
Anarcho-syndicalism in Puerto Real (review)

The French Stay in Strikes of 1934-36

Many universities now occupied

Universities now on strike

Rough translation of an article taken from French broadsheet Le Monde, summarising the situation as it stands across France [as of 8pm Friday].

Israel: Ashdod Port shut down by wildcat strike

Hundreds of port workers yesterday extended disruptions to service to a full wildcat stoppage over pay demands in defiance of bosses and unions.

1995: The JJ Foods Strike

On October 31st 95, forty five workers at JJ Fast Food Distribution Ltd. in Tottenham were sacked for joining the T&G.

The Full Sutton prisoners' strike

A brief account of a strike of around 250 prisoners at Full Sutton prison in England, from Black Flag magazine #207.

UK: Plymouth postie walkout

Postmen in Plymouth staged a six-hour walkout at midnight on Monday over changes to shift patterns.

Mexico: Nationwide wildcat miners’ strike

More than a quarter of a million miners and steelworkers walked off the job between March 1 - 3 in wildcat strikes at 70 companies in at least eight states from central to northern Mexico virtually paralysing the mining industry.

Finland: indefinite transport strike to start

Workers at 21 road haulage firms, 56 bus companies and ten warehouse terminals are to go on indefinite strike in Finland from Sunday, 6pm.

South Korea: Hundreds of rail workers arrested

231 railway workers were arrested and 2,244 workers were suspended during the third day of a mass strike in South Korea.