The SUWA Show (November 2016) : Jason Wilson on Trump/ism



On this month’s episode of Floating Anarchy (The SUWA Show, 5.30pm, Friday, November 25 on 3CR), Dr Cam and I yarn to Jason Wilson (The Guardian) about Presidente Trump. See also : How can the left respond to the global resurgence of far-right populism?, November 24, 2016 | Melbourne 1 /// Trump 0, November 20, 2016.

Other notes of interest:

• This Sunday, November 27, the Australian Unemployed Workers’ Union (AUWU) is holding a public meeting @ the Unitarian Peace Memorial Church in East Melbourne to discuss ‘Solving Our Job Agency Crisis’. Confirmed speakers include David Thompson (CEO Jobs Australia), Sue Bolton (Socialist Alliance, Moreland City Councillor), Duncan Storrar (Freedom From Poverty), Pas Forgione (Coordinator, Anti Poverty Network SA), Owen Bennett (President, Australian Unemployed Workers’ Union) and Godfrey Moase (Assistant Secretary, National Union of Workers). See also : How Malcolm Turnbull’s Men Keeps The Dole Bludger Boogeyman Alive, Owen Bennett, New Matilda, November 20, 2016.

• Next Sunday, December 4, Jewsagainstfascism have organised a counter-rally — We Remember: Celebrate Multiculturalism, Oppose Pauline Hanson — to welcome *cough* One Nation MPs Pauline ‘Please Explain?’ Hanson and Malcolm ‘Jew World Order’ Roberts to Caulfield. The MPs have been invited to speak in Melbourne by a handful of her racist, right-wing fanboys at IDF Training (105 Hawthorn Road, Caulfield North); the counter-rally starts at midday.

One Nation Senators Pauline Hanson and Malcolm Roberts are slated to “speak to, and take questions from, the Jewish community” in Caulfield on December 4.

Pauline Hanson and One Nation have been at the forefront of promoting Islamophobia. Malcom Roberts’ antisemitic conspiracy theories, are too far out there even for Andrew Bolt.

In the late nineties, the Jewish community was heavily involved in the fight against Pauline Hanson and her racism. We defeated her then and we can do it again.

This is a great opportunity to come together as a community and assert Jewish social justice ethics in a time of great uncertainty and heightened racism.

Multicultural street party against Hanson!

Defend multiculturalism! Fight racism, Islamophobia and antisemitism!

We welcome all community support.

See also : From Cable Street to Caulfield, Australian Jewish News, November 24, 2016 | Jewish group cries foul over One Nation senator’s ‘obscene’ anti-Semitism claims, Bianca Hall, The Age, November 22, 2016 | Strange bedfellows: Hanson, Roberts invited to address conservative Jewish group, Bianca Hall, The Age, November 16, 2016.

• Mess The West is a free DIY festival taking place in Footscray and surrounds from Thursday, December 1 — Sunday, December 4. Blog | Facebook.
