British Politics after the Election: Left Unity summer conference

The general election has seen a humiliating defeat for Theresa May – now reduced to a minority government Coalition of Chaos – and a huge surge to the Corbyn-led Labour Party, standing on a popular left-wing manifesto. Discussing the next political steps is urgent: how to get rid of the Tories, how to finally defeat […] Read more »

Seven reasons why we defend Free Movement

Migrants Are Welcome Here – Defend Free Movement Migrants are net contributors to society All serious economic research has shown that migrants make a substantial net contribution to the British economy. This is largely because a disproportionate number of them tend to be working-age adults. Read more »

Grenfell – a call to action

Andrew Burgin The fire at the Grenfell tower block was an entirely avoidable tragedy. Many people have died and dozens injured and hundreds made homeless. We do not yet know the true extent of the deaths. It is a heartbreaking situation and we in Left Unity extend our deepest sympathies to the bereaved and injured […] Read more »

Stop Privatising the NHS – Tell Simon Stevens to Bog off!

Protest: Wednesday 14th June at 12.30pm before Simon Steven’s appearance at 1-2pm at the Ron Cooke Inn, University of York, Heslington, York Yo10 5GE. Following  Theresa May’s election humiliation it is time to take to the streets, says Nick Jones from Leeds Left Unity. That’s why NHS Campaigners from across the Yorkshire Region will be […] Read more »

The Corbyn Revolution

Neil Faulkner This is bigger than any of us could have imagined. This feels like a sea change in British politics, comparable with 1979, when Labour crashed to defeat, Thatcher stormed to power, and the neoliberal counter-revolution began. James Callaghan, the Labour prime minister defeated in 1979, said to his advisor just before polling day, […] Read more »

Congratulations Jeremy Corbyn!

Left Unity congratulates Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party on an outstanding election result and calls on Theresa May to stand down. This has been a remarkable, policy-oriented election campaign which has shifted the political narrative in Britain. Significant numbers – including amongst young people – have rejected Tory policies based on fear, intolerance, stoking […] Read more »

Scotland and the Tory Brexit election

Steve Freeman and Julie Morrow write: The general election is an opportunity for the working class in Scotland to build a stronger and more militant opposition to Tory Brexit and all anti-working class austerity policies whether from Tory or SNP governments. It is an opportunity to organise a stronger democratic movement against the Union, including […] Read more »

Vote for the NHS this week, Vote Labour!

Felicity Dowling draws parallels with the US health system and argues that defence of the NHS is a crucial reason to vote Labour. The National Health Service, founded in the aftermath of an unprecedented war and the 1945 Labour victory, is a truly valued institution. It was founded to be free at the point of […] Read more »

A new approach is needed

Left Unity condemns the brutal and criminal terrorist attack on London last night. We send our deepest sympathies to the families and friends of those so tragically lost, and our love and solidarity to those injured and in distress. The Prime Minister says that things cannot continue as they are, that things need to change, […] Read more »

‘A suicidal decision’: Left Unity condemns Trump over Paris Agreement

On Wednesday, the Dail (the Irish parliament) passed a bill banning onshore fracking in the Irish Republic. Ireland now joins three other EU states in banning fracking and the environmental risks associated with it, as well as its impact on climate change. By contrast, President Trump, the so-called ‘Leader of the Free World’ has just […] Read more »

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Discussion & Debate

After May, Labour and Left Unity

Ian Parker The Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn has succeeded in breaking the hold of the Conservatives on British politics. It is Corbyn who has brought the Labour vote up to the highest level – in percentage and total vote – for twenty years, and the biggest ever single increase in the Labour vote. The […] Read more »

Onto the Streets: Get the Tories Out

Neil Faulkner post election piece Defying all expectations, the Labour Party has fought a dazzling election campaign and pulled off an extraordinary electoral triumph against the odds. Jeremy Corbyn emerged as the real leader of this election campaign inspiring tens of thousands of mainly young people at his enormous rallies. It began with what we […] Read more »

Dealing with terrorism: we need a real alternative

Felicity Dowling argues for an alternative of justice and peace, based on mass involvement in the political process. The bombing, stabbing, and vehicle attacks perpetrated in London and Manchester, and wherever else they appear in the world, must be utterly condemned. The injured people have our huge sympathy. We share the pain of bereavement, the […] Read more »

Comments from a Toronto trade unionist about“NAFTA redux and on steroids”

Ernie Tate introduces some discussion on his recent piece about NAFTA Since the posting of my NAFTA item on the Left Unity website a couple of days ago, I’ve received an unusually high number of responses to it – all of them positive and mostly from Canadians –many from the various lists I’m on, and […] Read more »

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Local reports

Never Again! – 50 years since the Greek military coup

ON Friday 28 April Almost 100 activists and veterans gathered at the Unite the Union London headquarters to remember the events 50 years ago when Greek democracy was again overturned by a ruthless military junta. The colonels brought tanks on to the streets of Athens to prevent elections which looked certain to produce a government […] Read more »

Lambeth libraries: Occupation puts council on the back-foot

Stuart King reports on the recent Lambeth Library occupation In mid April, shortly after a 10-day occupation of the Carnegie library in Lambeth, the first cracks appeared in the monolithic Progress run council in Lambeth. Councillor Rachel Heywood issued an open letter entitled “Why I broke ranks” referring to the fact that she marched with […] Read more »

Carnegie Library Occupation [Days 3-7]

Stuart King gives us a first hand account of the on-going occupation of the Carnegie library in Lambeth. The local council want ot close the library and re-open it with a private gym. DAY 3  – SATURDAY The occupation gives an interview with London Live TV at 9.00am. We got a mention in the Bookseller. […] Read more »

Lambeth library occupied to prevent closure

Stuart King reports from the occupation of the Carnegie Library in Lambeth which faced imminent closure by the local council. Lambeth council had planned to lock the doors of Carnegie Library to the public at on Thursday night. Instead library users refused to leave and vowed to keep the library in the hands of […] Read more »

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Left Unity is active in movements and campaigns across the left, working to create an alternative to the main political parties.

About Left Unity   Read our manifesto


Events and protests from around the movement, and local Left Unity meetings.

Sat 1st July
Not One Day More: National Demonstration

Not One Day More #ToriesOUT
Assemble 12 noon, Saturday 1 July 2017
BBC Broadcasting House, Portland Place, London W1A 1AA
March to Parliament Square



Saturday 24 June
March for Homes

Join the movement preparing for this demo: private, council, housing association and co-op tenants, unions and housing campaigners

To get involved email or call 07432 098440

Weds 12 July, 19:30
Who’s beating back ISIS in Syria?

Learn more with Rahila Gupta, freelance journalist, writer & activist, who visited Rojava in 2016.

David’s Bookshop, Eastcheap, Letchworth Garden City, SG6 3DE. £3 entry.  Organised by the North Herts Friends of Rojava. Contact

Weds 19 – Sun 23 July
European Left Summer University

This year, the European Left/Transform Summer University will be held in Budapest, Hungary, from 19-23 of July. For programme details click here. For registration click here.

Sun 23 – Sat 29 July
International Youth Camp, Otranto, Italy

The Fourth International’s annual youth camp – find out more about socialism, feminism and environmentalism.

For more information email

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Placard and broadsheet: Stop Trump

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