Last updated: June 9, 2017

Friday 9th June 2017

Twisted beliefs driving Islamists

Eric Lobbecke 20170608

Defensive politically correct position betrays us all.

Grumpy voters hanker for hope

Grumpy voters hanker for hope

Workers won’t spend and so Morrison’s house-of-cards budget has fallen over.

Beware Bill‘s low-emissions ‘gifts’

Beware Bill‘s low-emissions ‘gifts’

Malcolm Turnbull is in dire trouble. He needs to be wary of ceding political ground to an ideologically driven Labor.

Friday 9th June 2017

No magic bullets in Finkel review

No magic bullets in Finkel review

There is a danger the response to today’s energy market blueprint will be clouded by climate change ideology.

Not fake news, but quite bad

Not fake news, but quite bad

The debt from deficits past cast a shadow over the rosier picture in the budget.

Energy is the test they all fail

Energy is the test they all fail

It is not about convictions, they are just wrestling with what the politics will allow.

Casualty in credibility stakes

Waleed Aly and Steve Price clash over refugees and terrorism on The Project.

Innocents murdered at home and abroad — yet predictably, Waleed Aly counters with moral superiority and condescension.

Masked by smoke and mirrors

Masked by smoke and mirrors

Forget that piffle about Australia breaking a record by failing to record a technical recession in 103 quarters.

Pie growing, but slices smaller

Pie growing, but slices smaller

Most pet-shop galahs are crowing about Australia’s 26 years of economic growth. The reality is much less impressive.

Hizb ut-Tahrir has plans for us

Hizb ut-Tahrir has plans for us

Deaths of innocents just brushed aside as extremists blame everyone but themselves.

We have word for it: opportunity

We have word for it: opportunity

The government’s citizenship laws should be seen as an advantage, not a burden.

Jobless-wages growth nexus ends

Jobless-wages growth nexus ends

Changed working hours may explain how this traditional link has been broken.

Chiefs in step with China

Chiefs in step with China

And Turnbull is right to highlight India’s destiny.

Budget surplus a fairytale

Budget surplus a fairytale

Today’s quarterly growth numbers throw shade all over the unrealistic forecasts in the budget.

Failure to get language right

Failure to get language right

Australians are fed up with the failure of politicians to call a spade a spade.

Call it for what it is

Call it for what it is

It is profoundly ill advised to deceive ourselves and to pretend that terrorist attacks are not terrorist attacks.

Worse than no leaders at all

Worse than no leaders at all

Media eager lightweights like Sadiq Khan and Waleed Aly are forever falling at the same early hurdle.

World can’t afford for May to fail

World can’t afford for May to fail

Theresa May’s challenge is to hold together the centre of British politics in age of populism.

A favour to review immigration

A favour to review immigration

After recent attacks, any political party that refuses to tackle this issue will lose credibility.

Better the RET devil you know

Better the RET devil you know

I’m fast coming to the conclusion that the government might be best advised simply to keep the RET.

Caution on low pay wins day

Caution on low pay wins day

Commission again splits the difference, leaving the ACTU and business grumbling.

Rise won’t help those who need it

Rise won’t help those who need it

The Fair Work Commission is doing its bit to make sure wages pick up as forecast in the budget.

Syria victory won’t halt attacks

Syria victory won’t halt attacks

The attacks on Manchester and London should make us realise that the war on terrorism will continue for years.

Too dumb to plot but not to kill

Too dumb to plot but not to kill

Yacqub Khayre watched as the old era of Islamic terrorism gave way to the new, and he changed along with it.

Malevolence we cannot speak

Malevolence we cannot speak

Compare the pair; our national ­responses to domestic violence and Islamist extremism.

We should follow Met’s lead

We should follow Met’s lead

If London Bridge shows anything, it’s the importance of having heavily armed, specialist police ready to respond quickly.

Thatcher legacy is ditched

Thatcher legacy is ditched

Enigmatic Theresa May’s defensive, presidential style has failed spectacularly.

Which dunce led us to impasse?

Which dunce led us to impasse?

Old and renewable power-generating technology must go hand-in-hand.

Arabs against Jewish homeland

Arabs against Jewish homeland

A 1937 report contained the first official recommendation for a two-state solution.

PM’s chance to fix energy mess

PM’s chance to fix energy mess

For the first time in 50 years we have a shortage of active generation capacity.

‘The father noticed red flags’

‘The father noticed red flags’

How Dr Jamal Rifi “does his duty’’ and steps in when a member of his Muslim community is becoming radicalised.

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