Yesterday, Statistics Canada acknowledged that it has changed the Canadian Census, removing historically critical sections of the census form like ethnicity, education, employment, income, housing and disability. This information will now be gathered from a new, voluntary, National Household Survey, and will never be released publicly.
That is indeed what the stories this morning were saying, although to be fair, Tony Clement (the Minister responsible) suggests otherwise here. As for me, I'm far more worried that the response rate will fall precipitously as people look at the thing and decide that, if its not required, they're not going to bother (and that those who do bother will make for a biased sample).
And, by the way, if you look at the website for, who may be one of the driving forces behind the census change, it appears to have been designed by nutters. Furthermore, their head guy, Don Rogers, runs a website dedicated to curbing illegal partying and rowdy behavior within the Queen’s student housing area.
Please, please don't tell me this guy has a line to Tony Clement and the PMO.