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Phyllis Schlafly’s Dark Prophecy—Demographics Are Destiny, Even in GA-6. The Only Answer: An Immigration Moratorium...

Establishment GOP candidate Karen Handel reportedly could lose to Democrat Jon Ossoff in Tuesday’s critical GA-6 special election, although Republicans have held this direct since the 1970s. [ Karen Handel Is Keeping Donald Trump At Arm’s Length In Georgia's 6th District , by Henry J Gomez, Buzzfeed, June 17, 2017} This is partly because she is (of course) useless on immigration, as Paul Nachman noted last night .  But the greater truth: regardless of any “Trump Effect,” demographics is destiny in American politics, even in GA-6. And Republicans can’t say they weren’t warned.

The late Phyllis Schlafly pointed out that mass immigration would ultimately doom conservatism:
How Mass (Legal) Immigration Dooms a Conservative Republican Party

Because immigrants and their adult children overwhelmingly favor big government, there is no issue more important for conservatives than reducing the future number of legal immigrants allowed into the country each year. Otherwise, legal immigration will continue to add millions of liberal voters every decade, making it extremely unlikely that conservatives will be successful on all the issues they care about.

[ How Mass (Legal) Immigration Dooms a Conservative Republican Party: A Comprehensive Review of Surveys in Immigrant Communities Showing Their Support for Big Government, Eagle Forum, February 4, 2014]

Schlafly noted that the majority of new legal immigrants, Asians and Hispanics, were heavily in favor of big government and the redistributionist (racial socialist) policies of the Democrats.

Perhaps heeding this conclusion, Trump rallied working-class white Americans to embrace his brand of conservatism, exactly as Schlafly had recommended in her 2014 report [ How Trump Won: White Working Class Voters Motivated By Fear Of Immigrants Not Economic Woes, By Jason Le Miere, Newsweek, May 9, 2017]. Read more >>

When Will They Ever Learn? Karen Handel Shrinks From Immigration Issue in GA-6

Evidence continues to accumulate that (exactly as Ann Coulter and predicted) immigration was the decisive factor in Donald Trump’s upset 2016 victory. In fact, its potency as a political issue has been obvious for years, despite intense denial. Yet, apart from Corey Stewart’s heroic near-miss in this week’s Virginia gubernatorial primary, GOP elected officials and candidates are very slow to get the message. Case in point: hapless Establishment favorite Karen Handel’s campaign in the special election in Georgia’s sixth congressional district, to be held next Tuesday, June 20.

As The New York Times's Thomas Edsall wrote four months ago:
In an October 2016 report, Pew found that Trump voters were decisively more hostile to both free trade agreements and immigration than the general public, and much more hostile than Clinton supporters.

A detailed analysis of exit polls in four key states that helped deliver the election to Donald Trump — Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — produced interesting findings not only about Hispanics, but also African-Americans — who are less supportive of liberal immigration policies than other core Democratic constituencies — and whites. In each of these states, opposition to immigration was higher than the national average.

[ The Democrats’ Immigration Problem , February 16, 2017; link in original; emphases added]

Pat Buchanan: The Long History of Leftist Hatred

James T. Hodgkinson of Belleville, Illinois, who aspired to end his life as a mass murderer of Republican Congressmen, was a Donald Trump hater and a Bernie Sanders backer.

Like many before him, Hodgkinson was a malevolent man of the hating and hard left.

His planned atrocity failed because two Capitol Hill cops were at that Alexandria baseball field, providing security for House Whip Steve Scalise. Had those cops not been there, a massacre would have ensued with many more dead than the gunman.

Recall. There were no armed citizens at that Tucson grocery in 2011, when six were murdered and Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was gravely wounded along with a dozen others. The nutcase doing the shooting was only wrestled to the ground when he dropped a clip trying to reload.

The Alexandria attack brings back memories of long ago.

A day before my 12th birthday, when I was in Children's Hospital with a broken leg, my parents brought me the news that Puerto Rican terrorists had just attempted to assassinate Harry Truman at Blair House. A heroic cop, Leslie Coffelt (left) died stopping them.

In my second year in high school, blocks from the Capitol, Puerto Rican nationalists entered the visitor's gallery of the House and began firing semiautomatic pistols. Five Congressmen were wounded. Read more >>

Time For A National Conversation About MSM Incitement Of Violence Against Trump, The GOP…And You

This was inevitable. As of this writing, Congressman Steve Scalise remains in critical condition after being shot by a fanatically anti-Trump, Bernie Sanders supporting white male.

Needless to say, after the Main Stream Media has spent months screaming Republicans are literal traitors in service to a foreign power and that the President of the United States won office illegitimately in a “hacked election,” it’s not surprising elected officials are going to be attacked by Leftist partisans gaslit into shrieking hysteria.

Consider the New Normal:
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