Alinta Energy is seeking a permit for a 300-megawatt gas-fired power station to be built about one hour north of Adelaide at a cost of $450 million, just over a a year after closing coal-fired stations at Port Augusta.

Shots fired into an inner-south suburban home in Adelaide overnight were likely to be drug-related, police say, and links to outlaw motorcycle gangs are being investigated.

Putting Australia's brightest minds in a room for 24 hours to create a start-up concept can result in amazing ideas.

As a federal review gets underway into Australia's future hopes in space, an Adelaide-based satellite developer says the nation must set up a "lean and efficient" space agency.

Daniel Kirk suffered a serious ankle injury while playing in the SANFL but is now about to represent Australia as a discus thrower.

The owners of a Royal Adelaide Show ride that killed eight-year-old Adelene Leong in 2014 are fined $157,500, but are not ordered to pay because they are financially unable to.

A former air traffic controller says there are safety concerns about a plan for an Adelaide CBD helipad which would be under the main flight path for the city's airport.

Australia is rapidly becoming a world leader in protected cropping as farmers look for creative ways to grow more food using less land and resources.

Nearly $300,000 in union funds have been retrieved by the Ambulance Employees Association of South Australia, after the money was allegedly lost in unsanctioned transactions and two employees resigned rather than answer to the secretary, documents viewed by the ABC reveal.

A knee injury could delay the arrival of the latest Adelaide Thunderbirds signing, former New Zealand netballer Catherine Tuivaiti.

Chances are you have hosted a critter or two at your house, but have you ever willingly invited a giant cockroach to stay?

Giant Australian cuttlefish, which are known to live fast and die young, are putting on an impressive display for people flocking to see their annual breeding ritual.

A man who killed his neighbour's cat with a bow and arrow because he thought it would attack his chickens is given a suspended jail sentence after a magistrate describes the cruelty as "barbaric".

What around-the-house head lice treatment myths can be debunked, and can they really be passed on via a smartphone?

Nurses should be given more powers to discharge patients and help ease the pressure on South Australia's overcrowded hospitals, the union says.

A pilot who believes his light aircraft was struck by a drone ahead of landing in Adelaide's north prompts an investigation by Australian Transport Safety Bureau officers.

Industry groups, state governments and farm bodies are demanding a national approach to regulating labour hire on farms.

Some regional towns are selling petrol cheaper than Adelaide, as fuel experts attempt to explain differing prices and how drivers can make the most of them.

Port Adelaide footballers will mentor prison inmates in a program designed to build life skills and hopefully cut rates of reoffending.

A woman murdered her partner over a drawn-out period by lacing his drinks with drugs, Adelaide police allege, as she faces a hearing which follows a complex investigation.

Peter Dansie is charged with the murder of his 67-year-old wife Helen, who drowned in an Adelaide parklands pond earlier this year.

Hundreds of new finance sector jobs for an Adelaide company show South Australia's ability to be innovative, the state's Investment Minister says.

The Adelaide Fringe Festival doubles its value to South Australia's economy over the past six years, the event director says, with venue registrations for 2018 to open soon.

A new high school curriculum will help young people realise there's no conflict between following Islam and being raised Australian, despite an atmosphere of Islamaphobia, according to young student Gaida Merei.

Three of Australia's rarest reptiles are given a health check at Adelaide Zoo as they prepare to move from captivity into the wild.
