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Women of Rock Oral History Project Interviews Michelle Cruz Gonzales of Spitboy Rule

Michelle Cruz Gonzales played drums and wrote lyrics in the influential 1990s female hardcore band Spitboy, and now she’s written a book—a punk rock herstory. Though not a riot grrl band, Spitboy blazed trails for women musicians in the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond, but it wasn’t easy. Misogyny, sexism, abusive fans, class and color blindness, and all-out racism were foes, especially for Gonzales, a Chicana and the only person of color in the band.

Buy The Spitboy Rule: Tales of a Xicana in a Female Punk Band

 Anarchy in Austin with scott crow

Join Non Serviam Medias as they sit down with long-time anarchist activist, organizer, insurgent, entrepreneur, and public intellectual, scott crow for the first installment of Anarchy in Austin.

In this episode, we pick scott's brain on topics including anarchism, dual power, solidarity and community building, capitalism, social justice, ecology, and his experiences in anarchist activism.

Originally recorded Spring 2016.

Watch HERE
Buy Black Flags and Windmills: Hope, Anarchy, and the Common Ground Collective, Second Edition

How Lessons From a Successful Resistance Movement: Ramsey Kanaan


How the UK's Anti-Poll Tax Campaign Was Won

Ramsey Kanaan founed AK Press as a teenager, after discovering punk rock and anarchism.  In 2008 he co-founded PM Press.  In this talk and the following Q&A; session, Ramsey discusses how a core group of 30 organizers successfully catalyzed a mass-movement in the UK to resist the poll tax, under Margaret Thatcher. The presentation was filmed by JJ Noire.]

Watch the video HERE

Check out Andrej Grubacic speaking 'On An Anarchist History of Capitalism'


Andrej is the author of Don't Mourn, Balkanize!: Essays After Yugoslavia, editor of From Here To There: The Staughton Lynd Reader, and co-author of Wobblies & Zapatistas: Conversations on Anarchism, Marxism, and Radical History. Watch his talk 'On An Anarchist History Capitalism' at the O.C. Anarchist Bookfair, 2016. 


Andrej Grubacic is an anarchist dissident and historian who has written prolifically on anarchism and the history of the Balkans. He is a lecturer at the ZMedia Institute and University of San Francisco.


Watch HERE
Buy Wobblies & Zapatistas: Conversations on Anarchism, Marxism, and Radical History
More on Andrej

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Earth at Risk: Building a Resistance Movement to Save the Planet (DVD)
SKU: 9781604866889
Earth at Risk: Building a Resistance Movement to Save the Planet (DVD)
Derrick Jensen and Lierre Keith
Earth at Risk is an annual conference featuring environmental thinkers and activists who are willing to ask the hardest questions about the seriousness of our situation.

No Gods No Masters: Live in Concert
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No Gods No Masters: Live in Concert
Leon Rosselson and Robb Johnson
In this glorious 2 DVD set, Britain’s finest living songwriters are captured live (on tour in Berkeley, CA), presenting two nights of their original songs, words, and inimitable performance.

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Positive Force: More Than a Witness: 30 Years of Punk Politics in Action (DVD)
Robin Bell
Covering a span of 30 years, More Than a Witness documents the origins, activism, and musical events of the punk/activist organization Positive Force DC.

Visions of Abolition: From Critical Resistance to A New Way of Life
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Visions of Abolition: From Critical Resistance to A New Way of Life
Setsu Shigematsu, Cameron Granadino, Jolie Chea, and Critical Resistance
Visions of Abolition is a new feature length documentary about the prison industrial complex and the prison abolition movement.

Wisconsin Rising (DVD)
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Wisconsin Rising (DVD)
Sam Mayfield, Green Valley Media, and E.W. Stetson
Wisconsin Rising documents the largest sustained workers’ resistance movement in American history.

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