Short and sweet: 3-letter baby names for girls
If you're looking for a short name for a baby girl, here are some 3-letter options to consider.
Essential Baby has thousands of baby name ideas for you to choose the perfect baby girl name or baby boy name.
Firstly you can check out our BABY NAME TOOL, where you can search by letter, meaning, name origin and gender.
You can chat with others about your ideas, and give advice to those looking for it, in our BABY NAME FORUM.
And below you'll find lists of names under popular categories. Browse through to find a name you love.
Need more help finding the perfect baby name?
Head to our Baby Name Tool to browse by letter, meaning, gender or origin.
Use our Baby Name Tester tool to see how a name sounds in a variety of situations.
Talk to others and use the forum as a sounding board with baby names on our baby names forums. There are lots of naming fanatics ready to help with name ideas, sibsets and to warn you off no-go names in the baby name forum.
If you're looking for a short name for a baby girl, here are some 3-letter options to consider.
A concise first name might be just the trick for those with complicated last names.
After a unique baby name for your little one? Here are the monikers no one chose in 2016.
Your child is a citizen of the planet, so give them a place name to reflect that.
It's quite amazing what some parents actually want to call their child. Sometimes they get away with it and sometimes they don't.
Naming your child after a villain seems like a swell idea?
Which letters came up trumps in the 2016 top baby name lists?
In 2016, it was all about surname names for boys and nature names for girls. Here's just how popular the latter trend was.
The big decision weighs heavily on wordsmith Flip Byrnes for weeks after her daughter’s birth.
One hot trend emerged over all others in the 2016 most popular baby names lists - surname names for boys.
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