

Le Canada est-il vraiment aussi accueillant pour les migrants qu’il prétend l’être? Dans l’ombre des frontières démonte ce mythe et, à l’aide de nombreux récits personnels de détentions, de privations de services essentiels, d’exploitation et d’expulsions, montre à quel pointla vie des personnes sans statut au Canada est marquée par la précarité

Year 2015 Length 37 MINS


¿Canadá realmente les da la bienvenida a los migrantes de la manera en que se afirma? A través de relatos personales sobre detención, denegación de servicios esenciales, explotación laboral y deportación, En la Sombra de la Cerca cuestiona este mito y revela las dificultades que atraviesan quienes no poseen un estatus legal.

Year 2015 Length 37 MINS

In the Shadow of Borders

Is Canada the welcoming country for migrants it likes to call itself? In the Shadow of Borders challenges this myth and, through personal stories of detention, denial of essential services, labour exploitation and deportation, exposes how precarious are the lives of those without status.

Year 2015 Length 37 MINS

Exile 2.0 – Chapter I

Exile 2.o follows the so-called Balkanroute from southeastern Turkey to Croatia, and features many autonomous, self-organized transit points along the way.

Year 2016 Length 93

An Anarchist’s Story: The Life of Ethel MacDonald

In 1936, with civil war sweeping through Spain, Ethel Macdonald – a working-class girl from Motherwell – was to become, for a year, one of the world’s most famous voices. She was perhaps the first example of an ’embedded reporter’, sending dispatches and broadcasts back from the Spanish Anarchist camp in Barcelona to the UK.

Year 2007 Length 75 MINS

Syria: The story of an impossible revolution

Ecos Del Desgarro describes the untold story of the Syrian revolution, and the effort for horizontal self-organization by grassroots committees, who aimed to create a new world while facing the brutal repression of Bashar Al Assad.

Year 2015 Length 75 MINS

The Set-up of the Bomb Case

In the early morning hours of May 22nd, 2009, a man on a bicycle rides through the dark streets of downtown Santiago. In his backpack he is carrying a bomb. In his belt, he has a Smith and Wesson 38 caliber revolver.

Year 2013 Length 80 MINS

Anarchism in America

A colorful and provocative survey of anarchism in America, the film attempts to dispel popular misconceptions and trace the historical development of the movement.

Year 1983 Length 75 MINS


A secret illegal project from the 1950s, 60s and 70s called COINTELPRO, represents the state’s strategy to prevent resistance movements and communities from achieving their ends of racial justice, social equality and human rights. The program was mandated by the United States’ FBI, formally inscribing a conspiracy to destroy social movements, as well as mount… Read more »

Year 2010 Length 56 MINS