17 June 2017

US preparing to send up to 5,000 more troops to Afghanistan

By Jordan Shilton, 17 June 2017

The escalation of the longest war in US history reflects the deepening crisis of Washington’s puppet regime in Kabul, which is losing ground to the Taliban-led insurgency.

Germany issues stinging rebuke of US sanctions against Russia

By Johannes Stern, 17 June 2017

Twenty five years after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the conflicts between the major imperialist powers, which resulted in two world wars, are openly erupting again.

Officer who fatally shot Philando Castile in Minnesota acquitted on all charges

By Anthony Bertolt, 17 June 2017

Jeronimo Yanez killed Castile last July even though he posed no threat, in a horrific incident captured on video and broadcast live by Castile’s girlfriend.

Trump comments deepen conflict with Department of Justice

By Patrick Martin, 17 June 2017

Trump’s latest tweets increased the pressure on Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to recuse himself from the investigation into the Trump campaign’s alleged ties with Russia.

Special counsel reportedly investigating Trump for obstruction of justice

Amazon’s monopoly swells with $13.7 billion offer to buy Whole Foods

By Evan Blake, 17 June 2017

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos made $1.88 billion in a single day as the corporation’s octopus-like control expanded into a new segment of the world economy.

Amazon workers speak out
Amazon forced pregnant woman off the job due to physical, emotional stress

Ex-Amazon worker: I was fired for picking too slow

Trump administration withdraws Obama order protecting immigrant parents of US children

By Josh Varlin, 17 June 2017

The never-implemented DAPA program would have granted work permits and reprieves from deportation to some four million adults.

Trump administration’s immigration raids target persecuted Iraqi nationals

Motivation for shooting at San Francisco UPS facility still unclear

By our reporters, 17 June 2017

Excessive overtime and other hostile conditions at the company are likely to have contributed to the violence.

GM announces 1,000 layoffs in Kansas amid warnings of a “swift and material downturn”

By Shannon Jones, 17 June 2017

All the US-based car companies face enormous pressure from Wall Street to drive up profits and cut costs.

US Special Forces will wage war in Africa “for at least a generation”

By Thomas Gaist and Eddie Haywood, 17 June 2017

US military commandos are presently involved in over 100 missions simultaneously across the African continent, according to internal Pentagon documents.

German government hosts major conference on Africa

François Ruffin runs populist campaign in Amiens for France’s legislative election

By Antoine Lerougetel, 17 June 2017

Ruffin, a successful independent filmmaker, makes clear that he will not build a movement in the working class in the de-industrialized regions of northern France.

Deaths from drug overdoses rise rapidly in Canada

By Riksen Stewart and Roger Jordan, 17 June 2017

The mayor of Vancouver has labelled the drug overdose epidemic a “bloodbath” that is predicted to kill more than 400 people in the city by the end of the year.

Trump’s visit to Poland: A return to the pre-war Intermarium strategy

By Clara Weiss, 17 June 2017

Trump’s visit is a clear signal that the US is increasingly relying on an alliance with Eastern European countries in face of mounting tensions with Germany and France.

Indonesian president supports military role in new “anti-terror” law

By John Roberts, 17 June 2017

The legislation will significantly reverse limitations placed on the military’s internal security role following the fall of the Suharto dictatorship.

Sri Lankan plantation unions help companies impose “share-cropping” system

By M. Thevarajah, 17 June 2017

The so-called revenue-sharing system will slash plantation workers’ already poverty-level living conditions and hard-won social rights.

Labour’s share of Australian GDP falls to record low

By Oscar Grenfell, 17 June 2017

The new figures underscore the consequences of the intensified assault on the social position of workers, amid a deepening economic crisis.

New in Russian

Дворцовый переворот или классовая борьба: Политический кризис в Вашингтоне и стратегия рабочего класса

Джозеф Кишор и Дэвид Норт от имени Политического комитета Партии Социалистического Равенства, 17 июня 2017 г.

Рабочий класс не может оставаться сторонним наблюдателем в борьбе между Трампом и демократами. Он должен развить свою борьбу против Трампа под собственным знаменем и со своей собственной программой.

New in Spanish

Un golpe palaciego o la lucha de clases: La crisis política en Washington y la estrategia de la clase obrera

Por Joseph Kishore y David North en nombre del Comité Político del Partido Socialista por la Igualdad, 17 junio 2017

La clase obrera no puede permanecer siendo una espectadora más ante la disputa entre Trump y los demócratas. Tiene que desarrollar su propia lucha contra Trump bajo su propia bandera y programa.

Los crímenes de guerra de Washington en Siria

Por Bill Van Auken, 17 junio 2017

Un investigador de la ONU de crímenes de guerra encontró que el ejército estadounidense ha infligido “pérdidas impactantes de vidas civiles” con sus constantes ataques aéreos en la ciudad siria de Raqa y sus alrededores.

Gobierno de Syriza en Grecia aprueba más medidas de austeridad

Por John Vassilopoulos, 17 junio 2017

El proyecto de ley está diseñado para facilitar despidos masivos y ventas de bienes públicos.

Redadas migratorias llegan a Detroit: decenas de personas detenidas para ser deportas a las zonas de guerra en Irak

Por Eric London y Niles Niemuth, 17 junio 2017

La decisión del gobierno de Trump de deportar refugiados a Irak socava el argumento que las guerras estadounidenses en Irak y Siria son intervenciones “humanitarias” para proteger a la población.

New in German

Der Anschlag auf US-Kongressabgeordnete und seine politische Bedeutung

Von Eric London, 17. Juni 2017

Der Täter ist eine tragische Gestalt: Er sah keinen Ausweg aus einem politischen System, dass von Superreichen dominiert wird und in dem sich keine der bestehenden Organisationen um seine Probleme kümmert.

