Following up on our latest Public Statement on 06 February 2017

On January 29, Atheist Alliance International received a fraudulent request for funds transfer, originating from our This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. address. We did not honour the request, and we reported it to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), who assigned a case number. All AAI Board members are well-aware of AAI's policy of Board approval for all non-operational expenses, excepting the President's monthly discretionary spending. For obvious reasons, our Treasurer did not transfer the funds, and no further correspondence was received by the requester.
As a prominent atheist organization, AAI is no stranger to fraudulent request for funds. We ignore obvious scams, and when a financial institution is misrepresented, we forward said correspondence to their spoof or phishing reporting e-mail address. However, the timing of the request, closely coinciding with the other anonymous accusations against Mr. Romano, raised our Treasurer's suspicions, so she reported it to the Board. Mr. Romano stated that he was unaware of the request prior, and that he did not send it nor the follow-up. The Board has no reason to doubt this is true. Our Treasurer turned in the relevant documentation to the local authorities, who assigned a case number. However, since AAI did not suffer a financial loss from this fraudulent attempt, it is unlikely that this case will get prioritized if even addressed.
Four days later, on February 2, 2017, Atheist Alliance International (AAI) received correspondence from an anonymous source, who accused our President, Onur Romano, of being "a serial abuser, and he escapes from law and persecution, country after country." Our Secretary immediately contacted the local authorities in the city where Mr. Romano resides, as well as the authorities in the Secretary's country of residence to report the accusation and offer our full cooperation.
Mr. Romano submitted his resignation on February 5, 2017 in the interest of preserving our organization's reputation. AAI proceeded with an internal investigation. Mr. Romano has denied the allegations made by the anonymous accuser, and cooperated fully and transparently with both the local authorities and AAI, at his own expense. He denied the anonymous accuser's allegations, and produced documentation showing a clean criminal record in Turkey, the US, and Canada, and documentation of his acquittal of the charges in USA. He has also issued a letter from his lawyer in USA, confirming that "although Mr.Cilek(Romano) requested a timely trial while the evidence and recollection of witnesses was fresh and the witnesses were in the area and available to testify," the case against him was dismissed in 2003 because "the State felt that they would not meet their burden of proving a case against Mr.Cilek(Romano)".
Our internal investigation further addressed an allegation by one of our member organizations' leadership, who claimed that a member of their organization voted for Mr. Romano to the role of AAI President without authorization. Our records indicate that Mr. Romano nominated himself as an individual member of AAI, and did not identify any affiliate or associate member, or individual representing same, as an endorser in his application. His application was presented to AAI's Board in November 2015, and the on-line motion to accept him as a Board member was unanimous. He was unanimously elected as President by the Board in April 2016, and the motion to confirm his role was passed at our 2015 AGM unanimously.
On April 7, 2017, the RCMP followed up, stating their investigation is finalized and did not support any of the anonymous allegations, confirming Mr. Romano's clean record and legitimate residency in Canada, and advising us to regard the matter as closed.
In the unanticipated possibility that the relevant legal authorities seek further information from AAI, we remain committed to transparency, and we will cooperate to the best of our abilities to facilitate any legal investigation. In the interim, we consider this issue settled. AAI regards this investigation as closed. Further, the Board unanimously supported Mr. Romano's immediate re-instatement as President of AAI on April 5, 2017.
Atheist Alliance International

For Media release

On February 2, 2017, Atheist Alliance International (AAI) received correspondence from an anonymous source, alleging that our President, Onur Romano, was guilty of sexual battery. AAI took immediate action by responding to the anonymous source and others cc'd on the correspondence, and reporting these allegations to the Victoria, BC, branch of Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Mr. Romano has denied these allegations and is cooperating with AAI. He contacted the relevant authorities and provided documentary evidence that he was exonerated during previous investigations and holds a clean criminal record. Pending an ongoing internal investigation, Mr. Romano has voluntarily suspended his role without prejudice as President, and as an Officer on AAI's Board of Directors.
Further, an attempt was made by an individual posing as the President to withdraw a substantial amount of money from AAI's account. We will report this activity to the relevant authorities, and an internal investigation is under way.
We are not yet able to determine if these incidents are related.
AAI takes both these incidents very seriously. We will continue our investigations, and we are committed to transparency in reporting to our membership and the broader public. We will report on our investigations pending their conclusions.
Vice President Christine Shellska has taken on the role of Acting President pending the outcome of these investigations. She can be contacted at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Why I'm not a Christian/Why I'm not a Muslim by the late Frank Downer Saintilan

