news and action

19 Jun 2017 >> Action, News, Top story

Anti fascists will be shocked and appalled at the Islamophobic attack by a man who used a van to mow down Muslims leaving late …

14 Jun 2017 >> Action, News, Top story

The Islamophobic and fascist sect, Britain First, plan to visit the city of Birmingham June 24th. They had aimed at an earlier, unwanted intrusion, but had …

14 Jun 2017 >> Action, News, Top story

The remaining rump of the fascist English Defence League (EDL) are returning to London, on June 24. This is just a few weeks after their …

12 Jun 2017 >> Action, News, Top story

Mancunian anti-racists came out to oppose a national demonstration led by ex-EDL leader ‘Tommy Robinson’ and other racists in Manchester on Sunday.

The demonstration was first …

7 Jun 2017 >> Action, News, Top story


Unite Against Fascism (UAF)  are supporting a counter demonstration this Sunday in Manchester,  (details here, )against an attempt by far-right groups and individuals, eg, …

5 Jun 2017 >> Action, News, Top story

Edl confronted near Lime St Street station

UAF’s Weyman Bennett addresses part of the rally
Before the horrific attack in London on Saturday night, (to which of …

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