Bundesregierung weist US-Sanktionen gegen Russland scharf zurück

Von Johannes Stern, 17. Juni 2017

Die transatlantischen Spannungen zwischen Deutschland und den USA drohen in offene Gegnerschaft umzuschlagen.

Britische Premierministerin May in Paris
Frankreichs Präsident Macron stellt Rücknahme des Brexit in Aussicht

Von Alex Lantier, 17. Juni 2017

Zunehmende Feindseligkeit herrscht zwischen Washington, Paris und Berlin: Unter den imperialistischen Mächten entfaltet sich ein heftiger Streit um Einflusssphären und Bündnisse.

Frankreich: Parlamentswahlen enthüllen den politischen Bankrott Mélenchons

Von Alex Lantier, 17. Juni 2017

Die hohe Wahlenthaltung von 51 Prozent in der ersten Runde der Parlamentswahlen und der Sieg der Partei des Präsidenten Emmanuel Macron, haben die Behauptung von Jean-Luc Mélenchon widerlegt, er habe eine Strategie für den Kampf gegen Macrons Agenda.

Siemens streicht in Deutschland Arbeits- und Ausbildungsplätze

Von Elisabeth Zimmermann, 17. Juni 2017

Der Siemens-Vorstand will in Deutschland weitere 1700 Arbeitsplätze abbauen und zusätzlich 1000 Stellen auslagern. Erst diese Woche wurde bekannt, dass er außerdem von 33 Ausbildungsstandorten 15 schließen will.

Italien: 24-Stunden-Streik im Bahn- und Flugverkehr

Von Marianne Arens, 17. Juni 2017

Mit dem Streik kämpfen Bahn- und Busfahrer, Flughafenbeschäftigte und Transportfahrer gegen die fortschreitende Privatisierung.

Other Languages


Corporate mass murder in London

17 June 2017

Thousands protested in London Friday to demand justice and the punishment of those responsible for mass murder in the worst housing fire in modern British history.

Earlier Perspectives »

Featured Comment

Palace coup or class struggle: The political crisis in Washington and the strategy of the working class

By Joseph Kishore and David North on behalf of the Socialist Equality Party Political Committee, 13 June 2017

The working class cannot remain a bystander in the fight between Trump and the Democrats. Rather, it must develop its struggle against Trump under its own banner and with its own program.

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On the eve of the second round of the French legislative elections

By Alex Lantier, 17 June 2017

The elections taking place tomorrow will undoubtedly mark a historic collapse of French democracy and of what has passed for the “left” in France for nearly a half century.

Divisions erupt in neo-fascist National Front during French legislative election

The Guardian’s Owen Jones: A political health warning

By Julie Hyland, 17 June 2017

Guardian journalist Owen Jones, who spent much of the last year preparing for yet another leadership challenge against Labour’s Jeremy Corbyn, is now singing another tune.

The political significance of the shooting attack on US congressmen

By Eric London, 16 June 2017

UK: May forced to call public inquiry into Grenfell Tower fire

By Robert Stevens, 16 June 2017

Washington’s war crimes in Syria

German law professor accuses Baberowski of right-wing extremism and historical revisionism


My Cousin Rachel: Was she innocent or guilty—and what would it signify?

By David Walsh, 17 June 2017

Roger Michell’s film, based on the 1951 novel by Daphne du Maurier set in the 19th century, follows a callow young man who falls for his sophisticated, perhaps calculating older “cousin.”

Theater professionals address the Flint water disaster
Public Enemy: Flint, an adaptation of Henrik Ibsen’s classic play: A remarkable artistic event

By Joanne Laurier, 15 June 2017

Interviews with actors in Public Enemy: Flint

By Joanne Laurier, 15 June 2017

Free the Maruti Suzuki workers!

On-the-spot report from India
Maruti Suzuki worker condemns court verdict as “pre-determined”

By our correspondents, 16 June 2017

Indian authorities seek to imprison more Maruti Suzuki workers on frame-up charges

By Shannon Jones, 13 June 2017

Sri Lankan students demand release of framed-up Maruti Suzuki workers

More on the frame-up of Maruti Suzuki workers »

Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

17 June 2017

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Los Angeles and San Diego teachers’ contracts set to expire at the end of the month

By Jake Dean, 15 June 2017

Centenary of the Russian Revolution

This week in the Russian Revolution
June 12-18: Petrograd Congress of Factory Committees endorses Bolshevik resolutions

12 June 2017

Arriving straight from their factory benches, worker-deputies vote overwhelmingly for Bolshevik resolutions. Workers declare that they are ready to rule without the “help” of the capitalists and landlords.

From the archives of the Revolution
From the Kronstadt Sailors, Soldiers, and Workers—To the Revolutionary People of Petrograd and All Russia

By Leon Trotsky, 13 June 2017

Chronology of the Russian Revolution »

International Amazon Workers Voice

California Amazon worker speaks out
“They told us to work harder, promised ‘a cookie’ to fastest worker”

By Marc Wells, Toby Reese and Kevin Martinez, 7 June 2017

Striking German Amazon workers describe grueling conditions and digital surveillance

By Dietmar Henning, 7 June 2017

Socialist Equality Party launches International Amazon Workers Voice newsletter

By the Socialist Equality Party, 24 May 2017

Watch: How can Amazon workers fight back?

Share this video widely! Like and Follow the International Amazon Workers Voice on Facebook

Socialist Equality Party

Socialist Equality Party stands candidates in German election: Against militarism and war! For socialism!

By Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei (Socialist Equality Party of Germany), 5 June 2017

Floods in Sri Lanka: Government responsible for another social disaster

By the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), 5 June 2017