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Past events

May 23, 2017

Manchester bombing: Isis claims responsibility for concert attack as part of ‘shock and awe’ tactics, analysts say

Henry Jackson Society
This article originally appeared in The Independent Isis’ claim it was behind an attack that left at least 22 people dead in Manchester is part of a “shock and awe” strategy to maintain momentum as its territories shrink, analysts have said. The terrorist group ...
January 18, 2017

Chelsea Manning betrayed the US and endangered innocent lives – she is no hero

Kyle Orton
Originally published in the International Business Times. It might have been thought that a consistent opposition to treason was not all that difficult. But President Barack Obama’s surprise decision last night to commute the sentence of Bradley, now Chelsea, Manning, showed ...
November 28, 2016

Prevent gets a bad press, but it’s a crucial tool against the far-right that killed Jo Cox

Henry Jackson Society
Rupert Sutton
Originally published by Left Foot Forward. Recent reports that there has been a worrying rise in the number of far-right referrals to the government’s counter-radicalisation programme, Prevent, have been given a grim postscript this week by the conviction of neo-Nazi terrorist, ...
September 22, 2016

The Islamophobic attacks you don’t hear about

Henry Jackson Society
Douglas Murray
Originally published by The Spectator Incidents of ‘Islamophobia’ are really getting out of hand in Britain. In fact there has been such a wave of attacks that it’s amazing that politicians and commentators across the political spectrum, (not to mention all those ...
September 7, 2016

The menace of Choudary is at last behind bars

Henry Jackson Society
Douglas Murray
Originally published in the Express. After years of convening, inspiring and inciting radical Muslims across Britain, Anjem Choudary has finally been found guilty in a British court of encouraging support for ISIS. He is now facing up to ten years in ...
September 25, 2016

Can President Rouhani really be described as a ‘moderate’?

Henry Jackson Society
Douglas Murray
Originally published by The Spectator Mark Twain once said that if you give a man a reputation as an early-riser he can sleep in till noon. The same is true of calling someone ‘a moderate’. Call someone ‘a moderate’ and they can ...
March 5, 2017

Infographic: Islamist Terrorism: Analysis of Offences and Attacks in the UK (1998-2015)

Hannah Stuart
Click here to see an infographic based on the conclusions of our report, ‘Islamist Terrorism: Analysis of Offences and Attacks in the UK (1998 – 2015)‘. Sources for the infographic can be found the full report, which is available for purchase ...
March 5, 2017

Islamist Terrorism: Analysis of Offences and Attacks in the UK (1998-2015)

Hannah Stuart
Islamist Terrorism: Analysis of Offences and Attacks in the UK (1998-2015), a new research project from The Henry Jackson Society, presents the most comprehensive ever overview of the threat from Islamism-inspired terrorism in the United Kingdom. Islamist terrorism remains the principal ...
November 17, 2014

Banking Restrictions on Extremism-Linked Muslim Groups

Henry Jackson Society
As part of our ongoing examination of factors enabling extremists’ abuse of civic space, HJS’ Centre for the Response to Radicalisation and Terrorism published a briefing titled: Banking Restrictions on Extremism-Linked Muslim Groups. The briefing investigates charities and groups to ...
September 25, 2014

Disrupting Extremists: More Effective Use of Existing Legislation

Hannah Stuart
In raids across London, a total of nine men – including hate preacher Anjem Choudhury – have been arrested by the Metropolitan Police on suspicion of being members of a proscribed organisation, presumed to be al-Muhajiroun. In its first public release, ...
September 25, 2014

The Legal Case for British Military Action Against Islamic State in Iraq and Syria

Hannah Stuart
Amid mounting international agreement on launching air strikes against Islamic State (IS) targets in Iraq and Syria, The Henry Jackson Society’s policy paper The Legal Case for British Military Action Against Islamic State in Iraq and Syria provides a comprehensive analysis ...
September 12, 2014

British Jihadists: Preventing Travel Abroad and Stopping Attacks at Home

Hannah Stuart
Amid heightened awareness of the disturbing number of British fighters joining Islamic State, British Jihadists: Preventing Travel Abroad and Stopping Attacks at Home,  shows why they demonstrate a real threat to national security and offers practical policy instruments to meet the ...