yourself (perhaps stop for a cup of cappuccino along the way) you can easily visit many of these places on foot. Of course if you are with an organized tour they will probably provide your own private transportation. Check in advance to find out--especially if you have mobility problems--but don't let that keep you away. A word of warning if you plan to contract with a local tour guide in Rome. Some guides are excellent and some are very poor. In addition, some can be quite anti-Catholic. Comments such as "these items were stolen from......
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Que os homem armaram
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Apagar sem ver
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Nem um cigarro
Fiquei na porta
Estacionando os carros
Não me elegeram
Chefe de nada
O meu cartão de crédito
É uma navalha
Mostra tua cara
Quero ver quem paga
Pra gente ficar assim
Qual é o teu negócio
O nome do teu sócio
Confia em mim
Não me convidaram
Pra essa festa pobre
Que os homens armaram
Pra me convencer
A pagar sem ver
Toda essa droga
Que já vem molhada
Antes de eu nascer