The Stones Cry Out: A movie about the plight of #Christians in the #Holy #Land.

The Stones Cry Out

The Plight of Christians in the Holy Land

homeChristianity was born in Palestine two thousand years ago. From there it spread throughout the Middle East and to the rest of the world. Yet many are unaware Christians still live in the land.

For more than 60 years the Palestinians, Christians and Muslims, have suffered displacement, expulsion, wars, occupation and oppression.

The voices of Palestinian Christians have all too often been drowned out in the turmoil of events.

This is their story, in their voices, from the Nakba of 1948 until today.

When: November 18th at 6PM

Where: St Thomas of Canterbury Anglican Church. 77 Archibald St, Willagee WA 6156

Facebook Page Event:



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#Gaza Children’s Cinema Info/Food Stall #Perth #WA

15445001_1476979037-5438_funddescriptionGaza Children’s Cinema is a community-based education initiative designed in 2013 to reach out to Palestinian children residing in Gaza to provide them with a space of reflection and imagination.

More than half of the Gaza Strip’s population of 2 million people consists of children. Their experiences have been shaped by war and the threat of war; by economic hardship; and by ten year -long blockade restricting commerce, freedom of movement and ongoing intellectual and cultural exchange.

The Mobile Cinema principally aims at screening films at a community level to provide education alongside much needed diversion and joy.

To unable to Gaza volunteer team continuing to draw smiles over children’s faces, please consider DONATION

The initiative is organizing food/info stall to raise some money and awareness:

When: Saturday, November 12th.
Where: Manning Park Farmers and Artisan Market, from 8:30AM – 12:30PM.
Direction to the market, please press here.

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342 Days ago in #Palestine: an activist’s time in the West Bank


When: 4 October @ 6:30 PM

Where: City West Lotteries House

In October 2015 Belinda travelled to the West Bank to work with the International Solidarity Movement.

In this talk she will share her experiences of the “Third Intifada,” show voices of friends and colleagues living under occupation, and discuss the implications for solidarity in Australia today.

Followed by an update on the situation in Gaza and discussion.

Event will be in the Main Conference Room, accessed from the City West train station end to the building.

Light refreshments will be served.

Hosted by Friends of Palestine WA

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A book Launch on #Palestine/ Wednesday 18th May, 6.30pm #Perth #Fremantle

A book Launch on Palestine

Mellisa Parke will launch Stuart Reeve’s book A Lovers Country on Wednesday 18th May, 6.30pm, at the Orient Hotel, 39 High Street, Fremantle. Monies raised from book sales will fund scholarships for Palestinians students.

It’s a Palestinian story of how love and courage overcomes terrible odds.

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Eye-Witness Report from the occupied West bank with Gillian Kerr-Sheppar


When: 6.30pm Tuesday 10th may

Where: Citiplace Community Centre (above Perth train station)

Come and hear an eye-witness report from educator and Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI) volunteer Gillian Kerr-Sheppard.

In 2005, Gillian began teaching drama and English in Palestinian schools and universities in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. She has since undertaken postgraduate research in the field. Last year Gillian returned to Palestine as a volunteer with the EAPPI in the West Bank village of Yanoun. Established in 2002, EAPPI works towards a resolution of the Israel-Palestine conflict based on International Law and UN Resolutions. Since 2002, over 1,500 volunteers from 27 countries have taken part in the programme.

When: 6.30pm Tuesday 10th may

Where Citiplace Community Centre (above Perth train station)

Attend on Facebook:


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March on May Day with Friends of Palestine WA


May 1 is international workers day: a day to remember past struggles and to continue to struggle for the rights of workers, including the right to organise in trade unions. May Day is commemorated in Perth each year with a rally at Fremantle Esplanade and a march through the streets of Fremantle.

This May Day, come rally with Friends of Palestine WA. We will again be marching this May Day to demand an end to Israeli occupation and apartheid and to defend the rights of Palestinians.

