- published: 07 Mar 2016
- views: 400
International development or global development is a wide concept concerning level of development on an international scale. It is the basis for international classifications such as developed country, developing country and least developed country. There are however many schools of thought and conventions regarding, which are the exact features constituting development of a country.
Historically it has been largely synonymous with economic development. Recently it is also often used in a holistic and multi-disciplinary context of human development as well as other concepts like competitiveness, quality of life or subjective well-being.
International development is different from simple development in that it is specifically composed of institutions and policies that arose after the Second World War. These institutions focus on alleviating poverty and improving living conditions in previously colonised countries.
Although international relations and international trade have existed for many hundreds of years, it is only in the past century that international development theory emerged as a separate body of ideas. More specifically, it has been suggested that 'the theory and practice of development is inherently technocratic, and remains rooted in the high modernist period of political thought that existed in the immediate aftermath of the Second World War'. Throughout the 20th century, before the concept of international development became a common word, four aspects were used to describe the idea:
World Development is a monthly peer-reviewed academic journal covering development studies. The journal was established in 1973 and is published by Elsevier.
According to the Journal Citation Reports, the journal has a 2011 impact factor of 1.537.
World Development Indicators (WDI) is the primary World Bank collection of development indicators, compiled from officially-recognized international sources. It presents the most current and accurate global development data available, and includes national, regional and global estimates. This statistical reference includes over 800 indicators covering more than 150 economies. The annual publication is released in April of each year. The online database is updated three times a year.
The World Bank’s Open Data site provides access to the WDI database free of charge to all users. A selection of WDI data is featured at data.worldbank.org. Users can browse the data by Country, Indicators, Topics, and Data Catalog. WDI is the first source listed in the catalog and can be accessed directly via Data Bank.
The Economic and Social Data Service (ESDS) provides the macro-economic datasets free of charge for registered members of UK higher and further education institutions.
The World Bank is an international financial institution that provides loans to developing countries for capital programs. It comprises two institutions: the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), and the International Development Association (IDA). The World Bank is a component of the World Bank Group, which is part of the United Nations system.
The World Bank's official goal is the reduction of poverty. However, according to its Articles of Agreement, all its decisions must be guided by a commitment to the promotion of foreign investment and international trade and to the facilitation of Capital investment.
The World Bank is not to be confused with the World Bank Group, an extended family of five international organizations:
World is a common name for the whole of human civilization, specifically human experience, history, or the human condition in general, worldwide, i.e. anywhere on Earth or pertaining to anywhere on Earth.
In a philosophical context it may refer to:
In a theological context, world usually refers to the material or the profane sphere, as opposed to the celestial, spiritual, transcendent or sacred. The "end of the world" refers to scenarios of the final end of human history, often in religious contexts.
World history is commonly understood as spanning the major geopolitical developments of about five millennia, from the first civilizations to the present.
World population is the sum of all human populations at any time; similarly, world economy is the sum of the economies of all societies (all countries), especially in the context of globalization. Terms like world championship, gross world product, world flags etc. also imply the sum or combination of all current-day sovereign states.
The World Bank's WDI database is the most widely used professional source of data about countries.
The World Bank's WDI database is the most widely used professional source of data about countries.
This video shows you how to download time series data from the World Development Indicators database, available at http://databank.worldbank.org/data/views/variableSelection/selectvariables.aspx?source=world-development-indicators
Introduction to World Development Indicators - the World Bank's database economic and social data. For a high quality version of this video, go here: http://www.rci.rutgers.edu/~rwomack/wdi/World%20Development%20Indicators_demo.htm Go here to provide feedback http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=RALHpGFMjvvDgfCbdwsp4w_3d_3d Follow data news at Rutgers see http://rutgersdata.wordpress.com
Valentina Kalk of the World Bank discusses the Africa Development Indicators dataset. This session was part of the ESDS International annual conference held in December 2008 in London. The slides that accompany this presentation can be downloaded from http://esds.ac.uk/international/documents/conf2008vkalk_slides.ppt For more information about the ESDS International annual conference visit http://esds.ac.uk/international/news/conf.asp
Data Visualisation using Tableau: Group Project Group – Titans (CBA Batch 3 Section B) Names: Prasanna Kumar Mamidala Bharath Kusuma Suneela Vaidyula Shreyas Bharti Naveen Siddharth Pulipaka
Download World Bank Data On World Development Indicators Data in One Minute. You can enroll for Online Course in Stata to learn more amazing techniques and tools for Econometrics Research.
