Tag Archives: Blasphemy

Episode 226 – 28th February 2014

How can you end up in court for blasphemy in France? What’s the point of banking? And why is scifi so sexist? We answer these questions and more on this week’s show!

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Blasphemy in France (1:31) by Marc Naimark
Banking Benefits (11:33) by Alex Douglas
One Web For All (21:07) by Chris Hofstader
The File (29:43) by Cory Hazlehurst
Sexist Sci-fi (37:26) by Liz Lutgendorff

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Will be added in the morning!

Episode 157 – 12th October 2012

When is a sick joke a criminal offence? What really happened during Pineapplegate? What should we do about the leftovers in space? And North Korea’s a bit grim, eh?

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Due to hosting changes from this episode on we’re going to be shouldering the bandwidth costs for hosting the podcasts directly – so please donate and help us keep the Pod Delusion online and free to download!

Sick Jokes & Criminal Offence (2:30) by James Firth
Pineapplegate: The Interview (11:53) by Mat Greenfield (ft Sean Oakley)
Space Debris (19:41) by Kash Farooq (ft Dr Stu Clark)
Brogrammers (30:23) by Tom Morris
Nothing To Envy (41:35) by James O’Malley (ft Andy Glynn)
Cool Brands (53:15) by Eon
Ugly Animals (61:02) by James O’Malley (ft Dr Simon Watt)
The sketch at the end is by David Lovesy & Brian Two

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Episode 126 – 9th March 2012

This week we find out what Cardinal Keith O’Brien has been saying, start the fight-back against the anti-choice brigade and speak to the first female Professor of Surgery because it’s Women’s History Month. And more!

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We’re trialling partnering with Audible – sign up and get a free trial and you’ll get a FREE AUDIOBOOK! And you’ll also be helping the Pod Delusion, which is nice. Available audiobooks include Sam Harris’s Moral Landscape and Ben Goldacre’s Bad Science. Sign up here.

Cardinal Keith (2:24) by Dave Cross
Bloomsbury Pro-Choice Alliance (8:44) by Liz Lutgendorff (ft Kerry from BPCA)
After-Birth Abortion (14:36) by Adam Jacobs
Averil Mansfield Interview (24:10) by Georgia Gale Grant
Irish Blasphemy Law (32:08) by James O’Malley (ft Prof David Nash)
Atheist Photobook (44:26) by Liz Lutgendorff (ft Chris Johnson)
Ayn Rand Ranniversary (52:52) by Paul Day
The sketch at the end is by David Lovesy & Brian Two

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Episode 121 – 3rd February 2012

This week we catch up with a conference on blasphemy, find out the problems with the welfare reforms, and the LADS have loads of BANTER about that awful “UniLad” article.

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CFI Blasphemy Conference (2:04) by James O’Malley & Liz Lutgendorff
(ft Andrew Copson, Austin Dacey and Maryam Namazie)
Welfare Reform (15:17) by Steven Sumpter
UniLad (25:44) by Dean Burnett
Deaths in Custody (34:52) by Georgia Gale Grant
Nuclear Theatre (41:27) by Liz Lutgendorff (ft Nicholas Kent)
The sketch at the end is by David Lovesy & Brian Two

CFI UK Blasphemy Conference

Recorded on the 28th January 2012 at Conway Hall in London, CFI UK (and the British Humanist Association) organised a conference on blasphemy. This event focused on the criminalization of religious hatred, defamation, and insult under European human rights, and how this functions as a de facto blasphemy law.

It was organised and introduced by Dr Stephen Law of Heythrop College, University of London and Editor of Think (Royal Institute Philosophy) Provost of Centre for Inquiry UK.

We have three of the talks available here. We hope to add the other two – pending permission from the speakers.

Andrew Copson – Blasphemy laws by the back door

Andrew Copson has been chief executive of the British Humanist Association since 2010 before which he spent five years coordinating the association’s campaigns work including on blasphemy and free speech issues.

After decades of campaigning the criminal offences of blasphemy and blasphemous libel have been abolished but censorship of blasphemous content and even threatened prosecution of blaspheme’s continues in the UK. Andrew explores how corporate interests, opaque advertising regulations and new criminal laws continue to stifle free expression, free criticism and mockery of gods and religions.

Austin Dacey – The Future of Blasphemy

Austin Dacey, Ph.D., is a representative to the United Nations for the International Humanist and Ethical Union and the author of The Future of Blasphemy:

If blasphemy is an affront to values that are held sacred, then it is too important to be left to the traditionally religious. In the public contestation of the sacred, each of us—secular and religious alike—has equal right and authority to speak on its behalf and equal claim to redress for its violation. Laws against blasphemy and “religious hatred” are inherently discriminatory because they give traditional faith communities a legal remedy that is not available to religious minorities and secularists when their sense of the sacred is violated.

Maryam Namazie – Blasphemy, Offence, and Islamophobia limiting Citizen Rights

Maryam will be speaking on how accusations of blasphemy, offensive speech and ‘Islamophobia’ censor and restrict free speech, limit citizen rights, and aid and abet Islamism. Maryam Namazie is Spokesperson of the One Law for All Campaign against Sharia Law in Britain, the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain and Equal Rights Now – Organisation against Women’s Discrimination in Iran. She is also National Secular Society Honorary Associate and the NSS’ 2005 Secularist of the Year award winner and was selected one of the top 45 women of the year 2007 by Elle magazine Quebec.

The Pod Delusion Live in Leicester!

A special bonus podcast to celebrate the week of our 100th programme! Recorded live at Leicester Skeptics in the Pub on August 16th.

nb: This is on the main Pod Delusion feed, so check your podcast software to make sure you also get this week’s regularly scheduled programme… episode 100!

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The Third University by Jennifer Jones
Blasphemy Laws by Liz Lutgendorff
Curing Evangelicals by Sean Ellis
Eden Project Woo? by Pete Hague
Comics and Representation by Andy Waterfield
Teacher Training by Alex Foster
Skeptical About Marriage by Johnnie Shannon
Yahweh’s Last Stand by Blake Hutchings