
ROBOTS   |  Comment

This Week In Bots: Thinking, Charming, Walking, And Life-Saving Droids

Siri isn't the only amazingly life-like tech making the rounds this week.READ»

30 Second MBA: How Do You Develop Talent?

6 Horrible Ad Campaigns (Presumably) By People With Marketing Degrees

In marketing and advertising, there's a thin line between success and failure. Campaigns like Wendy's "Where's the Beef" or "Old Spice Man" land on the right side of quirky, funny, and not-quite-insulting-enough to get people riled, while still getting attention and building buzz. These campaigns fell on the wrong side of that line.READ»

How Nobel Peace Prize Winner Leymah Gbowee Unified Liberian Women

Leymah Gbowee employed ingenious--and entirely peaceful--tactics in her women-led movement to end civil war in Liberia. The 2011 Nobel Peace Prize winner is speaking out in a new PBS series about how she mobilized a nation of women to force dictator Charles Taylor out, and convinced warring factions to put the guns and machetes down. READ»

The Inside Story Of Occupy Wall Street

Frustration, doubt, chaos, and failures dominated the early days of Occupy Wall Street. So how has it lasted so long, grown, and spread around the country? Fast Company reporter Sean Captain was at the occupation from day one and looks back on a series of moments that made the movement feel different than any other action he'd covered or participated in before. READ»

ROBOTS   |  Comment

This Week In Bots: Think You Better Dance Now

A Tel Aviv researcher inserted a "robotic" cerebellum into the brain of a paralyzed rat. In an experiment the brain-injured rodent could only blink, on its own, when its robotic cerebellum was turned on. There's much more where that came from in this week's installment of TWIB.READ»

APPLE   |  Comment

The Apple iPhone 4S Event: A Mega, Meta Appreciation Of The Tim Cook Show

Apple's iPhone and iPod news explosion yesterday flooded the internet with everything you could possibly want to know about its products and people. If you only read one post on the event make it this one--because it's actually like reading 43 stories in one!READ»