Plane passengers would rather sit next to someone with bad body odour than a baby

 Photo: Getty Images

This might not come as a surprise to you if you've ever flown with your children, but plane passengers would rather sit next to someone with really bad body odour than next to a baby.

And according to a recent survey, over half of travellers think families with kids under 10-years-old should be seated in a separate section of the plane.

American group, Airfare Watch Dog surveyed more than 4,000 people in its annual survey and the results will have you shaking your head.

Of those surveyed, 52 per cent want families with kids nowhere near them on a plane, while 39.3 per cent were worried about sitting next to someone who was sick or coughing and 28 per cent were worried about sitting next to someone who was stinky.

That means more people would rather sit next to someone who was sick or smelt bad, than sit next to a child under the age of 10.

Respondents also said they worried about sitting next to someone who was overweight (13.6 per cent in fact).

However, the respondents had one thing in common, with 92 per cent agreeing that plane travel had "a lot to be desired". Luckily, 62 per cent of respondents also agreed that reclining their seat was not a cool thing to do as it made other passengers feel bad.

And while, respondents said that air travel could be improved, more than half would still opt to fly, than go to the dentist or prepare tax returns.