Penalty rates: Government MP George Christensen crosses floor to vote with Labor

Updated June 21, 2017 05:35:40

Federal Government backbencher George Christensen has crossed the floor and backed a Labor bill to stop penalty rates cuts, but it has been defeated.

The Opposition was trying to reverse a decision by the industrial umpire to reduce Sunday penalty rates.

Labor has attacked the Government for refusing to intervene after the Fair Work Commission recommended cuts to some penalty rates earlier this year.

Tuesday night's move was narrowly defeated 72-73, a loss Mr Christensen described as "sad".

"Just crossed floor and voted to save penalty rates from Fair Work Commission cuts and unions bargaining them away in EAs. Sad vote lost 73-72," Mr Christensen tweeted.

On Monday, Mr Christensen introduced a private members bill to effectively overturn the Fair Work Commission's recent ruling.

He told the ABC he supported Labor's amendment because it was "my private members bill pretty much word for word".

"I was happy to cast my vote for the amendment putting to rest all those claims my bill was a stunt," Mr Christensen said.

"My bill sought to protect penalty rates but also have a level playing field between small business and big business."

Last week, Mr Christensen came very close to voting with Labor to hold a new inquiry into the banks.

Topics: government-and-politics, federal-government, industrial-relations, federal-parliament, political-parties, australia

First posted June 20, 2017 22:28:06