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Adrian Piccoli the guru on Gonski funding

Adrian Piccoli's record qualifies him as a non-partisan expert on the Gonski funding dispute ("Piccoli breaks ranks to back federal school funding model", June 19). He was an excellent NSW minster for education for five years, and showed concern for raising standards and for needs-based funding. Piccoli had the unanimous backing of the NSW education sector and enjoyed a good relationship with the unions, but this did not save him from National Party factions which sent him to the backbench.

Minister Rob Stokes, Piccoli's replacement, has joined Labor and the Greens in saying that anything less than the full six-year Gonski deal is unacceptable to NSW. Piccoli says they are making a massive blunder in failing to remedy two historic mistakes in education policy, namely John Howard's maintenance of funding for over-funded private schools and Julia Gillard's insistence that no school would lose a dollar under her reforms.

Piccoli was prepared to resist pressure from the Abbott-led opposition to sign a deal with the Labor government in 2013 .His principled approach to issues gives weight to his advice that it is in the interests of our children to accept the fairer funding model now on offer.

James Moore Kingsgrove

Mr Piccoli's stand for the Gonski Funding Model is consistent with his policy throughout his tenure and is to be commended in his fight for the educational rights of our children. However before too many accolades are awarded, his leadership also failed to provide for the future in overcrowding schools. ("Schools get $2.2b to meet enrolment surge" Herald, June 19). Many children are suffering in overcrowded schools, and funding is all too little and far too late. Perspective is needed on Mr Piccoli's leadership.

Janice Creenaune Austinmer


Come now, Bill Young (Letters, June 19). When does any party in opposition roll over and agree with a government's suggestions concerning such a hot political issue as education reform? It's a given that any opposition will claim they have a better answer than the one offered by the government. Gonski himself does not mind who he stands behind at the rostrum. Political expediency always wins the day.

Denis Suttling Newport Beach

Time for a check-up

It's good to see that we are being really careful about people's qualifications ("Fifty is the new year 12 for doctor swatting on HSC", June 18). We can't have someone claiming to have a medical or similar degree without real proof. Can you imagine unscrupulous men or women either stealing someone's medical degree and working in our hospitals for 11 years, or just blithely awarding themselves two PhDs and getting an important job as a result? But that would never happen, would it?

Joan Brown Orange

Do something, don't just burn there

For heaven's sake stop all this nonsense. Lives are at stake here. We have already had one inquiry about the 2014 Melbourne fire and it is not due to report until October this year. How could that possibly take so long? ("Shorten pushes for cladding probe", Herald, June 19). We do not need another inquiry right now; later on will work just fine. Right now we just need to know which buildings are potential death traps, and deal with the problem.

We do not have any time to muck about. The London fire has shown us that. Surely it would not take more than few days to obtain a sample of the aluminium cladding on all buildings possibly clad with the already identified flammable material. Testing of the samples should be fast-tracked and an answer obtained ASAP; hopefully within a week or so. So please, governments all, extract the digit and get on with it before more people burn to death.

Jo McGahey Belrose

The Australian Building Codes Board has been aware of the safety threat posed by building with aluminium composite panels since 2010 when a fire safety consultant advised that they were combustible. With regard to rectifying this matter the board says "negotiations stalled" in 2012. What on earth were they negotiating? Building standards were not being met and the job of the board was to ensure that they were. The board has not done its job and as a consequence construction with this material has continued for another seven years. Is the board, (a government body), now liable for the work which will need to be done or will the cost fall on the average Joe who unwittingly purchased a property on the understanding that building safety standards had been met? Either answer is unsatisfactory.

Lyn Savage Coogee

The BCA contains a very detailed disclaimer, which clearly states that the person accessing the information in the BCA takes full responsibility for relevance and accuracy of that information. With such a loose interpretation of the codes of practice meant to provide safe buildings it is little wonder that the constructors of buildings effectively deny any responsibility for the safety and functionality. Governments that consistently fail to legislate building quality, in Australia as well as the UK, are equally to blame.

Malcolm Ellis Gordon

Hinch still ignorant of independent judiciary role

Even after two stints behind bars for contempt of court, Derryn Hinch still doesn't get it ("Hinch taunts judges as ministers take cover", June 19). The judges of the Victorian Court of Appeal aren't concerned about public criticism of them per se: they are concerned that the comments of ministers Hunt, Sukkar and Tudge were made about, and in the context of, two appeals (claiming sentences were too lenient) that the court is still considering.

If, now, the appeals in those cases are dismissed, the comments of the ministers might be seen as justified. If, however, the appeals are upheld, it might be seen that the court does so simply to disprove the ministers' allegations. In the words of Justice Mark Weinberg, it places the court in an embarrassing and invidious position of having their decisions, whichever way they go, viewed as having been reached as a result of external pressure, not the law. Why don't Hinch and the three ministers understand that you just shut up until the process is over?

Adrian Connelly Springwood

Accepting that politicians' abilities to reason are fully equal to that of judges, Senator Hinch's desire to deal with the contempt threat against the three ministers by telling the court to "go jump" is not entirely without merit. Arguably, no branch of government, including the courts, should be immune from public opinions or criticisms in a democratic system.

Steve Ngeow Chatswood

It appears that Derryn Hinch would like to take us back to the dark ages and allow those who have the means and the power to influence by swaying court decisions. Does he not understand the notion of an independent judiciary? Would he rather that those with the loudest voices and the greatest wealth or power be able to influence courts?

