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Somali soldier sentenced to death for minister's killing

NAIROBI A Somali soldier was sentenced to death on Monday for killing a government minister after mistaking him for an Islamist militant, an army officer said.

Recent Africa News

Oil and gas producer EQT to buy Rice Energy in $6.7 billion deal

U.S. oil and gas company EQT Corp said on Monday it would buy Rice Energy in a cash-and-stock deal worth $6.7 billion to expand its natural gas business.

8:33am EDT

Amid housing crisis, Britons shelter homeless refugees in their spare rooms

LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - When Eritrean refugee Hermon gave birth to her daughter Ruftana in February, her joy quickly turned into fear as she and her husband Yonathan grappled with the overwhelming reality of raising their first child while homeless in London.

7:47am EDT

BRICS foreign ministers call for diplomacy to tackle Korean tensions

BEIJING Foreign ministers from BRICS nations called for the use of "preventative diplomacy" to tackle the situation on the Korean Peninsula, according to a communique on Monday.

7:10am EDT

Take greater responsibility for your people, U.N. refugee chief tells South Sudan

JUBA The United Nations called on South Sudan's leaders to take more responsibility for stemming the world's fastest growing refugee crisis, as it said the number of people displaced worldwide had risen to a record 65.6 million.

6:17am EDT

Suicide bombers kill 12 in Nigeria's Borno state: police

MAIDUGURI, Nigeria Five female suicide bombers killed 12 people and wounded 11 in northeast Nigeria's Borno state, birthplace of the Islamist militant Boko Haram insurgency, police said on Monday.

6:11am EDT

Macron vows full support of France for Mali after attack

PARIS French President Emmanuel Macron spoke to the leader of Mali after Sunday's attack on a luxury resort in the country, and pledged France's full support for the country, Macron's office said on Monday.

4:40am EDT

Oil market fundamentals heading in right direction - Saudi's Falih

DUBAI Saudi Energy Minister Khalid al-Falih said the oil market is heading in the right direction but still needs time to rebalance, the London-based newspaper Asharq al-Awsat reported on Monday.

4:30am EDT

Macron vows full support of France for Mali after attack

PARIS French President Emmanuel Macron spoke to the leader of Mali after Sunday's attack on a luxury resort in the country, and pledged France's full support for the country, Macron's office said on Monday.

3:11am EDT

Van driver deliberately ploughed into worshippers in London: Muslim Council of Britain

LONDON A white man deliberately ploughed a van into worshippers near a north London mosque, the Muslim Council of Britain said on Monday, citing witnesses and video from the incident which left several people injured.

Jun 18 2017

Roadside explosion in Cairo kills Egyptian policeman

CAIRO An Egyptian policeman was killed and four wounded by a roadside explosive near the Cairo suburb of Maadi on Sunday, the Interior Ministry said in a statement.

Jun 18 2017

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