

Facing the Right: A Conversation with Tarso Luís Ramos

The Center for Political Education hosted an event with Tarso Luís Ramos, of Political Research Associates looking at the current constellation of right wing forces within government and on the ground. This event explored emerging threats and authoritarian trends in the U.S. and globally, identifying some of the top threats facing the left movements today, and how organizers and activists can respond.

The Facing Race conference, coordinated by Race Forward this Novemeber in Atlanta, brought together some of the most noteworthy names in progressive organizing right now. This week on the show, we have a special compilation of interviews from the conference with these very activists.

Laura speaks with Tarso Luís Ramos, executive director of Political Research Associates, about the unusual emergence of the far right across the world; Kim Diehl of the National Employment Law Project, on strategy for progressive movements; Cara Shufelt and Jessica Campbell, of the Rural Organizing Project, on supporting rural mobilizations and Oregon’s patriot movement; and Esha Pandit, from the Center for Advancing Innovative Policy, on reproductive justice victories in Texas.


Learn more about the Patriot movement in this video produced by the Resist.TV Collective highlighting the work of Political Research Associates and Rural Organizing Project. Read the full report, Up in Arms: A Guide to Oregon’s Patriot Movement, here:


Worker Timeline Screencap
Check out our interactive timeline of attacks on low-wage and immigrant worker organizing. The timeline is a supplement to PRA’s groundbreaking new report Dark Money, Dirty War: The Corporate Crusade Against Low-Wage Workers, authored by PRA researcher Mariya Strauss.


The concerted effort by the Religious Right to redefine Religious Freedom is steadily making its way through the courts and legislators. Political Research Associates’ senior fellow, Fred Clarkson, explains why all Americans (religious and non-religious alike), should be paying attention.


The full undercover video taken of U.S. anti-gay Pastor Scott Lively in Uganda (2009). Lively gave an hours-long lecture to policymakers, faith leaders, and the public about the “evil” of homosexuality, and how Western homosexuals are “coming into [Uganda] schools to molest children.”

PRA’s senior researcher Kapya Kaoma joined ITN News’ Channel 4 (England) in a spotlight feature about Scott Lively’s involvement in the creation of Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill. The piece includes PRA’s exclusive video of Lively’s presentation at a Uganda anti-gay conference in 2009.

Political Research Associates’ Senior Religion and Sexuality Researcher, Rev. Dr. Kapya Kaoma, joined The Real News Network to discuss how U.S. conservative evangelicals are the real culprits behind Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Law.

Executive Director Tarso Luís Ramos and Senior Religion and Sexuality Researcher Kapya Kaoma speak in PRA’s “Think Globally Before Acting Globally” workshop at the 2014 Creating Change conference.


Jay Michaelson discusses PRA’s groundbreaking report Redefining Religious Liberty: the Covert Campaign Against Civil Rights on NPR’s All Things Considered


June 5, 2013: PRA fellow Jay Michaelson speaks about his recent report, Redefining Religious Liberty: The Covert Campaign Against Human Rights, with Abby Scher, PRA’s Interim Research Director.


Feb. 22, 2013: PRA researcher Rev. Kapya Kaoma and Ugandan Bishop Christopher Senyonjo interviewed in regard to their role in God Loves Uganda documentary, along with director Roger Ross Williams.


Jan. 23, 2013: New York Times op-doc “Gospel of Intolerance” featuring PRA rsearcher Rev. Kapya Kaoma discussing the U.S. evangelical support of homophobia in Uganda.


Dec. 8, 2012: 30 Years of the Right Stuff: A short retrospective looking at PRA’s 30-year history studying and challenging the U.S. right-wing.


July 27, 2012: Rev. Canon Dr. Kapya Kaoma, PRA expert on religion and sexuality, speaks on Al Jazeera about the U.S. Christian Right’s exportation of anti-gay views to Africa, with Pam Spees of the Center for Constitutional Rights.


June 18, 2012: Interview with Pam Chamberlain, editor of Resisting the Rainbow: Right-Wing Responses to LGBT Gains, about the findings of the 2012 Political Research Associates report.


March 31, 2011: Thom Cincotta, author of Manufacturing the Muslim Menace, speaks about Islamophobia in law enforcement training at a panel on “New McCarthyism and King Hearings.”


Feb. 4, 2011: PRA researcher Rev. Canon Dr. Kapya Kaoma, an Anglican priest from Zambia, speaks at a vigil for murdered gay Ugandan activist David Kato, denouncing the dangerous homophobic lies exported by the U.S. Christian Right to Africa.


Nov. 10, 2010: Chip Berlet participates in a UC Berkeley panel on “Tapping into Fear, Anger, and Resentment: The Tea Party and the Climate of Threat.”


March 29, 2010: On The Rachel Maddow Show, PRA Senior Analyst Chip Berlet weighs in on the strain of apocalypticism in violent anti-government militia, after the arrest of members of the Christian fundamentalist Hutaree militia.


Dec. 12, 2009: Rev. Kapya Kaoma discusses Rick Warren’s extensive influence in promoting anti-gay sentiment in Uganda on The Rachel Maddow Show.


Dec. 9, 2009: Rachel Maddow airs PRA’s undercover recording of Scott Lively urging “zero tolerance” for homosexuality in Uganda, then interviews  Rev. Dr. Kapya Kaoma about his investigation.