My history of self-harm has left me with scars – but I see them as a mark of my survival
I started self-harming by cutting myself superficially as a teenager.
When I was struggling with it, I felt deeply alone. Unfortunately, the stats show that self-harm is prevalent and the situation is getting worse.
Around 13% of young people (aged 11-16) are self-harming and there was an increase in 10-14 year olds attending A&E with self-harm related injuries between 2010 and 2012.
Self-harm includes a range of deliberate behaviours including cutting, burning, bruising by hitting objects, breaking bones, inserting objects into the skin, re-opening wounds and overdosing.
These behaviours are most often seen in borderline personality disorder, however, they are also seen in people with other mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders and schizophrenia.
It is very difficult to open up about something when you know there’s misunderstanding and stigma around the subject. It’s a common misconception that self-harm is a negative attention seeking behaviour and it can be seen as manipulative and divisive.
This is not the case, and most people who self-harm are experiencing serious emotional distress and will feel ashamed about their behaviour.
My self-harming behaviour got worse as my eating disorder took grip. I heard a voice that told me that if I ate I had to harm myself. Of course, it is a natural human instinct to eat in order to survive.
My anorexia meant I was restricting my eating severely but if I thought about eating the voice would scream and scream until I harmed myself, which would then provide a release.
If I did not harm myself I’d get more and more overwhelmed by the the voice and the agonising desire for relief, often I would end up feeling as though suicide would be the only way this vicious cycle was going to stop.
As a result I have multiple scars on my arms, abdomen and legs, some of which are red and raised. At the time, self-harm felt like a necessity in order to survive – it was either harm myself or kill myself, and I did not give a second thought to the scars.
One suicide attempt resulted in broken bones and I have a number of scars caused by the necessary surgery. In some way I consider some of my scars a mark of survival – without them I would not be alive.
I have not harmed myself for many years but I’m still suffering the consequences.
Most of the time I wish to cover up my scars. This desire is fuelled by fearing stigma or discrimination.
In my job, it’s important that I’m trusted – who could trust someone who was so out of control that they would cause themselves such damage? Until recently I hid my arms under long sleeved tops.
The environment I work in now is very hot and I am not able to resist pushing my sleeves up at times. I worry about what other people will think of me and my scars but people rarely comment.
Time has allowed my mind to heal and to come to terms with how badly I’ve treated my body. I still strongly dislike how they look but I’ve realised that we’re all bruised and battered from what life throws at us, it’s just that my scars are visible.
I wouldn’t say I’m proud of my scars, but I am proud that I survived. They are just a symbol of the journey it took to get me where I am today.
My husband has helped me come to terms with how they look as he doesn’t see them. When he looks at me he sees who I am, not what I’ve done.
If people want to judge me as incompetent or generally misjudge me when they see my scars, as hard as that is for me to accept, I’ve realised that it’s their problem, not mine.
MORE: 5 things people still don’t understand about self-harm