Last updated: June 10, 2017

Libs promise power bill relief

Australia's Chief Scientist Alan Finkel arrives at the Council Of Australian Governments (COAG) meeting in Hobart on Friday, June 9, 2017. (AAP Image/ Rob Blakers) NO ARCHIVING

Households stand to gain “hundreds of dollars” in lower energy bills from a dramatic shift to a new scheme.

Households win in energy review


Alan Finkel recommends a Clean Energy Target and calls on the government to launch the scheme to spur new power investment.

Andrews won’t scrap RET target

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews addresses a function at Parliament House, Melbourne, Thursday, May 25, 2017. The function was held to formally apologise to descendants of Chinese migrants that were targeted by a racist policy against miners from 160 years ago. (AAP Image/Mal Fairclough) NO ARCHIVING

Daniel Andrews has ruled out abandoning Victoria’s 40 per cent renewable energy target.

Surfers riding next renewables

Albany Wave energy - CETO 6

Surfers in south-western Australia are watching their community take the next step in renewable energy.

Lucy goes to town on trees

Leadership meeting

Greater Sydney Commission head Lucy Turnbull is backing a massive tree planting program in western Sydney.

More too poor to pay power bill

Catherine Tanna

EnergyAustralia has boosted relief funding for customers unable to pay their power bills.

Coal clash a threat to Turnbull


A clash over coal power threatens to wreck Malcolm Turnbull’s ­energy reforms.

Bid to open ‘climate war’ talks

Bid to open ‘climate war’ talks

Bill Shorten has cleared the ground for talks with Malcolm Turnbull to end the “climate wars” with a letter.

Abbott warns on emissions target

Abbott warns on emissions target

Tony Abbott warns over adopting a low emissions target that made it hard to build new coal-fired power stations.

Steel giant backs energy plan

Steel giant backs energy plan

Steel giant BlueScope has controversially backed a clean energy target for the electricity sector.

Bar higher for wind, solar farms

Bar higher for wind, solar farms

Wind and solar farms will be forced to meet tougher standards to guarantee reliable energy.

Greens’ wedge over carbon policy

Greens’ wedge over carbon policy

The Greens have moved to split Labor and the Coalition over ­energy policy.

Labor ‘open mind’ on emissions

Labor ‘open mind’ on emissions

Labor will likely back proposed low emissions target scheme, according to the party’s energy spokesman Mark Butler.

BCA onboard for energy target

BCA onboard for energy target

Business Council of Australia chief Jennifer Westacott has backed a low emissions target.

Let’s do it, says industry on LET

Let’s do it, says industry on LET

Industry groups have backed a low-emissions target plan, to be revealed in the Finkel review of the NEM.

Bishop flags new climate role

Bishop flags new climate role

Australia may step up its role in global climate talks after the US’s withdrawal from the Paris deal.

Xenophon in carbon push

Xenophon in carbon push

Nick Xenophon has been handed a new bargaining tool by a report recommending an emissions intensity scheme.

Climate alarmists cop a savaging

Climate alarmists cop a savaging

Iconic, ailing Australian satirist Clive James has penned a savage essay on climate change alarmism.

Low-carbon targets for power firms

Low-carbon targets for power firms

The electricity industry would have to meet a new low-emissions target that favoured only clean coal-fired power.

Quit Paris, urge Coalition MPs

Quit Paris, urge Coalition MPs

A group of Coalition MPs is urging Malcolm Turnbull to consider pulling Australia out of the Paris climate accord.

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