AIA $6.67 +0.76% Last updated 21/06/2017 3:07:14 PM

Trading Summary AIA

Period High Low Volume Value Trades
Previous Day $6.840 $6.620 60,989 $407,073 348
Week $6.840 $6.620 96,062 $641,188 706
Month $7.050 $6.550 1,167,192 $7,872,081 4,045
Quarter $7.050 $6.050 3,874,344 $25,101,013 18,347
Year $7.050 $6.040 7,256,247 $46,793,467 32,768
Rolling Year $7.590 $5.630 40,415,241 $255,969,015 90,690
Financial Year $7.590 $5.630 39,886,241 $252,778,461 88,051

Market Sensitive Announcements AIA

Market Sensitive Headline Date Type Pages
Sensitive Announcement AIA - Schedule of Standard Charges and Payment Policy Progress Report 7
Sensitive Announcement Monthly Traffic Update - March 2017 Periodic Reports - Other 2
Sensitive Announcement AIA - Wholesale floating rate note issue Issued Capital - Other 1
Sensitive Announcement AIA February 2017 - Monthly Traffic Update Periodic Reports - Other 2
Sensitive Announcement AIA New 5-star Hotel at Auckland Airport Progress Report 2
Australian Securities Exchange Morningstar Thomson Reuters