Meet: 11.30 am at the Friends of Palestine stall, Fremantle Esplanade.
March: 12 noon to 1 pm through the streets of Fremantle
Help out at the stall 10 am – 2 pm if you can.

For more information, phone Nick 0409 762 081.

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Public meeting: #Perth/ My Time in Occupied Palestine – Friday 15th April 6pm


Dear friends of Palestine

We would like to invite you to attend a public meeting with James Kelly, a volunteer with the International Solidarity Movement who has recently returned from the West Bank in the occupied Palestinian territories. James will be sharing his experiences in occupied Palestine with a presentation of personal photos and videos. James explains, “It is through my recent personal experiences that I hope to spread a greater awareness about the truths of the conflict, not only in an attempt to support the Palestinians, but to support all of humanity and our basic rights in general.”

When: Friday 15th April 6pm
Where: The Rise – 28 Eighth Avenue Maylands 6051 Perth

Attend on Facebook:

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Visit of Palestinian American Ali Abunimah: a speaking tour not to be missed

unnamedHot on the heels of our success in securing a visa for Palestinian American author and journalist Ali Abunimah to begin his Australian speaking tour on Monday, we can report another victory. Less than 24 hours after Sydney University cancelled the booking for Ali Abunimah’s public meeting venue yesterday, they were forced to reverse the decision this morning. New Matilda’s Chris Graham has reported the story – see below.

Please join us for the Perth leg of the tour. Ali’s Perth speaking engagements include a public meeting this Tuesday, March 22, and a dinner, hosted by the Palestinian Community of WA on Wednesday, March 23.

22 March, 6.30pm
The Battle for Justice in Palestine: a public meeting with Ali Abunimah
University of WA, Murdoch Lecture Theatre (Arts Bldg)

23 March, 6.30pm
Palestinian Community of WA dinner with Ali Abunimah
Beiyrut Lebanese Restaurant, 75 Wanneroo Rd, Tuart Hill
Tickets available from:

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WHAT ARE THEY AFRAID OF? The University of Sydney cancels venue for Ali Abunimah’s talk

The University of Sydney cancels venue for Ali Abunimah’s talk

Please sign petition HERE against this political censorship.

Only two days after our petition to have a visa issued for Ali Abunimah to speak in Australia, Sydney University has cancelled the venue booking for his speech in Sydney.

The venue was booked a full month in advance of the event. Sydney University venues management issued an invoice for the booking for $198 which was paid 2 weeks before the event.
When we submitted the forms for the booking we were told that “Everything should be fine” for the booking. We were also informed “In the case that you event is rejected, or amendments are requested, a reason will be given.”

Venues management has not requested any amendments to our booking, and given no reason for the cancellation.
Ali Abunimah has spoken at many university campuses in the past, including the University of Chicago, University of Colorado, Princeton University and many others.
The decision reeks of political bias. Sydney University has hosted speakers on campus that have vocally supported Israel’s war crimes. Colonel Richard Kemp spoke on campus last year to support Israel’s 2014 assault on Gaza, which left 2,310 people dead, at least 1,617 of whom were civilians. Yet pro Palestinian voices are silenced.
Cancelling the booking is tantamount to political censorship. We demand that Sydney University allow Palestinian voices to be heard on campus, we demand that the booking be reissued immediately.
Please sign petition HERE

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ALI ABUNIMAH’S VISA GRANTED! Public Meeting Perth 6.30pm March 22, #Perth



21 March, 1pm
Palestine: The Struggle for Freedom
University of NSW, CLB Theatre 3

21 March, 6.30pm
The Struggle For Justice In Palestine: An evening with Ali Abunimah
Sydney University, Carslaw Lecture Theatre 273


22 March, 6.30pm
The Battle for Justice in Palestine: a public meeting with Ali Abunimah
University of WA, Murdoch Lecture Theatre (Arts Bldg) Continue reading

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