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Margaret Court: When Christians cite God's law selectively

Readers believe perpetuating inequality and homophobia is not Christian-like behaviour.

Margaret Court appears to believe a heterosexual "traditional family" is required to ensure well-adjusted children with a strong sense of identity.  While the Bible is an interesting read it is devoid of any empirical evidence about child mental health and wellbeing in relation to family makeup. But consider these statistics: for 55.6 per cent of the children who experience physical abuse before age 15 their father/stepfather in a heterosexual "traditional family" is the perpetrator; while 73 per cent of all incidences of child emotional abuse is from a biological parent towards children born in a "traditional family".

 Why do some (far right) Christians cite God's law so selectively?  A neighbour insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly states he should be put to death. Could Ms Court enlighten us as to why she doesn't insist on enforcing all God's laws, not only those relating to matters with which she has a personal grievance? I know quite a few devout Christians who support gay marriage because they understand that selectively using words from the Bible to perpetuate inequality and incite homophobia is not Christian-like behaviour. 

Rosie Walker, Warrandyte

Sport is home to colourful types

A spokesman for Margaret Court Arena states that it's "a building that stands for equality, diversity and inclusion". Seriously? It's a tennis court and it's named after a person famous for being a star. I am an atheist and have long supported social reform. However I totally support Ms Court's rights to her religious beliefs and boycott of Qantas despite believing them deluded and pointless. Talk of removing her name from an arena because of such beliefs is thought bullying. It also risks opening a can of worms. The world of sport is home to all sorts of colourful unfashionable types. Do we really want to start renaming sporting venues to keep up with every whim? 

Mark Freeman, Macleod

Foolish proposals

I disagree with the anti-same-sex marriage attitude of Margaret Court and her decision to not fly Qantas because of its support for a same-sex marriage, Martina Navratilova's suggestion to rename the Margaret Court Arena is also unjust and stupid. Margaret Court was a brilliant tennis player who showed what Australian women can do if given encouragement. She hasn't done anything illegal or immoral, just foolishly used her well-known name to attract attention to her opinion. 


Warwick Stott, Kew

On the outer

If we rename or destroy everything named after or made by someone who has expresses an opinion different to mainstream 2017 thinking, there will be little art or literature left. We'd be hard pressed finding names for the hundreds of things we have to rename. 

Ann Ritchie, Bellfield

Don't seek publicity

Ms Court is entitled to her opinion and can support any airline she likes. Equally, anybody has the right to oppose her views and it's hardly surprising many have done so. The fact that she was very skilled at hitting a ball across a net doesn't mean her opinions are more valuable than anyone else's. She seems to believe she has been unfairly targeted in the responses to her comments. But it could be argued she has brought the opprobrium on herself by choosing to write to Alan Joyce via an open letter to a newspaper. If she wanted to avoid stirring up a hornets' nest she could have communicated privately with Qantas. The 11th commandment could be: don't seek publicity then whinge when it doesn't go your way. 

Jeff Lerner, Elsternwick 


Truly honourable man

Although he had suffered great human tragedy, Anthony Foster was a hero. He gave his all for those who had been sexually abused by the clergy. His altruism deserves a state funeral.

Gary Ferguson, Moonee Ponds

Wonderful advocates

Like many I am deeply saddened by Anthony Foster's passing. What wonderful advocates he and Chrissie have been in holding to account the Catholic Church for the crimes its clergy committed.  Thank you, Anthony. 

Danielle McDermott, South Yarra

Hand up for women

Wendy Squires ("I won't mourn for Topshop", Forum, 27/5) needs to know about Fitted For Work. A wonderful charitable organisation, it assists women returning to work after hardship or disadvantage. Women are given a suitable outfit complete with accessories for a job interview. Workshops on grooming and interview skills are also available.  If the woman obtains work, she can return to FFW for more clothes until her first pay cheque. Thousands of women have been helped. Its Melbourne boutique is warm and welcoming and a worthy recipient of work-suitable clothing.   

Ruth Hargrave, Mont Albert 

Valuing animals

An animal activist and vegan, I didn't rejoice in the demise of the elephant hunter in Zimbabwe ("When animal rights extremism exposes the worst of humanity, 26/5).  My feelings are sorrow that such evil people exist.

