Last updated: June 24, 2017

That’ll be delay

That’ll be delay
The fog started gathering around Canberra airport while all the pollies were still trapped in Parliament House.

Get her drift

Get her drift
Pauline Hanson has delivered one of the great I Was Taken Out of Context orations of our time.

Toll of the bells

Toll of the bells
The outmanoeuvring of the Greens was signalled in a most profound manner yesterday.

Bombing run

"Absolutely no comment"... former Prime Minister John Howard.
Can a “no comment” be any more emphatic? Well, when your next question to John Howard is about a burlesque dancer wearing a Bob Hawke mask...

Book of Kevin?

Book of Kevin?
Word on the street is that Kevin Rudd is writing his autobiography.

Thomson’s tip

Thomson’s tip
He’s living life without a union credit card these days, but Craig Thomson remains a generous man.

Afternoon glory

Afternoon glory
Julie Bishop had 24 hours to produce a comeback to Labor’s Matt Keogh, and it was glorious.

Glib service

Glib service
The PM offers a glow-in-the-dark T-shirt-worthy quote.

A cracking time

A cracking time
It must have sounded like shots ringing out from Barnaby Joyce’s parliamentary office.

Auction heroes

Auction heroes
Grace will rub shoulders with potential disgrace in Canberra at the annual Midwinter Ball and auction.

A gutsy honour

A string of newly suffixed Australians are being gonged as ACs, AOs, AMs and OAMs as we toast Her Majesty’s good health.

Bill’s here to help

Bill’s here to help
In these increasingly partisan times, it’s always heartening to see a hand extended across the divide.

Dude, where’s my khaki?

Dude, where’s my khaki?
If there’s a politician who knows his uniforms, it’s Christopher Pyne.

The M word

The M word
The time will come when someone will do a thesis on Labor Party leaders, the ABC’s 7.30, and the word mate.

Ballarat and bust

Ballarat and bust
If somewhere there exists an Abbott-proof fence, this clearly isn’t one.

Hanson hook-up

Hanson hook-up
Rewind to Saturday morning, when the weekend stretched before us with hours of potential pleasures.

Members stand

Members stand
One Nation’s Malcolm Roberts tries verbal alchemy.

Pull up a pew

Pull up a pew
And, verily (or perhaps virtually), a new church is born …

Face value

Face value
If only he could have been a bit more Hastie …

Dunny & dusted

Dunny & dusted
Because of a leak, authorities are looking to up their surveillance of the budget lockup toilets.

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