Rupee could be pick of Asian currencies for traders

The Indian rupee is one of the currencies to watch for online traders in the next few years.
The Indian rupee is one of the currencies to watch for online traders in the next few years. Sanjit Das/Bloomberg
by Alexandra Cain

Experts suggest Asian currency traders turn their attentions to the sub-continent, with India demonstrating healthy fundamentals to support its currency. But other Asian currencies could struggle as the US lifts interest rates.

Overall, Kay Van-Petersen, global macro strategist at Saxo Bank Group, is positive about emerging market currencies.

He cites continuing global growth and elections in China driving a stable economy as underlying factors supporting emerging markets' currencies in the Asian region.

"For those that like the idea of being long emerging markets, but want to avoid countries that could be negatively affected by lower commodity prices, look at the Indian rupee and Philippine peso," says Van-Petersen.

"These are economies with mouth-watering demographics that are going to grow over the next few decades, regardless of global recessions and booms," he adds.

Van-Petersen is particularly pro-India. "It's one of my few high-conviction trades where I'm happy to invest now and come back in 10 years without watching any news or prices. Do the work on India. It's where China was eight to 10 years ago," he says.

In terms of opportunities to trade other Asian currencies, Van-Petersen says through to 2018 it makes sense in a currency pair to short the Singapore dollar against long positions in the Australian dollar, the Indian rupee and Philippine peso.

He's also wary of the South Korean won. "Beware the most heavily discounted potential geopolitical event in the world, which is a US strike on North Korea. In my view this is a question of when not if."

Greg McKenna, chief market strategist at AxiTrader, says the Singapore dollar and Korean won have been Asian currency versions of the Trump trade.

"In late 2016 and early 2017 the Singapore dollar and Korean won depreciated against the US dollar as traders worried about a trade war with the region and bet the US economy would gain a lift from the US President's plans for tax and infrastructure spending," he says.

But markets stalled when details around these initiatives failed to emerge. Investors simultaneously took the view the US president probably was not going to start a trade war with the East, and the Singapore dollar and the won both benefited. 

"As the US Federal Reserve tightens rates and once the administration refocuses on its legislative and stimulus agenda, the recent lows for these currencies are expected to hold. Any rally in the US dollar from current levels is likely to see both these currencies depreciate towards year's end," McKenna says.

So Asian currency traders need to keep a keen eye on the US Fed's interest rate decisions, as well as President Donald Trump's next moves.

Tim Muirhead, director of Arbidyne, anticipates positive and negative forces will continue to pummel the South Korean won.

"On the plus side, the Korean share market has rallied strongly after years of stagnation, which is perhaps linked to government stimulus. Also, the current account surplus remains strong," says Muirhead.

"On the negative side, high private sector debt, corruption scandals and the bankruptcy of [shipping group] Hanjin are some of the challenges that led to the need for this stimulus in the first place. As a result we do not have a high conviction view on the won."

When it comes to the Hong Kong dollar, Muirhead says despite the runaway housing market in Hong Kong, due to the currency peg with the US dollar, Hong Kong essentially has to adopt the US's interest rate policy

"We don't see any changes to the Hong Kong peg in the near term as China looks to maintain an image of stability," he says.

McKenna agrees. "The Hong Kong dollar has weakened against the US dollar over the course of 2017.  Part of this has been due to the Chinese lock down of its capital account and outflows, which have reduced demand for Hong Kong dollars, all other things being equal."

He expects this trend to continue, although small moves in the currency are possible.

Muirhead says the Japanese yen could also provide trading opportunities for investors.

"Despite low nominal interest rates, Japan has a higher real interest rate relative to rest of developed world," says Muirhead.

This makes the yen more attractive than other currencies in countries whose interest rates are lower than Japan's. For instance, Japan has a higher real central bank interest rate than the US at the moment.

Political uncertainty in the US, coupled with the risk of larger deficits and a high trade imbalance also risks scaring off Japanese investors in US bonds and other US assets, which could also help support the yen.

"Inflation expectations in the US have been deteriorating recently and have reached a seven-month low. This has driven down US 10-year bond yields against expectations, making it more difficult to attract Japanese funding for the current account deficit," says Muirhead.

"The yen is a natural safe haven currency and with economic speed bumps on the cards, there is a heightened possibility people will run to the yen at some point."

Additionally, investors have been anticipating a rising US dollar due to the US Federal Reserve's forecast interest rate hikes. But this positioning means there's limited buying that will occur when the news actually comes.

"Traders might be net sellers [of the US dollar] as they unwind their position," Muirhead says. This would also be positive for the yen

As ever, currency markets can move sharply without warning, especially in Asia. So retail traders should ensure they fully understand their exposures and watch markets carefully when trading currency pairs.