Video & Photos – #ResistIstanbulAthensNYC

From New York, we hoped to do our modest part in solidarity with the ongoing Turkish struggle. Fifty people gathered at 1:30 last Saturday (6/8) outside Pace University, following one of the Greece Solidarity panel talks at the Left Forum…

Greeks Gather at Pace University July 8, 2013

Photo: Resa Sunshine

Chanting, “Istanbul, Athens, NYC – Resist in every ciiiii-ty,” we marched for a few blocks to Zuccotti Park, where 1500 Turkish Americans and Occupiers were rallying all day long.

Solidarity With Turkish Struggle Zuccotti Park

Photo: AKNY.org

They greeted our arrival with thunderous applause!

Greek Contingent Arrives at Zuccotti Park Turkish Rally

Photo: Mickey Z-vegan

Side by side, the national symbols take on a different meaning.

Greeks and Turks Together at Zuccotti Park

Photo: AKNY.org

Unprecedented in recent decades: Greeks and Turks standing together in NYC!

Turks and Greeks Stand Together Zuccotti, June 8

Photo: AKNY.org

Hundreds of people seated themselves for an assembly.

Turkish-Greek Solidarity Zuccotti: Assembly

Photo: AKNY.org

Asli Bulbul read the Taksim Square declaration of demands.

Video: Stacey Mazurek (youtube)

Despina Lalaki delivered a statement for AKNY-Greece Solidarity Movement.

Video: nothingofficial (youtube)

No one knows what happens next in Turkey. If on Facebook, follow every hour from Istanbul with frontline photographer Jenna Pope:

Gezi Park, Istanbul, June 5. Photo: Jenna Pope.

Gezi Park, Istanbul, June 5. Photo: Jenna Pope.

We hope, despite the dark threats from the Turkish government, that by next Saturday the struggle to save Gezi Park (at least) might be victorious. We pray for no more bloodshed!

We know this is only the beginning of a longer collaboration with our Turkish friends of OccupyGeziParkNYC.

Asli Bulbul. Photo: King Newyorkhacks

Asli Bulbul. Photo: King Newyorkhacks

Report: Nikos Levis
AKNY on Youtube

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