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NOT BORED! Anthology 1983-2010
NOT BORED! #42 (July 2013)

NOT BORED! is an autonomous, situationist-inspired,
low-budget, irregularly published journal.

No copyrights, rights reserved, advertising or subscriptions.


July 1983 - December 1984: Ann Arbor, Michigan
January 1985 - November 1988: Buffalo, New York
December 1988 - July 1989: Ann Arbor, Michigan
August 1989 - June 1990: Buffalo, New York
July 1990 - December 1994: Providence, Rhode Island
January 1995 - February 2008: New York, New York
March 2008 - June 2011: Cincinnati, Ohio
July 2011 - present: New York, New York

[Current, future and back issues]
[Index to back issues] [Links]
[Privacy policy] [Selected texts] [Translations]

Our most recent issue: NOT BORED! #42 (July 2013).

This Web site, which replaces sites created in April 1996 (localnet.com), March 1997 (thorn.net), and November 1998 (panix.com), was established on this server in May 2000.

To contact us: info@notbored.org POB 140041, Brooklyn, New York 11214

also on this website:

[Community gardens in NYC, 1997-2002]
[Cornelius Castoriadis (unauthorized translations), 2003-2015]
[Henri Lefebvre and the Situationists, 1958-1963]
[Lettrist International archive, 1950-1957]
[New York Psychogeographical Association, 1997-2002]
[Situationist International archive, 1957-1972]
[Surveillance Camera Players, 1996-2006]
[Tarnac Affair in France, 2008-2010]