Dünya Bankası (World Bank) tarafından hazırlanan Dünya Kalkınma Göstergeleri (World Development Indicators) veri tabanının kullanımı üzerine video. İktisat öğrencilerinin ekonomik ve sosyal araştırmalarında kullanacakları veriler için önemli bir kaynak. Türkiye de dahil olmak üzere 214 ülke ekonomisine ilişkin kalkınma göstergelerini içeren veri tabanı, 1960 yılından bugüne verileri içermektedir.
This is for Assignment 3 in Introduction to Comparative Politics. That assignment tests how well Wilkinson's argument about inequality works among poor countries as well as rich ones. It also shows how to sort the data so you can graph richer countries together and poorer countries together.
Meet Kim Jong II, leader of North Korea - a nation imprisoned by poverty and with a population so hungry, people eat bugs and grass. Now this megalomaniacal dictator is holding the civilized world hostage with what many see as a cunning strategy of extortion, threatening to develop an arsenal of nuclear weapons. It's a strategy by which the United States has indicated it cannot abide. In a joint production between the Discovery Channel and the New York Times, go behind the headlines to discover the little-understood origins and almost-stranger-than-truth facets of this dangerous confrontation. See a side of Kim Jong Il rarely revealed - his love of slasher flicks and his affinity for prostitutes - and learn why the United States may have no other palatable option than to play ball with Kim...
Hal Lindsey reveals all of the incredible and eye-opening developments occurring on the world stage that biblical prophecy foretold and that indicate we are living in the last days before the biblical seven years of global judgment strikes the earth and the return of Christ occurs.
Hal Lindsey reveals all of the incredible and eye-opening developments occurring on the world stage that biblical prophecy foretold and that indicate we are living in the last days before the biblical seven years of global judgment strikes the earth and the return of Christ occurs.
Hal Lindsey reveals all of the incredible and eye-opening developments occurring on the world stage that biblical prophecy foretold and that indicate we are living in the last days before the biblical seven years of global judgment strikes the earth and the return of Christ occurs.
Hal Lindsey reveals all of the incredible and eye-opening developments occurring on the world stage that biblical prophecy foretold and that indicate we are living in the last days before the biblical seven years of global judgment strikes the earth and the return of Christ occurs.
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DISCO 12 / SESIÓN 6 16-JUNIO-2015 12/16 Fundamentos principales de la geografía económica Prof. Dr. Christof Parnreiter Profesor invitado en la Facultad de Economía, UNAM Profesor de Geografía Económica, Universidad de Hamburgo Contacto: parnreiterc@economia.unam.mx Bibliografía Para facilitar una visión conjunta tanto como avanzar independiente del curso, la literatura que pongo a la disposición de l@s participantes es extensa. La literatura sirve para profundizar y ampliar los conocimientos proporcionados en el curso, pero no es obligatorio leer todo para el curso. Los textos son en inglés, ya que en las últimas décadas han sido sobre todo l@s autores anglófones que han marcado el debate. Los textos están EXCLUSIVAMENTE para el uso en el curso; por motivo de protección de derechos de...
Are you looking for Economics or Business statistics, but have no idea how to begin? Join NUS Librarians in a live online session as they walk you through statistical databases such as International Financial Statistics, World Development Indicators, CEIC Data Manager, etc.
Their conventional forces are weak, but they have nuclear weapons and other Weapons of Mass Destruction(chemical and biological weapons) and still some good asymmetric warfare capabilities. Longer version: During the 1980s, North Korea had very good conventional forces. Their equipment was top of the line, but it was their soldiers that were also excellent. North Koreans were conscripted and served for 7-10 years during which they had much time to practice and train - almost as long as professional soldiers in the first world. Their officers were also very good - most served as enlisted men for a while and the best were chosen to get trained at their military academies. Their Special Forces were manned by the children of elites - like the Spartans, the North Korean rulers took it upon t...
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