I am, however, pleased this event has highlighted the appalling "sport" of trophy hunting. Ample evidence shows that contrary to what we are led to believe, the money brought into these communities from big game hunters does not benefit local residents.  Most hunting in South Africa takes place on private game farms and that is where the money stays.  Tourism makes a far greater contribution to the economy.

Garry Linnell states that the science increasingly points to elephants being among the most intelligent creatures on the planet.  Is he suggesting we only value an animal if it is "intelligent"? How do you measure that?  Albert Einstein once said, "Everybody is a genius.  But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."

Christine Riding, Abercrombie, NSW

Bestowal of power

Ken George (Letters, 25/5) is correct. The term "terrorist" bestows on psychopathic murderers a veneer of political purpose and  constructs "terrorists" as having power over "the terrorised": the language itself becomes a kind of perverse incentive.  

The term "radicalised" is also too kind, given its positive connotations – the radical thinkers and  activists who historically have made great contributions to humanity. Politicians and the media need to think carefully about the language used to describe those twisted souls who see their "greatness" in committing mass murder and suicide. Those convicted of perpetrating or planning such acts should be interned in asylums for the criminally insane. 

That would  prevent them from infecting with their brand of Islamic-inspired psychosis vulnerable prisoners with borderline mental illnesses. And Muslim communities should redouble their efforts to root out Islamic psychopaths in their midst. 

Jill Sanguinetti, East Brunswick

Essential rights

Barrie Dempster (Letters, 26/5) denigrates those challenging Peter Dutton's cruel treatment of refugees as "whining" – implying the principles they espouse are of little import.

Whenever Australia has sent young men off to fight in foreign lands it has been justified in terms of protecting "freedom of speech"; "vulnerable women and children"; "the rule of law"; "the right to freedom"; "the prevention of persecution of minorities"; and so on. 

Those now "whining"  are trying to protect these same essentials elements of a civil democratic society at home. They are decrying the persecution of innocent people in the name of deterrence of others; the failure to demand justice when it is known vulnerable people are being assaulted; the locking up of children; and the disparaging of honest whistleblowers. Australia's cruel approach is shaping our society.

Kate Kennedy, Coburg

Room for grey

Jane Cadzow's article on Peter Dutton (Good Weekend, 27/5) revealed an immature personality. Moral issues are for him simple – "black or white". Dutton also shows a complete lack of empathy, imagination and self doubt. Alarming deficiencies in a minister charged with deciding on the lives of refugees.

Gael Barrett, North Balwyn

Leadership tilt?

Despite his low opinion of Fairfax Media and his recommendation that people stop reading its newspapers, the Right Honourable minister agrees to an extended interview by said press. A tilt at the leadership in the offing perhaps?

Dianne Lewis, Mount Martha

Middle appears left

I fear that the many people who make comment regarding the "leftist" leanings of the ABC are simply being duped by the fact that the rest of our media is tilted so far right that the middle now appears to be left.

Annabel Warner, Inverleigh 

The Right is spoilt

Go ahead and read Quadrant, Michael Burd (Letters, 27/5) and while you are at it, read The Australian, the Herald Sun and listen to 3AW and 2GB. You are spoilt for choice. Me, I am going to stick to the ABC and The Age.

Tim Douglas, Blairgowrie

Magic 'off' button

Michael Burd, TVs are still equipped with that magic feature that allows one to no longer "endure" something  distasteful – the off button.

Leigh Pieterse, Thornbury

Doff cap to BLF

Harold Mitchell describes how he "wandered [past] the great and glorious Regent Theatre owned by my good friends the Marriners" ("Van Gogh shows Melbourne's love for culture", 27/5). Thanks, indeed, to the Marriners for restoring the theatre, but let's not forget this was only possible because of the Builders Labourers Federation, which refused to demolish it in 1974.

Elspeth McCracken-Hewson, Camberwell

 Juggling the books

According to the federal government's logic the only factor that matters in awarding tenders is the cost of the tender.  For example, a foreign company tenders $9 million for a contract but will not pay any tax in Australia.  Net cost to the taxpayer; $9 million.  

