
TJLP takes on volunteers on an as-needed basis. The time commitment for a volunteer can be anything from helping out for one day on a specific initiative or activity, to assisting in administrative tasks on a weekly or monthly basis, to helping facilitate and maintain an entire project on an ongoing basis. Volunteers are expected to have a basic anti-oppression framework before coming to TJLP — particularly around the intersections of race, gender, and criminalization. TJLP’s seven teams are currently looking for volunteers who are passionate about prison abolition, transformative justice, and gender self-determination. In order to get involved with TJLP, please check out our volunteer opportunities listed below and email us at volunteer@tjlp.org.


This team provides free, zealous, life-affirming, and gender-affirming holistic criminal legal services to low-income and street based transgender and gender non-conforming people targeted by the criminal legal system. We need volunteer attorneys to:

  • Provide direct representation around prisoner rights, criminal defense, employment discrimination, public benefits advocacy, name change advocacy, immigration, etc.

  • Visit clients in prison and jail

  • Engage in legal research and writing

  • Participate in client meetings

  • Conduct legal resource clinics at TJLP and at allied organizations

Additionally, we need non-attorney volunteers to:

  • Organize and digitize client files

  • Answer out of state letters requesting services

  • Order necessary forms for attorneys upon request (HIPAA forms, psych records, etc)

  • Volunteer with our Name Change Mobilization and assist transgender and gender non-conforming folks in changing their legal names.


This team fulfills our commitment to growing our political consciousness and building intentional community relationships.  We need volunteers to:

  • Recommend event themes and skillshares that speak to our communities’ needs and interests

  • Provide outreach support to community partners who might wish to co-host an event

  • Organize reading groups or film screenings for members of TJLP to develop our critical consciousness

  • Provide trainings and skillshares to the TJLP Collective

  • Notify TJLP members of workshops/trainings/conferences/CLEs that we could attend


The Organizing Support Team works on building intentional and meaningful relationships between TJLP and allied organizations. We need volunteers to:

  • Collaborate with allied organizations on reading groups and monthly film screenings

  • Organize dinners, discussion groups, skype check-ins, etc. with members of allied organizations to help build coalitions


The Creative Resource Gathering Team is responsible for organizing fundraising and other resources for TJLP. We need volunteers to:

  • Organize fundraisers

  • Write and edit grant applications

  • Search for potential grants we could apply for

  • Gather in-kind donations (office supplies, CTA cards, etc)

  • Someone with accounting experience to manage TJLP’s budget and bank account, and do TJLP’s taxes


The Self-Care Team is responsible for making sure that TJLP’s volunteers, collective members, interns, and clients stay recharged for the revolution, and do not experience “burnout.”  We need volunteers to:

  • Provide astrology readings to TJLP members

  • Connect TJLP members to acupuncture/bodywork

  • Organize art/music/herbal therapy sessions for TJLP volunteers and folks who receive services

  • Train TJLP members in relaxation techniques

  • Conduct regular check-ins with TJLP members about our capacity and workload. This could be time to vent, to get advice on time management, to reflect on how over-worked you are, and whether you should take on more responsibilities or take a step back from some responsibilities


The Admin Team is responsible for maintaining TJLP’s communication infrastructure. We need volunteers to:

  • Check voicemail daily

  • Check info@tjlp.org email account daily

  • Produce a regular newsletter to distribute to TJLP listservs, clients, and folks on the inside

  • Manage the TJLP facebook page

  • Draft informational pamphlets, resource lists, how-to guides, and other documents that could be of use to clients, community members, allied orgs, TJLP members, and the revolution at large

  • Work as our Volunteer Coordinator to recruit, coordinate, and provide orientation to new volunteers



The Advocacy Support Team uses e our privileges as a legal organization to provide support in non-legal ways, including .  To do this, the Advocacy Support Team is looking for volunteers to:

  • Organize court support

  • Collect job applications for clients upon request (esp. if they’re getting out of prison/jail)

  • Work as a Resource Advocate to provide ongoing support for folks who access TJLP’s services, including applying for housing, government benefits, clothing, medical care, supplying CTA cards, etc.

  • Create a database of our clients’ birthdays, then send them birthday and holiday cards on an ongoing basis

  • Organize letter-writing campaigns for clients who ask us to support them

  • Assist folks on the inside with navigating the grievance procedure for their facility

  • Join Write to Win as a penpal with a trans person on the inside

  • Join GLAM Crew and gather and organize fabulous donations, connect individuals in need of the service, and assist recipients in picking out fabulous looks.

  • Join the Hidden Expressions ‘Zine Crew and correspond with folks who have contributed to the ‘zine, send mass mailings, organize submissions, or help plan our release party.

  • Assist Write to Win, our trans prisoner penpal project

  • Organize skillshares, discussion groups, and workshops. Suggested topics may include:

    • writing and public speaking

    • hair/makeup/nail/eyebrow tutorials

    • cooking club

    • harm-reduction strategies for dealing with police

    • safer sex work tips

    • how to find housing

    • harm reduction tips with hormone injection

    • groups just to meet other trans folks

    • astrology readings

    • how to write a resume and practice interviews

    • prison abolition and TJ in theory and practice

    • what does trans pride mean to you

    • activism and organizing tips

    • know your rights

    • community gardening

    • when to disclose that you are trans/HIV+/have a record/etc

    • fashion design

    • computer/MS Office literacy

    • woodworking

    • musical/singing lessons

    • arts and crafts

    • dance lessons

    • media critical consciousness

    • non-english language lessons

    • how to fill out tax forms

    • web design

    • conflict de-escalation