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Timothy Clark May 21
When the cowardly CROOKS Manafort & Cohen turn on Trump & cop a plea to cooperate with Mr. Mueller (they will), Trump will become a “dead man walking” because Mr. Mueller will destroy Trump with overwhelming evidence of his many crimes. Stay tuned!
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Micky Messer May 15
Life has taught me that dishonesty is a destroyer. Relationships—whether marital, family, spiritual, friend, business or otherwise—cannot survive if they are not bred, fed and nurtured in a climate of honesty. 1 Corinthians 4:5
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*Caroline* 18h
Replying to @SharylAttkisson
The storm is here!!! 🌪️🌪️🌪️🌪️
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connected galaxies🙌 May 21
AETHEREAL-The Battle for Heaven and Earth (Biblical Cosmology): Great resource. Modern science is nothing more than a religion, teachings from Kabbala and
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MillCityCrochet May 20
And IF your demands are met, will intervene and take it to the streets! Rosenstein will uphold the law.
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Chrissy Wolpert May 20
Replying to @MSNBC
An Innocent Man does NOT Discredit the Process, or the people. He Welcomes It. GUILTY Men ALWAYS Cry Foul, Because of Their GUILT. My Confidence in the FBI,CIA,and DOJ Is Stronger Than EVER !!
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Devon Davidson May 18
22 school shootings in the US in 2018 now. This is equivalent to 1 shooting every week. It's sad to think that the US government could be behind these shootings.
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Justice 4 Lucas Hernandez May 18
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Belinda Mullinix May 17
You're not imagining the crimes, it's not "fake news", you do see corruption, you're not insane. But the situation is.
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NeKa TruthMatters May 17
Replying to @robreiner
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Ashoke Pandit May 16
Congress who has lost power in 2014 is still under shock and have not yet come to terms. Frustration, desperation, Arrogance has become the basic character & religion of . & will rule .
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Ginni S. May 16
Replying to @resistdan
Wow. Ok, that makes sense. And Putin has it. Or maybe Avenatti has it.
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Ginni S. May 16
Guys, is preparing for the BIG eruption. This is a metaphor for many things happening right now. Pay attention.
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Desdemona May 16
You are afraid of people finding out how much of the RNC PAC $$ you took was laundered Russian $$.
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Manisha Gulati May 13
Held special court yesterday at my residence on request of victim for speedy relief and justice
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