From Within the Storm: National Indigenous Congress and Zapatista Communique on Oaxaca Teacher Protests

Faced with the cowardly repressive attack suffered by the teachers and the community in Nochixtlán, Oaxaca—in which the Mexican state reminds us that this is a war on all—the peoples, nations, and tribes who make up the National Indigenous Congress and the Zapatista Army for National Liberation say to the dignified teachers that they are not alone, that we know that reason and truth are on their side, that the collective dignity from which they speak their resistance is unbreakable, and that this the principal weapon of those of us below.


Brazil’s Crisis and the New Right

June 21, 2016 Raúl Zibechi 0

The impeachment process against President Dilma Rousseff resulted from the conjunction of three factors: the rupture of the alliance with business owners, the rise of a new militant right, and the PT’s serious mistakes after abandoning the streets. What remains is a wounded society and an extractive model that went unquestioned by the left and undermined the hegemony of the Lula current.


Honduran Indigenous Activist Wins Human Rights Award for Struggle Against Corporate Destruction of Land

June 18, 2016 Jeff Abbott 0

On June 9, Ana Mirian Romero, a 29-year-old indigenous Lenca woman and mother of five from the department of La Paz, Honduras, was recognized by the European human rights organization Front Line Defenders. Romero was awarded the organization’s annual award for Human Rights Defenders for her work struggling for the recognition of indigenous lands and against the corporate destruction of the environment in Honduras.


Revolutionary Mothering in Northern Cauca, Colombia

June 18, 2016 Manuel Matos 0

Over the past week, hundreds of black women from the region of Northern Cauca, in southwestern Colombia have been participating in the National Inter-Ethnic Agrarian Protest. For the sisters of the Black Women’s Mobilization for the Care of Life and the Ancestral Territories their decision to participate in the national protest was an act of Revolutionary Mothering.


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