
Helmut Kohl, the architect of German reunification, dead at 87

Berlin: Former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, the architect of German reunification, died on Friday. He was 87.

The Bild newspaper reported in its online edition that Mr Kohl died at his home in Ludwigshafen, in western Germany with his second wife, Maike Kohl-Richter, at his side.

Former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl waves at supporters from his wheelchair in 2010.

Former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl waves at supporters from his wheelchair in 2010.

Photo: Getty Images

Mr Kohl's former party the Christian Democratic Union party (CDU) – also the party of current chancellor Angela Merkel, confirmed his death in a tweet that read simply: "We mourn."


Germany's longest serving post-war chancellor from 1982 to 1998, Mr Kohl was a driving force behind the introduction of the euro currency, convincing sceptical Germans to give up their cherished deutschemark.

The late French President Francois Mitterrand and then German Chancellor Helmut Kohl stand hand in hand as they listen to the national anthems during a French-German reconciliation ceremony near Verdun in 1984. The 10-month Battle of Verdun saw 163,000 French and 143,000 German soldiers killed.

The late French President Francois Mitterrand and then German Chancellor Helmut Kohl stand hand in hand as they listen to the national anthems during a French-German reconciliation ceremony near Verdun in 1984. The 10-month Battle of Verdun saw 163,000 French and 143,000 German soldiers killed.

Photo: AP

An imposing figure who formed a close relationship with French President Francois Mitterrand in pushing for closer European integration, Mr Kohl had been frail and wheelchair-bound since suffering a bad fall in 2008.

At home, he is celebrated above all as the father of German reunification, which he achieved after the 1989 fall of the Berlin Wall despite resistance from partners such as British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev.

He won voters in communist East Germany by promising them "flourishing landscapes".

In a 2012 tribute, former US President Bill Clinton described Mr Kohl as one of post-war Europe's defining statesmen.

The German flag flies half mast on the Reichstags building in Berlin on Friday.

The German flag flies half mast on the Reichstags building in Berlin on Friday.

Photo: DPA/AP

"His vision helped to usher the global community into the 21st century, to build bold and lasting relationships that endure to this day," Clinton said.

For all his accomplishments as chancellor, Mr Kohl's life was tinged by controversy and personal tragedy after he left office in 1998 as Germany's longest-serving leader since Bismarck.

Walter Kohl walks outside his late father, Chancellor Helmut Kohl's house in Oggersheim, Germany on Friday.

Walter Kohl walks outside his late father, Chancellor Helmut Kohl's house in Oggersheim, Germany on Friday.

Photo: AP

In 2000, he was forced to resign as honorary chairman of the CDU, the party he had led for 25 years, after admitting to receiving $US1 million in illegal cash donations during his time as chancellor, which he doled out to local party organisations at his whim.

He refused to reveal where the money had come from, saying he had given the donors his "Ehrenwort", or word of honour, not to disclose their names. The scandal made him a virtual pariah in his own party for years.

His twilight years were also shadowed by family drama. His wife, Hannelore, committed suicide in 2001 after suffering from an allergy to sunlight. One of his two sons, Walter Kohl, published a book in 2011 detailing how their father focused exclusively on politics, ignoring his family.

Mr Kohl mentored Dr Merkel early in her career, appointing her to her first ministerial post.

She was the shy physicist from communist East Germany who he had plucked from obscurity to join his cabinet after the fall of the Berlin Wall, but she turned on him at a crucial moment during the scandal, ensuring his exile. Ties between the two had been frosty ever since.

On Friday, dressed in black for a televised statement from Rome, Dr Merkel said Mr Kohl was "the right man at the right time".

"He stood fast to the dream and aim of a united Germany even as others hesitated." He changed her own life path "decisively" by reuniting Germany, she said.

In Brussels, European flags were lowered to half mast in tribute.

British Prime Minister Theresa May paid tribute to "a giant of European history" and "the father of modern Germany", while former US President George H.W. Bush said he and his wife Barbara "mourn the loss of a true friend of freedom, and the man I consider one of the greatest leaders in post-war Europe".

AAP, Reuters, Bloomberg

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