

Sign on Hong Kong border

Here are several issues of the "Minus" magazine produced in Hong Kong in the late 1970s.

The Mental Patients Union, 1973

Press coverage of the Mental Patients Union

Historical information about the Mental Patients Union, formed in London in 1973 to oppose psychiatric oppression, written by Past Tense.

In the tradition: where our politics comes from

The object of the following article is to outline the various political movements, events and current ideas and individuals which have in one way or another, served as influences upon the development of the Anarchist Communist Federation and subsequently the Anarchist Federation.

The First Congress of the National Confederation of Labor (CNT) (Barcelona, September 8-10, 1911)

Barcelona, July 31, 1909

The Agenda and texts of the Reports presented to the assembly of delegates representing approximately 27,000 workers at the First (official) Congress of the National Confederation of Labor, held in Barcelona in 1911, providing a glimpse of the doctrinal spectrum represented by the founders of the CNT and the most urgent concerns of the membership of the new organization, including the “rights and duties” of disabled members of the CNT, the creation of rationalist schools, the formation of itinerant propaganda squads, and the need for a daily newspaper.

The Wobblies: the story of syndicalism in the United States

IWW members

A detailed chronicle of the history of the Industrial Workers of the World union in the United States by Patrick Renshaw, published in 1967.

Anarchist organisation: the history of the FAI

CNT-FAI militants during the Spanish revolution

The first book-length history of the Iberian Anarchist Federation (FAI) from 1927 until it was repressed at the end of the Spanish Civil War in 1939, written by one of its members, Juan Gómez Casas.

On Sojourner Truth Organisation: some thoughts

We were asked to write about how we relate to the 1970s American revolutionary group, Sojourner Truth Organisation (STO). Amongst other things, they were involved in workplace organising and developed thinking around race and white skin privilege.

A history of the 62 Group

A member of the 62 group is arrested in Victoria Park, London, 1962

A special feature on the 1962 Committee, more commonly known as the 62 Group, a militant, Jewish-led anti-fascist organisation formed in London. Containing detailed personal accounts and extensive information on the far right at the time.

The Red Butterfly - John Lauritsen

John Lauritsen in 1969

A first person account of involvement in and the activity of The Red Butterfly, a socialist "cell" within the US Gay Liberation Front 1969-1971.

Manifesto - Gay Liberation Front

GLF members in Sussex on Remembrance Day, 1973

The manifesto of the UK organisation the Gay Liberation Front, written in 1971 in London and revised in 1978.