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  • Comment Featured Theresa May’s 10 serious failures over the Grenfell Tower tragedy

    Theresa May’s 10 serious failures over the Grenfell Tower tragedy

    The failure of Theresa May and her government to mount a coherent or compassionate, response to the Grenfell Tower tragedy has appalled the nation. While some have focussed on how the prime minister’s mistakes have weakened her politically – coming so soon after a botched general election campaign – it is the impact on the bereaved, the survivors and the west London community that is the most important factor. These are just 10 of the serious errors made by May since […]

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  • Comment Europe Featured Seats and Selections The six seats Labour lost on June 8 – and every one of them in a Brexit town

    The six seats Labour lost on June 8 – and every one of them in a Brexit town

    There were many positives for Labour on June 8, as it posted a net gain of 30 MPs, but there were six seats that we lost – and all of them went to the Tories. If we want to build on the election result, with the hope of a parliamentary majority and the ability to form a government, we need to ask why people in these constituencies did not back Jeremy Corbyn’s vision for Britain. Many of these seats are ones […]

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  • Comment Featured How Corbyn’s message helped Labour reclaim a key marginal seat

    How Corbyn’s message helped Labour reclaim a key marginal seat

    After a big hit of schadenfreude for some on June 8, and a large slice of humble pie for others, the task remains to seriously consider what went so right for Labour in the general election and what must be done now to win a majority. This account comes from my first hand experience of helping to manage Chris Williamson’s successful bid to win back Derby North, a seat we lost to the Tories in 2015 by a mere 41 […]

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  • Featured News Corbyn completes spectacular turnaround to post three point lead over Tories

    Corbyn completes spectacular turnaround to post three point lead over Tories

    Labour has raced ahead of the Tories in a spectacular new poll. Jeremy Corbyn’s party scored a three point lead, completing the reversal of a 17-point deficit, according to a Survation study. On the day Brexit talks were due to begin, and with the country formally without a government due to the slow progress of Tory talks with the DUP, signs emerged that voters’ patience with Theresa May is wearing thin. The prime minister’s party fell back a single point while Labour […]

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  • Featured News Corbyn confirms Diane Abbott’s comeback and says she is getting “support”

    Corbyn confirms Diane Abbott’s comeback and says she is getting “support”

    Diane Abbott has returned to her role as shadow home secretary after illness forced her to step down in the final days of the election campaign. Jeremy Corbyn confirmed his long-time ally would return to her post after she took a break and then disclosed that she is suffering from diabetes which had spiralled “out of control” during the frenetic final period before the vote. Abbott had been criticised for a series of awkward broadcast interviews during the election race, including on […]

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