Township of Rochelle Park, NJ
Bergen County
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[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee of the Township of Rochelle Park 11-10-2010 by Ord. No. 1024-10.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
Historic structures in flood hazard areas — See Ch. 104.
Editor's Note: This ordinance also repealed former Ch. 18, Historical Society, adopted 3-25-1992 by Ord. No. 629.

§ 18-1 Establishment.

There is hereby created the Rochelle Park Historical Society.

§ 18-2 Purpose.

The purpose of the Historical Society shall be to:
Gather and preserve maps, photos, articles, memorabilia and other items that would document life and events in Rochelle Park, past and/or present.
Conduct interviews with citizens to obtain an oral history of the Township.
Apply for grants, with the approval of the Township Committee, from available sources.
Produce enrichment materials such as pamphlets, flyers, videos, etc.
Sponsor educational seminars/programs.
Set up historical exhibitions/displays.
Attend lectures/conferences that would enhance the functioning of the Historical Society.
Make periodic reports to the Township Committee.
Hold fundraisers to promote/accomplish the above objectives.

§ 18-3 Memberships; terms; vacancies.

The Society shall consist of three full voting members. The terms of members shall be three years, commencing on January 1. Members shall be appointed by the Mayor of Rochelle Park and serve at the discretion of said Mayor and the Rochelle Park Township Committee.
Vacancies on the Society shall be filled within 60 days by recommending replacements to the Mayor of Rochelle Park.

§ 18-4 Terms of officers; appointment.

Officers shall serve one-year terms commencing on January 1 and ending on December 31. The Society shall reorganize and appoint officers at the last regular meeting in December. There shall be a limit of two consecutive terms of an officer in any one position.
The officers shall include a Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary/Treasurer.

§ 18-5 Duties of officers.

Chairman: The Chairman shall preside at all meetings and enforce all the rules and procedures of the Society. The Chairman shall sign all vouchers for moneys spent upon approval by the Society.
Vice Chairman: The Vice Chairman shall, in the absence of the Chairman or at the Chairman's request, discharge the duties of the Chairman and such further duties as the Chairman may direct.
Secretary/Treasurer: The Secretary/Treasurer shall keep a record of all matters transacted at the meetings; and shall notify members of all meetings. In addition, the Secretary/Treasurer shall have charge of all financial records; shall keep records of all vouchers paid by the Township Treasurer; shall keep a record of the balance in the budget; and shall prepare a new budget each year and shall send a duplicate to the Township Administrator.

§ 18-6 Meetings.

Meetings shall be held within the discretion of the Society. Notice of all meetings shall be posted by the Secretary in the Municipal Building for public review.
Special emergency meetings can be called by the Chairman, or Vice Chairman acting for the Chairman, with at least two days' notice to all members.
Meetings will be held in accordance with normal parliamentary procedures based on Robert's Rules of Order.

§ 18-7 Bylaws.

The Historical Society may adopt bylaws in conformance with state statutes.