Monthly Archives: August 2011

Turning the tables on the Guardian’s Science Weekly

Tomorrow, if all goes to plan, I’m going to be accompanying Graham Steel to meet the guys behind the Guardian’s (excellent) Science Weekly podcast. Graham has organised a bit of a podcast recording to essentially ‘turn the tables’ on them. So we’re wondering in advance – does anyone have anything they’d like answered? Or any issues in science and journalism that you’d like to hear their take on?

I think Graham’s plan is to touch on issues as diverse as churnalism, the science blogging landscape, social media and linking to sources – can you think of anything we can add to this?

Let us know in the comments below!

Pod Delusion Live: Questival Special

So a few weeks ago we were at the Questival festival, in the middle of the Gloucestershire countryside. It’s basically a skeptical madrassa run by the AHS, the umbrella body representing university Humanist, Atheist and Secular groups.

They very kindly asked us to host a live podcast recording – so we did something daring. We hosted essentially an ‘open mic’ night where the attendees could tell an interesting story, make an interesting point – or generally be interesting. And tremendous fun it was too!

So tune in and hear what everyone had to say!

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(Thanks to Richy and Andrew for inviting us along!)

Episode 99 – 26th August 2011

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Cosmos Remake (1:33) by Liz Lutgendorff (ft Neil Degrasse Tyson!)
Mabus (17:13) by Keir Liddle
Mental Health Checks (24:32) by Tannice Pendegrass
Arms Trade Response (32:16) by Adam Jacobs
Cycle Helmet Safety (38:53) by Drew Rae & David Couch
On Skepticism… (42:23) by Tom Williamson
How to land space ships on stuff (49:09) by Kash Farooq
Millennium Seed Bank (53:30) by Sean Ellis
Anthony Nolan Trust (59:11) by Alex Foster
The sketch at the end was by David Lovesy, Brian Two, and Steve Clark

Follow-up links:

Episode 98 – 19th August 2011

We speak to Craig Reucassel from The Chasers about why satirists should be allowed to use Parliamentary footage, find out about our care footprints, and find out why the arms trade is like slavery (and other cheerful stuff like that).

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If you enjoy the programme, please support us by subscribing to donate so we can continue doing what we do.

Care Footprint (1:52) by Simon Howard
The Vorderman Report (9:24) by Peter Rowlett
Slaughterhouse Five Banned (16:54) by Salim Fadhley (ft Marc Leeds)
Parliamentary Censorship (25:42) by Blakeley Nixon (ft Craig Reucassel and Helen Lewis-Hasteley)
The Arms Trade & Slavery (38:41) by Henry Boddington
Geek Nation (47:42) by Liz Lutgendorff (ft Angela Saini)
Christian Skeptic (56:10) by Bethany Jenkins
Mysticism in Pregnancy (59:57) by Matt Kaiser
The sketch at the end is by David Lovesy & Brian Two

Show Notes:

London SITP with Angela Saini on ‘Geek Nation’

Recorded 1st August 2011, journalist Angela Saini speaks to London SITP host Sid Rodrigues about her book ‘Geek Nation’, which is about India’s culture of science and technology.