An Australian company tenders $10 million for the contract but will pay about $2.5 million in taxes back to the government.  Net cost to the taxpayer; $7.5 million.  Who will win the tender?  The foreign company, of course, because the face value of the tender was lower.  No wonder the government has such trouble balancing the books with such warped logic.

Ross Hudson, Camberwell

Clean out carpetbaggers

A thriving adult education sector is a vital defence against entrenched poverty.  Yet, consider these Fairfax headlines: "Vocational education, the biggest get-rich quick scheme in Australia" (16/9/2015); "The end of TAFE as we know it" (4/2/2016); "Private vocational courses cost taxpayers seven times as much as TAFE" (16/6/2016). In 2014, each graduate from private colleges cost taxpayers $73,200 and just $10,500 from TAFE. 

The sector's student loan model approached $6 billion in 2015. As about 40 per cent won't be repaid, taxpayer funding has simply enriched private colleges. Many have collapsed in scandal, with billions wasted. The defunct Australian Institute of Professional Education received $243million in three years, and had only 208 graduates. 

Collateral damage includes disadvantaged people incurring debts for no usable training; aged care and childcare "graduates" with no actual skills; and, in 2013 alone, 188,000 enrolments in areas of over-supply and a shortfall of 150,000 enrolments in skills shortage areas. 

Where is the "mutual obligation" of politicians and bureaucrats to society? This disastrous privatisation scheme should be scrapped and a sector-wide royal commission initiated to clean out carpetbagging culture.

Barbara Chapman, Hawthorn 

Advice not so neutral

Infrastructure Australia began life as a disinterested adviser. Its board comprised independent experts, economists and planners alongside industry representatives and public-sector managers.  But it has subtly morphed into a forum for big business interests to lobby governments from "inside the tent". Lobbyists and privatisation advocates now dominate the board.

Its latest report tries to breathe new life into  privatisation ("Bus sale a ticket to $1 billion in savings", 26/5). Yet Victoria's train/tram privatisation hasn't saved taxpayers one cent.  A former minister, the late Lynne Kosky, admitted as much 10 years ago.  We do save money relative to Sydney by not having train guards, a decision that predates privatisation.  And the report concedes improvements in train performance resulted primarily from more taxpayer investment.

Last month The Age reported on Transdev's performance ("One in five Transdev buses late", 25/4), the one part of Melbourne's private bus network that operates on IA's preferred model.  Figures obtained under FoI reveal falling patronage and poor  performance. Passengers also come to us citing drops in reliability and cleanliness.  

Tony Morton, president, Public Transport Users Association


Peter Dutton

Dutton "the warrior"  our next leader? I am lost for words and that doesn't often happen. 

Jean Tansey, Berwick

The Coalition's Minister Plod. 

David Seal,  Balwyn North

Dutton's "fake refugees" flee countries that have Manchester-like bombings, or worse, in their street every other day. 

Helen Hanrahan, Lower Plenty

I'd rather listen to the inspiring folk on Q&A; than the usual diatribes from the dismal lot running our country. 

Judy Hosfal, Glen Iris

Seems Dutton and Pauline Hanson have much more in common than just being Queenslanders.

Phil Alexander, Eltham


The US lecturing anyone about meeting their financial obligations is a bit rich. Just search UN debtor nations on the web. 

Alistair Baker, Upwey

Hopefully Donald Trump found a cure for foot-in-mouth disease during his pilgrimage. Would that be a miracle? 

Denis Croke, Glen Iris

Playing the Trump card in Russia could lead to us all being  "euchred". 

Leo Gamble, Mentone

What's happened to the moral basis of our society when royal commissions on banking and disability services are considered necessary?

Joe Wilder, Caulfield North

The NZ government had the courage to defy the big banks and introduce Kiwibank. It's time we had an Aussiebank. 

Sarah Russell, Northcote


Margaret Court: champion tennis player; champion Christian.

Richard Morris, Drouin 

Margaret, love all.

Paul Sands, Sunbury

An injury cost Nick Kyrgios a French Open seeding. Did he bite his tongue?

Richard Boydell, Rowville

The Age. Indepundent. Always.

Ross Weetman, Elwood