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Beyondblue peer program aims to help migrants

Having a baby had always been Ambika Sivan's dream. But when the Indian migrant fell pregnant with her son four years ago, it soon turned into a nightmare. 

"A couple of months before he was born, I started having [negative thoughts]," Ms Sivan says. "Every mother has it, they are scared about the birth, but mine was to the extent that I am going to die." 

A difficult and prolonged labour, compounded by a lack of family in Australia, made things worse. 

"When the baby is born, being a mother ... you have those nice feelings ... to hold the baby. I didn't have those feelings," she says.

What made things harder for Ms Sivan was the stigma attached to mental illness within the Indian community. 

But now a beyondblue peer program is aiming to help migrants and refugees in the Greater Dandenong area. 


Beyondblue chief executive Georgie Harman says people from non-English speaking backgrounds and those who have recently settled in Australia face particular barriers to mental health support and services. 

"[They have] a range of often unique circumstances that put them at greater risk of developing very common mental health conditions like depression and anxiety," Ms Harman says.

"And there is a general pressure of being the best mum in the world when you have your children, and if you are disconnected from that usual support network, you can imagine how hard it would be."

For more than one year, Ms Sivan struggled on her own. 

"After [my son] was born, I was panicking, anxious," she says. "I started to get suicidal thoughts a lot. I was thinking, I am not a good mother, I don't deserve this life, and if I am not there, my husband and son would lead a better life.

"It took 1½ years to realise that I wasn't the person I used to be."

Then Ms Sivan  found beyondblue. 

"They referred me to PANDA [Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia]," she says. "They were all lovely people, I want to thank them. For the kind of mood I was in, they were very consoling."

Visits to the GP and counselling followed, along with support from her husband and workmates. 

"It was not an easy thing to come out of it, to be honest, very hard," Ms Sivan says. 

"Last year, I started feeling the same way [happy], like I used to feel before all this drama started."

Now she works for beyondblue as part of a 12-month pilot program to help others. 

She is one of the four peer workers offering free support to people living in Greater Dandenong area – home to almost a third  of Victoria's asylum seekers.

Funded by the federal government and South Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network, beyondblueConnect is available to anyone over 16.

Peer workers, who have all experienced depression and, or anxiety, speak  Arabic, Dari, Farsi,Greek, Sudanese and Tamil. They aim 

to offer practical strategies to manage anxiety and navigate local services. 

Ms Sivan says mental illness is just like any other disease and can be treated. She wants other migrants to "be bold" and speak up. 

"I have got so much help ...and it is my turn to help others," she says.

"I just want to say I am there, help is there, I don't want you to be alone.

"I know there is a lot of stigma around this, [but] it is our life, don't worry about what others are thinking about you, be strong, be bold. Just don't panic, or feel ashamed of yourself."

To register for beyondblueConnect, call 1300 036 418, email, or visit