Vanessa Tennent Oatley

Frydenberg part of power price problem

While it is understandable that Josh Frydenberg is desperately trying to dampen down the potential firestorm being whipped up by Tony Abbott and co. re the Finkel report ("Frydenberg lashes states over rising power prices", June 19"), it is disingenuous of him to try to lay the blame on the states for rising power prices. The electorate remembers well Abbott's damaging "great big carbon tax" mantra and now knows of the consensus among nations that a carbon tax is the most effective way to both deal with climate change and keep power prices under control. The fact is, if Frydenberg's conservatives hadn't repealed the carbon tax Australia might now have in place a greater mix of renewables and be experiencing the consequent benefit to power prices.

Phyllis Vespucci Reservoir

I have a few words for Susie Elsenhuth (Letters, June 19): a careful analysis of the circumstances of Fukushima and Chernobyl and a look at the global picture of its use will demonstrate the safety of nuclear power. Nuclear has its problems but these are soluble: on the other hand, nuclear doesn't burn carbon.

Bruce Graham Waitara

I have a large rooftop solar array (it took years to pay off). My electricity meter has been updated (so I lost my separate off-peak cheaper hot water). Now I'm waiting for transfer to net, instead of gross metering and the energy company is dragging its feet. Why? Possibly because they currently buy my electricity at about 6¢ per kilowatt hour but sell it back to me at about 25¢. I'd obviously prefer to use my own supply and sell them my surplus or pay for any deficit. Conflict of interests? Dracula controlling the bloodbank? Gladys – help!

Susan Margan Epping

Aussie Macron needed

With Emmanuel Macron seemingly to have a huge majority in the French parliament, why can't it happen in Australia? ("Macron wins huge parliamentary majority",, June 19). Both major parties are on the nose, as in France, and in just over a year Macron has done the impossible, ran for the presidency and won, and a party that didn't exist a year ago has a huge majority. There must be a Macron in Australia – if there is you have two years to do the same. Let's get rid of the ALP and LNP and breathe new life in to the moribund politics of Australia. The voters await you!

Robert Pallister Punchbowl

Facts on terrorism

George Williams ("Overreaction won't win fight against terrorism", June 19) makes salient points regarding longer terms of imprisonment not enhancing community safety but rather increasing the chances of further radicalisation as well as elevating the importance of the crime by labelling it terrorism. This only increases recruitment, given its more prominent status and not being viewed as basically murder, as some pollies have called for it to be labelled, to reduce the attraction and literally call it what it is.

Gordana Martinovich Dulwich Hill

Elderly and happy

The letter from Bronwyn Bachali (Letters, June 19) is way off the mark. Members of both genders should not be hiding their age. Those of us who are elderly should be proud and happy that we have reached a good old age. I am 77. I have lost many family members, friends and others at much younger ages than I am. I have shed many tears but I am proud and happy to still be here. We should not be ashamed. Enjoy your family and friends in the time left because it is all too short.

Brian Sewell Dulwich Hill

Selling off assets

Exterior of 1 Martin Place, Sydney GPO. 30th May 2017, Photo: Wolter Peeters, The Sydney Morning Herald.

Sydney GPO. Photo: Wolter Peeters

What is going to happen when there are no more assets for governments to sell? If we sold off our personal assets to cover our debts, yes we would have no debts but we would not be able to sustain the lifestyle we had prior to selling. At a personal level we would come unstuck big time. I hold grave fears for the economy when there is nothing left to sell!

Jennifer Creighton Modanville East

Smartest Tweet: Stop

Members of Parliament could greatly reduce the stress of social media on them and their staff by simply not subscribing to it ("State MPs win funding to cover stress of social media" June 19). A minority apparently do manage without it.The only means of communication they need are letters (remember them?), email, a telephone and meetings as appropriate, which is not over lunch. By all means give them staff to help with that but not with assorted blogs, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and the rest, none of which are needed for their job.

Greg McCarry Epping

Wife, husband equals

Having grown up in the stifling atmosphere of Sydney Anglican diocese I was dismayed to read in the Herald that the diocese still wants to promote the "headship" of the husband in a marriage ("Students exposed to lessons on 'headship' ", June 19). After 57 years of marriage I can say that the concept of partnership or teamwork works much better for everyone's wellbeing with both partners giving their skills and gifts for the good of the family. It makes me think that Sydney Anglican (male) clergy haven't moved much past their monkey ancestors.

Barbara Lumley Wentworth Falls

Naval disaster sends a clear warning

If two enormous, slow-moving (comparatively) vessels, one of which at least would surely have every electronic gizmo, can collide in the middle of the ocean, would you trust a driverless car? ("Sailors found dead as damaged US destroyer reaches port", June 19).

Christopher May Dangar Island

Whatever Trump is he's plain bad views

I agree with Tom Switzer ("Trump is no fascist", June 19), that Donald Trump is a buffoon and a narcissist. However, first and foremost he is a corporate brand. The American presidency has been taken over by the corporate world.

Mark Porter New Lambton

Should we all be breathing a sigh of relief that the leader of the free world is an incompetent oscillator as distinct from a fascist? My morning toast and coffee got even better: Vladimir Putin is offered in testimony to this good news.

Brian Jones Leura

Facts discounted

Michael Gordon reported comments from AHRC president Gillian Triggs that criticised my reporting during her tenure ("Not only could I speak out; my statute says I must speak out", June 17). The comments conveyed the impression I had not tried to speak with Professor Triggs nor had availed myself of all relevant facts.

This was a slight against my journalistic practices and integrity. If Gordon had simply checked this allegation with me I would have been able to furnish him with emails and other communications refuting it.

Chris Kenny Associate Editor, The Australian