Atheist Alliance International would like to thank Paul Saintilan for kindly and generously gifting this work to us for free distribution. As a "mark of respect and in an effort to commemorate his passing," Mr. Saintilan compiled the document, which was authored by his late father and includes "Why I am Not a Christian," and "Why I am Not a Muslim." Please help us celebrate the life of Frank Downer Saintilan, and to help his legacy live on, by enjoying and sharing this thoughtful collection.

An appeal to stop witch hunting in Nigeria

By Leo Igwe
I am using this medium to ask you to contact ACP Bunmi Osoko (TEL NO. 08033004406) Officer in-charge State Criminal Intelligence and Investigation Department, Cross River State police headquarters (Nigeria) and urge him to investigate and bring to justice those who lynched TWO ALLEGED WITCHES, CHIEF BASSEY EFFIOM NGWE and MR ASUQUO EFFIONG ETIM from Akwa Ikot Effanga in Akpabuyo LGA, Cross River State, Nigeria. (Graphic: See attached the blazing remains of Chief Bassey Effiom Ngwe) The alleged witches were killed by a lynch mob ON SUNDAY JULY 3 2016 after a 'native doctor' declared that they were responsible for several deaths of young people in the village. The native doctor is currently in police custody but according to my local contact person, none of those who killed the alleged witches had been arrested. There are concerns that the matter may eventually die if pressure is not brought on the Nigerian state and police authorities to bring the perpetrators to justice! In addition, the lynch mob had attacked and looted the house of CHIEF BASSEY EFFIOM NGWE after the son reported the case to the police. The son has fled the community and is currently in hiding.We need you to take urgent action NOW
PLEASE call ACP Bunmi Osoko (TEL NO. 08033004406). You can also contact the Nigerian President, Muhammadu Buhari, the Governor of Cross River, Benedict Ayade, Inspector General of Police in Abuja to take action on the matter!
Witch hunting must stop. Witch hunters must be brought to justice!burntbody

Nonreligious Scouts offered badge to protest Boy Scout bigotry

Boyscout BadgetiltMadison, WI - AAI Affiliate Freedom From Religion Foundation is unveiling a freethought badge to reward young nonbelievers and challenge the Boy Scouts of America's discrimination against the nonreligious.
The badge, featuring a red "A" based on a symbol of atheism and agnosticism popularized by distinguished scientist and atheist Richard Dawkins, is being issued in collaboration with the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason & Science.  The Boy Scouts of America formally discriminates against nonreligious boys and their families, officially excluding atheists, agnostics and nonbelievers. Currently, the organization maintains "that no member can grow into the best kind of citizen without recognizing his obligation to God."
"The Freedom From Religion Foundation maintains instead that no one who discriminates against the nonreligious can grow into the best kind of citizen," says FFRF co-founder Annie Laurie Gaylor, who is co-president of FFRF with her husband Dan Barker.
"It's what you do — not what you believe — that makes you a good person," adds Barker, a former evangelical minister who is also co-founder of The Clergy Project, a support group for ministers who lose their faith.
FFRF, at the urging of its member Richard Kirschman, has produced a badge similar to the Boy Scouts' merit badges, which are typically sewn on uniforms or sashes.
Scouts who wish to earn this badge are asked to help disprove the group's misguided claim that nonbelievers cannot be good citizens. The requirements, paralleling typical merit badge requirements, ask Scouts to learn about secularism and the rich history of dissent from religion.

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In The Beginning...Was Atheism

Earliest evidence for atheism predates Jesus by at least 500 years, Cambridge professor argues
A new Cambridge University study argues that atheism is in fact one of the world's oldest religions – long predating Christianity and Islam.
Far from being the result of scientific breakthroughs or modern mass education, the belief that there were no gods was relatively common in the ancient world, research by Prof Tim Whitmarsh, a leading Cambridge classicist, concludes.
But the "ancient atheism" was effectively written out of history after Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire after the reign of Constantine in the early 4th Century, heralding a new era of state-imposed belief, Prof Whitmarsh, Professor of Greek Culture at Cambridge, argues.

