Township of Rochelle Park, NJ
Bergen County
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[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee of the Township of Rochelle Park: as indicated in article histories. Art. I, 2-19-1997 by Ord. No. 747. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Fire prevention — See Ch. 102.
[Adopted 2-19-1997 by Ord. No. 747[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance was originally adopted as Ch. 285, but was redesignated in order to adhere to the alphabetical sequence of the Code Table of Contents.

§ 121-1 Statutory authority; statutory provisions adopted by reference.

This article is adopted pursuant to and in accordance with the authority vested in a municipality by virtue of Chapter 184 of the Laws of New Jersey 1978 (N.J.S.A. 17:36-8 et seq.), signed into law by the Governor of this state on January 8, 1979. The terms and provisions of said Chapter 184 are hereby adopted by reference and incorporated herein just as though fully recited in this article. In the event that any provision of this article varies or is not in accordance with the terms and provisions of the aforementioned Chapter 184, then it is intended that the terms and provisions of said chapter shall prevail.

§ 121-2 Conditions for payment.

No insurance company authorized to issue fire insurance policies in this state shall pay any claims in excess of $2,500 on any real property located within the Township of Rochelle Park, unless and until all taxes and assessments and all other municipal liens or charges due and payable appearing on an official certificate of search shall have been paid either by the owner of such real property or by the insurance company pursuant to and in accordance with the terms and provisions of said Chapter 184 or until the township submits to the insurance company a copy of a resolution adopted pursuant to and in accordance with the terms and provisions of said chapter.

§ 121-3 Copy to be filed.

Upon adoption of this article, a certified copy thereof shall be filed with the State Commissioner of Insurance.

§ 121-4 When effective.

This article shall become operative as soon as the aforementioned Chapter 184, by its terms, becomes operative.