Greens paralysed on Gonski by unions, Government looks to crossbench

Senator Sarah Hanson-Young and Greens Leader Senator Richard Di Natale in the Senate on Monday 19 June 2017. Senator Di ...
Senator Sarah Hanson-Young and Greens Leader Senator Richard Di Natale in the Senate on Monday 19 June 2017. Senator Di Natale said: "We are absolutely on a unity ticket." Andrew Meares

Disgruntled figures within the Australian Greens have accused the teachers' union of putting politics before children by threatening to campaign against the party if it supports the government's plans to boost school funding.

Pressure from the union has split the Greens, leaving them paralysed and the government increasingly reliant on the Senate crossbench to secure the passage of its Gonski 2.0 reforms which would inject an extra $18.6 billion into schools on a needs basis over the next decade.

Labor has opposed the package from the outset because it falls $22 billion short of what it says it will spend. It also believes the Catholic sector would be poorly treated by the bill.

The Greens have pulled back from their initial statements of support, despite the government being willing to negotiate their demands, due to strong pressure from the Australian Education Union which represents the nation's teachers and whose arguments have traction among the party's hard left, led by NSW Senator Lee Rhiannon.

 gonski hanson-young birmingham hanson greens di natale
gonski hanson-young birmingham hanson greens di natale David Rowe

Despite leader Richard Di Natale initially being in favour, and education spokeswoman Sarah Hanson-Young wanting to do a deal, they face severe internal resistance because many school teachers are Greens voters and the party will be punished if it gives the Coalition a policy victory.

Frustrations boiling over

A special party room meeting on Monday failed to achieve a breakthrough and frustrations are boiling over.

"They care more about Labor's re-election chances than they do about kids," said one Greens source of the AEU.

"We will be destroyed if we do a deal with the government."

Another said it was all about the AEU keeping the issue alive at the next election to help the ALP.

"The union don't want us to do a deal, it's purely about that."

AEU federal president Corenna Haythorpe was unavailable for comment on Monday. Behind the scenes, she is lobbying hard, having had six conversations with Senator Di Natale since Thursday last week.

Senator Di Natale told Sky News that all was well internally.

"We are absolutely on a unity ticket," he said.

But one party source said the mindset in the party's left was as bad as when Christine Milne was leader and refused to agree to increasing the excise on fuel – a Greens policy – just because it would hand the Coalition a victory.

Without the Greens and Labor, the government needs the support of 10 of the 12 members of the Senate crossbench. This may jump to 11 or 12 after Tasmanian Senator Eric Abetz and Western Australian Senator Chris Back, who retires from politics at the end of this week, announced without warning on Monday they would oppose the schools package because of the impact on Catholic schools.

Further signs of trouble

Senator Back, who headed the WA Catholic Education Commission before entering Parliament, wants a year-long inquiry into parents' capacity to pay.

"I've indicated to the minister, obviously, please don't make me vote against the government in my last week in the Senate," he said.

There were further signs of trouble when veteran MP and Abbott supporter Kevin Andrews warned against a deal with the Greens, saying it would alienate the Liberal base.

As it stands,Cory Bernardi is the only crossbencher opposed. As The Australian Financial Review reported las week, One Nation is supportive, guaranteeing four votes, the Nick Xenophon Team is favourably disposed but will bargain for something in return for its three votes. David Leyonhjelm, Lucy Gichuhi and and Derryn Hinch are supportive while Jacqui Lambie is deemed "gettable".

In Parliament on Monday, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull took issue with what many now regard as base politics hamstringing a deal.

"We have an opportunity now to bring the school funding wars to an end. This is not about politicians. This is not about education unions. This is not about education bureaucrats. This is about our children,' he said.

"It is about their future. It is ensuring that they get the needs-based funding they deserve, whatever school they are in, whatever state they are in, whatever system they are in."

Education Minister Simon Birmingham said the Catholic sector will get an extra $3.4 billion over the next decade, which is about $4.6 billion less than under existing arrangements.

To placate the Greens, the government is prepared to negotiate their key demands of an independent body to monitor school funding, increased requirements to ensure the states don't pull back on funding and negate the increased contribution from Canberra, and to spend the extra $18.6 billion in funding quicker than over a decade.

Options presented

If it was allocated in six years, it would cost the budget an extra $1.5 billion over the four-year forward estimates and $5 billion extra over the decade.

If allocated in eight years, it would cost $600 million extra over four years and $2.6 billion more over the decade.

No firm offer to the Greens has yet been made, just options presented.

Senator Birmingham argues the Catholic sector was overfunded when Julia Gillard introduced her Gonski reforms and was desperate for a deal.

He said it was natural the sector was now complaining but it was getting too much in the first place.

"Of course I appreciate that people who have had special arrangements and deals in the past want to preserve those into the future if they possibly can," he said.

"But what I would urge the Senate this week ... to look at, is that what we're seeking to apply is a consistent needs-based formula as David Gonski and his panel recommended. And that, in terms of non-government schools like the Catholic education system, treats all of them equally according to need across the country."