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Gambian President Declares an Islamic State

Map of GambiaThis week, the river nation of The Gambia is celebrating its 51st year of independence. The question is whether it is doing so as Africa's second official Islamic state.
"In line with the country's religious identity and values, I proclaim The Gambia as an Islamic state," President Yahya Jammeh declared in December. "Accepting Allah's religion as your religion and as your way of life is not negotiable."
Pakistan, Iran, and fellow African nation Mauritania also identify themselves as Islamic states.
However, the claim has drawn ire from opposition and pro-democracy groups.
Jammeh said the decision to declare the country an Islamic state was a response to the current reality in Gambia, a British colony until 1965.
"As Muslims are the majority in the country, Gambia cannot afford to continue the colonial legacy," he said.
Bounded by the overwhelmingly Muslim Senegal, Christians make up about 5 percent of Gambia's 1.7 million population. More than half of this group is Catholic, while Protestants make up 1.5 percent of the total population, according to 2010 data from the Pew Research Center's Global Religious Futures project.
Gambia's opposition leader objected to the announcement, arguing that Gambia is a secular state, and a change to that must be constitutionally confirmed.
"You cannot make such a declaration without going through a referendum," said National Reconciliation Party leader Hamat Bah.
Jammeh has been in power since his coup in 1994, and has a "deplorable human rights record and rampant corruption" which lost him Western support, said Human Rights Watch's Jeffrey Smith.
"As such, he is desperately attempting to foster a closer and more lucrative relationship with the Arab world," Smith told Al-Jazeera. "By couching his decision in terms of 'fighting colonialism,' we can see that he is trying to cozy up with other parts of the world that harbor anti-West sentiments."

AAI Gender Balance Report

2016-03 AAI Gender Balance ReportAtheist Alliance International has released a report on Gender Imbalance in the atheist community, its sources, and its possible responses and solutions.
Gender imbalance in the atheist / humanist community has been noted for many years, including in AAI's own Atheist Census project. AAI has determined this gender imbalance to be a problem in our community, rooted in centuries-old patriarchal systems and promoted and defended by many of the world's religions.
In today's modernist world with recognized human rights for women as outlined in the UN's Convention on Women's Rights, AAI believes that gender imbalance, both in our own communities as well as in the general populace, is an important issue for atheists to embrace and work to overcome as part of our responsibility to our humanity.
The report has been added to AAI's Position Statements webpage and can be read there.

Vatican Told to Get Tough on Money Laundering

vatican1VATICAN CITY (RNS) A European financial crimes watchdog on Tuesday (Dec. 15) called on the Vatican to prosecute those caught money laundering, stating the Holy See must act to ensure the success of its financial reforms.
"There is a need now for the anti-money laundering and counter terrorist financing system, to deliver effective results in terms of prosecutions, convictions and confiscation," said the report by the Council of Europe's Moneyval oversight agency.
Although the Holy See has adopted new legislation in recent years to tackle money laundering within the city-state, there have been no indictments or prosecutions as a result of the new rules.
The Vatican had to agree to the vetting procedure after it joined the European Union Monetary Convention in 2009 as part of an effort to clean up its finances and shed the Holy See's reputation for financial scandals.

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Icelanders flocking to the Zuist religion

A new religion, Zuism, based on the worship of the ancient Sumeran gods promises a refund for government religion taxes for everyone registering with their religious group in Iceland.

On the Zuist website in Iceland it was advertised that anyone over the age of 16 registering with the religion (and thus unregistering from the National Church of Iceland) would get a refund for these fees called parish fees. However, tax authorities have responded to questions from news organizations explaining that if Zuists go ahead to refund parish fees to their members they will have to pay income tax from these funds.
Zuists would like to abolish government funding to religious organisations in the form of parish fees and believe that the "state should stop gathering data on the personal religious beliefs of Icelanders."

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