Tacoma, WA: Support the #Tacoma12 on Hunger Strike

Women in Tacoma, WA have started a second hunger strike of the year at the Northwest Detention Center. People detained at the facility are...

Philadelphia, PA: Ugly-Ass Frank Rizzo Mural In South Philly Gets Tagged...

Tattle Tot writes: In case you missed it, Philadelphia Police OfficerĀ Ryan Pownall, a white man, shot David Jones, a black man, in the back earlier...

Michigan: Growing Struggles Show Need for Coordination

People in Michigan are under attack and fighting back. On Saturday, June 10, right-wingers and white supremacists held an ā€œanti-shariaā€ rally in Lansing. It...

Update on Water Protectors Facing Charges in the Standing Rock Resistance

The long, arduous battle has continued in Mandan and Bismarck courts for more than 600 water protectors facing charges for resisting the Dakota Access...

Posters in Solidarity with J20 Defendants

Here are 3 posters for distribution aimed at spreading awareness about the comrades arrested during the inauguration in January. Make wheatpaste and do it up! PDFs...

St. Paul, MN: Thousands Converge After Philando Castile Verdict

This evening, thousands converged at the Minnesota Capitol in St. Paul, to response to the jury in Philando Castile's murder finding the police officer,...

Standing Against Islamophobia: Report Back from San Bernardino Action Against Islamophobic...

This is a report back from someone on-the-ground in the San Bernardino anti-fascist action against the ā€œMarch Against Sharia,ā€ an Islamophobic event that happened...

Border Patrol Raids Humanitarian Aid Camp in Targeted Attack

A helicopter, 15 trucks and 30 armed agents descended on the medical aid station to apprehend 4 people receiving medical care in deadly summer...

Haiti: Workers Regroup As Actions and Assemblies Continue

THANK YOU SO MUCHĀ for the incredible show of solidarity for Haitian garment workers and their fight for 800 Gourdes minimum wage! Organizers in Haiti sayĀ that...

The Center is Dead: A Response to ‘Downfall’

This following article is written by Sean Swain, an anarchist prisoner currently doing time in Ohio. To learn more about Sean and his case,...

Antifa Sticker Packs! Restocked on Shirts and Old Packs

We now have ANTIFA STICKER PACKS! $15 gets you 24 stickers! Every orders includes two of each sticker shown in the photo. Help get...

Call to Action: Border Patrol Surveilling and Interfering with No More...

URGENT UPDATE: Since 4:30 PM Tuesday, Nogales Station Border Patrol agents have surrounded and are actively surveilling the No More Deaths humanitarian aid camp....

Rustbelt Abolition Radio #5: Queering Abolition

Listen and Download Here In this episode we examine the relationships between carcerality, gendered and sexual violence on the one hand, and on the other:...

Solecast #44: Mic Crenshaw on The Anti-Racist Action Network & Radical...

Listen and DownloadĀ Here Solecast 44 is with rapper, poet and long time organizer Mic Crenshaw. The conversation begins with him talking about his friend Micah...

No Platform For Islamophobia: How Austin Shut Down ā€˜March Against Shariaā€™...

Photo by Ann Harkness It was called the ā€œMarch Against Sharia,ā€ but thanks to a lot of very loud Austin activists this white supremacist gathering...

Trans & Queer Media Under Attack from Alt-Right Trolls

In the past few weeks, trans and queer-friendly sites on social media have come under attack from a coordinated network of trolls, bullies and...

San Bernardino, CA: Report Back from Islamophobia Counter-Demonstration

Punks for Progress brings usĀ coverage and narrative from the counter-demonstration in San Bernadino, California. This video clearly shows three blatant mass unprovoked attacks from the...

How the Right Hopes to Use the Shooting in Alexandria

Those who wish to carry out acts of violence always seek to frame themselves as victims. If they are perceived as victims, this can...

Portland, OR: Workers Picket Burgerville During Floral Parade

During Portland's Grand Floral Parade, fast food workers and supporters of the ongoing fight to unionize the Burgerville chain showed up to picket a...

Folsom Prison Hunger Strike Solidarity

Punks for ProgressĀ podcast reports from theĀ Folsom Prison Hunger Strike Solidarity demonstration on June 4th, outside of Sacramento, CA. This video features 9 speeches from various...

Mexico: Government Sends Shock Group to Evict Environmental Encampment in Morelos

On the morning of Wednesday, June 7th, the "civil society" of TepoztlĆ”n, as Governor Graco RamĆ­rezā€™s administration calls it, headed by Gabino RĆ­os and...