Showing posts with label Surveillance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Surveillance. Show all posts

Monday, July 4, 2011


Donate NowNew development: Independent ISPs -- which fight Big Telecom to provide us with affordable Internet prices -- have come out publicly to say the government’s online spying plan will destroy Canada’s already fragile Internet choice and competition. If we don’t stop this online spying scheme, you will have to pay more for Internet access.

Many generous people like yourself have contributed to the campaign this week, and we've almost reached our goal. Now, indie ISP Acanac has told me they will generously provide matching funds if we meet our goal in the next 24 hours. This is a huge opportunity and we're very close, so please
contribute now to help us get over the final hurdle.

Why should you contribute to our campaign now?

  1. To save your money: You’ll stop a spying scheme that will increase phone and Internet prices and hurt Canada’s economy.
  2. To protect your privacy: You’ll help stop a range of “authorities” from having access to your private information via your Internet and mobile devices.
  3. To make a difference: Your contribution will pay for ads in Public Safety Minister Vic Toews riding. We’ve used this strategy to force the government to back down before. With your help, we can do it again.

Steve Anderson (on behalf of the team and all our volunteers)

P.S. There are hundreds of thousands of us, so if everyone gave $5 -- less than the cost of lunch -- we'd easily reach our

* is a registered non-profit organization that relies on donations to operate.
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