Showing posts with label Medical Marijuana. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Medical Marijuana. Show all posts

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Health Canada has recently released a series of proposed changes to the Federal Medical Marijuana program.  The proposed changes do nothing to address issues identified in the many successful court challenges of the program.  In fact the proposed changes promise to worsen program quality and access for patients.  Please see the below update provided by the Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy:

Health Canada's proposal includes removing Personal Production Licenses (PPL) for patients, reform of the application for exemption procedures, and the creation of 'licensed commercial distributors', among other changes.  Make your opinion heard.  How do you want to see the federal medical cannabis program improved?

Health Canada's proposed changes are available here:

You can send comments to Health Canada here:
Email -
Fax - 613-946-4224
Mail -
Marihuana Consultations
Controlled Substances and Tobacco Directorate
Health Canada
Mail Room, Federal Records Centre - Bldg 18
1st Floor, 161 Goldenrod Driveway, Tunney's Pasture
Ottawa ON K1A 0K9

After medical cannabis dispensaries were ignored in the  proposed changes, the Canadian Association of Medical Cannabis Dispensaries launched their ‘Dispensaries are Indispensable’ endorsement campaign to show how important medical cannabis dispensaries are for people who use cannabis medically.  If you use cannabis medically and believe that ‘Dispensaries are Indispensable’ please check out this campaign:

Also troubled with Health Canada’s proposals, WhyProhibition has created an online petition laying out their concerns with the changes.  The petition describes how the changes will not increase or promote improved patient access, and that Health Canada needs to “return to the drawing board”.  The petition is available here:

It is time Canadian policies recognize that cannabis is safe and effective medicine.  Please take a look at Health Canada’s proposed changes and have your voice heard before the July 31 consultation deadline.

Caleb Chepesiuk
Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy