Monthly Archives: January 2011

Episode 69 – 28th January 2011

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Equality (2:17) by Liz Lutgendorff
NHS Reform (7:30) by Adam Jacobs
Betelgeuse (16:37) by Kash Farooq
Delingpole (21:59) by Matt Flaherty
Libertarian Skeptics (28:11) by Pete Hague
Theological Debate (36:50) by Drew Rae
News In Haiku (45:31) by Martyn Norris

Follow-Up Stuff:

Pod Delusion Live in Southampton on 26th February

An advanced heads-up for anyone who can’t make our live recording at QED on the 5th February – a couple of weeks later we’re doing a live recording in Southampton as part of the Southampton Atheist Society’s ‘Reason Week’ (do check out their programme of events by the way, as it sounds excellent).


A live recording of your favourite podcast about interesting things, in a pub, in Southampton! It’ll be like the regular show, but hopefully in front of you. You can hear our previous live shows here and here.


26th February at 7pm.


The HighField Pub, 47 Highfield Lane, SO17 1QD, Southampton, United Kingdom


A selection of Pod Delusion regulars, and some local speakers from Southampton and the Atheist Society. Don’t worry, it won’t all be God-bashing despite it being the atheist society – it’ll be our usual mixture of things. We will also be joined by the Amateur Transplants, who will be playing some songs for us!

How can I tell you I’m coming?

Post a comment below or sign up on our Facebook Event here.

Leave Andy Coulson A Voicemail Message

Help us out with next week’s show! Andy Coulson this week resigned as David Cameron’s Head of Communications, dogged by allegations that he knew about the phone-hacking that’s been going on. On next week’s show we want to play some of Andy Coulson’s voicemails – it’s only fair, right?

So why not call and leave Andy a voicemail? Simply follow these instructions:

  1. Dial 02033842843.
  2. When prompted for a registered number, enter 8679 followed by the # (hash) key.
  3. When prompted for a PIN number, enter 5555

We’re hoping to hear from everyone Coulson might interact with – government departments, journalists, politicians – even some celebrities, so if you’re one of them or think you can pretend to be one of these things, give ‘Andy’ a call. We’ll play the funniest on Friday’s show. Listen to voicemails Andy has already received by clicking the “read more” link (or scrolling down if you’re already on the page!):

Continue reading Leave Andy Coulson A Voicemail Message

Chris Snowdon – The Spirit Level Delusion – at London SITP

Do Cubans live longer than Americans? Are Scandinavians happier than the British? Does capitalism cause mental illness? Does inequality lead to murder? Would higher taxes make us slimmer, more trusting and more charitable? Christopher Snowdon will be challenging the theory made in the best-selling book The Spirit Level that ‘more equal societies almost always do better’. By fact-checking the book’s statistics and reviewing the scientific literature, he will argue that there is no correlation between income inequality and a country’s health, happiness and well-being. The hypothesis in The Spirit Level is, he says, based on selective evidence and flawed reasoning.

Episode 68 – 21st January 2010

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Alternative Vote (1:44) by Alex Foster
Tevatron Obituary (8:36) by Sean Ellis
Wikipedia at 10 (14:46) by Tom Morris
ECHR Libel Reform (21:26) by Gareth Winchester
Theology in Academia (29:13) by Drew Rae
Libraries (35:26) by Reggie

This week presented by Liz Lutgendorff as James has had some exciting emergency surgery.

Follow-up links:

Episode 67 – 14th January 2010

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Net Neutrality (1:20) by Sean Ellis
Equal Love Update (6:46) by Salim Fadhley (ft Prof Robert Wintemute)
The Placebo Effect (14:53) by Adam Jacobs
Women Having Affairs (22:53) by Marsh
Mark Steel Interview (31:08) by James O’Malley

Follow-up links:

Episode 66 – 7th January 2011

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Richard Herring Interview (1:37) by James O’Malley & Liz Lutgendorff
Homeopathy Vets (9:10) by Kash Farooq
King James Bible (13:45) by Simon Howard
What Makes A Suicide Bomber? (21:15) by Salim Fadhley (ft Prof Adam Lankford)
Mark Carwardine Interview (30:28) by Liz Lutgendorff
Eugenie Scott at QED (35:32) by Trystan Swale & Hayley Stevens

Pod Delusion Live at the QED Conference in February

Exciting news, folks! As you hopefully know by now, this February is the QED Conference in Manchester. It’s going to be brilliant – confirmed speakers so far include people like Jon Ronson, Simon Singh and Robin Ince. We’ve been talking about it on the show for a while now as our friends at the Merseyside Skeptics Society and Greater Manchester Skeptics are running it. But this post isn’t just an advert – it contains exciting news. I can reveal that we’ll be recording a live Pod Delusion at the conference – in front of an audience that will hopefully include you.

So if you’re attending the conference – please do come and watch our recording. If it’s anything like our previous live shows, it should be great fun!

Also! We’d like to feature some of the people attending the conference on our live show – so if you’re attending, and have a burning issue you’d like to highlight, or would like to shout your mouth off about something, do get in touch and tell us what you’d like to talk about! Get in touch on or tweet us @poddelusion.