- published: 21 Apr 2017
- views: 88584
A week is a time unit equal to seven days. It is the standard time period used for cycles of work days and rest days in most parts of the world, mostly alongside (but not strictly part of) the Gregorian calendar.
The days of the week were named in different languages after classical planets, various deities (example: Thursday – Thor's day, a variation after Jupiter's day from Roman times) and heavenly bodies (example: Sunday – Sun's day) and other sources. In English, the names are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
ISO 8601 includes the ISO week date system, a numbering system for weeks within a given year – each week begins on a Monday and is associated with the year that contains that week's Thursday (so that if a year starts in a long weekend Friday–Sunday, week number one of the year will start after that).
The term "week" is sometimes expanded to refer to other time units comprising a few days, such as the nundinal cycle of the ancient Roman calendar.
Late Night is shorthand for several different things:
Seven Days or 7 Days may refer to:
The names of the days of the seven-day week in many languages are derived from the names of the classical planets in Hellenistic astrology, which were in turn named after contemporary deities, a system introduced in the Roman Empire during Late Antiquity. In some other languages, the days are named for corresponding deities of the regional culture, either beginning with Sunday or with Monday. In the international standard ISO 8601, Monday is treated as the first day of the week.
Between the 1st and 3rd centuries the Roman Empire gradually replaced the eight-day Roman nundinal cycle with the seven-day week. Our earliest evidence for this new system is a Pompeiian graffito referring to the 6th February (viii idus Februarius) of the year AD 60 as dies solis ("Sunday"). Another early witness is a reference to a lost treatise by Plutarch, written in about AD 100, which addressed the question of Why are the days named after the planets reckoned in a different order from the actual order?.
CJ E&M Corporation (Hangul: 씨제이이앤엠 주식회사; RR: CJ E&M Jusikhoesa), formerly O Media Holdings Limited (Hangul: (주)오미디어홀딩스; RR: Jusikhoesa O Midieo Holdingseu) is a South Korean entertainment and media contents company. It is a subsidiary of the CJ Group.
CJ E&M currently has four main divisions, namely:
청하 (CHUNG HA) - 월화수목금토일 (Week) MV
Paris Agreement: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
Harry Gardner breaks hearts with song for his nan | Auditions Week 4 | Britain’s Got Talent 2017
Krept & Konan - Freak Of The Week ft. Jeremih
Days of the Week Song - 7 Days of the Week - Children's Songs by The Learning Station
Wale - Fashion Week (feat. G-Eazy) [Official Video]
The Breakdown with Zirene: The Power of Rakan (NA LCS Summer Week 1)
Seth's Favorite Jokes of the Week: Trump Pulls Out of Paris Climate Agreement
Fails of the Week: There's a bear on the loose!! (June 2017)
LPL Summer 2017 - Week 1 Day 1: OMG vs. RNG | JDG vs. LGD
One Week In Japan
A Week In Montana
TVC Moscow Week
청하 [월화수목금토일] - 청초한 변신 - I.O.I 최초 솔로 데뷔 - 청하의 수많았던 데뷔까지의 여정을 오롯이 담아낸 곡 - '인디 대세'로 떠오르고 있는 신예 뮤지션 그리즐리(Grizzly)와 프로듀싱 팀 크래커 참여 청하 첫 발을 내딛다. 아이오아이(I.O.I)' 출신으로는 처음으로 솔로 데뷔 소식을 알렸던 청하가 선공개 곡 '월화수목금토일'을 발매하며 본격적인 활동의 시동을 건다. 지난해 '프로듀스101'을 통해 그룹 아이오아이로 활동하며 수준급 보컬 실력과 안무 창작 능력까지 인정받은 실력파 가수이다. MNH ENTERTAINMENT에서 첫 번째로 선보이는 청하의 첫 싱글 '월화수목금토일'은 그녀의 수많았던 데뷔까지의 고단한 여정을 고유의 음색과 감성으로 담아낸 곡이다. 이번 곡은 아이오아이 활동 때와는 또 다른 한층 더 성숙해진 분위기를 예고하며 데뷔 앨범은 어떤 다양한 모습을 선보일지 더욱 궁금증을 자아낸다. 청하의 솔로 데뷔 신호탄이 될 '월화수목금토일'은 이 시대의 많은 이들과 같은 감정을 공감할 수 있는 섬세한 가사가 돋보이는 R&B; 발라드 곡이다. '인디 대세'로 떠오르고 있는 신예 뮤지션 그리즐리(Grizzly)와 프로듀싱팀 크래커가 프로듀싱에 참여하였다. 청하는 5월 첫 정식 데뷔 앨범 발매를 목표로 마무리 작업에 한창이다. --- Lyrics by 크래커, 그리즐리 Composed by 크래커, 그리즐리 Arranged by크래커, 그리즐리 Piano : 김소담 Bass : 김종훈 Guitar : 대감@ 크래커 Chorus : 김호연 @달좋은밤 Recorde...
Donald Trump plans to withdraw the United States from the Paris agreement on climate change. That's bad news for anyone who happens to live on this planet. Connect with Last Week Tonight online... Subscribe to the Last Week Tonight YouTube channel for more almost news as it almost happens: www.youtube.com/user/LastWeekTonight Find Last Week Tonight on Facebook like your mom would: http://Facebook.com/LastWeekTonight Follow us on Twitter for news about jokes and jokes about news: http://Twitter.com/LastWeekTonight Visit our official site for all that other stuff at once: http://www.hbo.com/lastweektonight
16-year old Harry Gardner from Essex takes to the piano to play our Judges his own song, Not Alone, which he penned for his nan, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s three years ago. See more from Britain's Got Talent at http://itv.com/talent SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/BGTsub Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/BGT Twitter: http://twitter.com/BGT
Freak Of The Week OUT NOW on iTunes: http://po.st/FOTWitYT Krept And Konan's New Album is OUT NOW: (iTunes - http://po.st/LWHdlxY) (Google Play -http://po.st/LWHDYtg) (Signed CD - http://po.st/KKSyt) Follow Krept & Konan: Twitter http://twitter.com/Kreptplaydirty http://twitter.com/konanplaydirty Instagram https://instagram.com/kreptplaydirty https://instagram.com/konanplaydirty Facebook https://www.facebook.com/kreptandkonan Spotify https://open.spotify.com/artist/31lnF... https://twitter.com/jeremih https://instagram.com/jeremih/
Our popular song for children, "7 Days of the Week" from the CD, "Preschool Learning Fun" Download "Preschool Learning Fun" CD: http://store.learningstationmusic.com/preschoollearningfun.aspx Children will learn the seven days of the week with this play along activity song that makes learning fun. "7 Days of the Week" enhances word recognition, vocabulary, comprehension, memory and recall. "Like" us on Facebook and participate in FREE giveaways galore: http://www.facebook.com/LearningStationMusic Visit The Learning Station: http://learningstationmusic.com/index.html Visit our store! CD's, CD Downloads, DVD's, Tee shirts & more: http://store.learningstationmusic.com/shoponline.aspx STAY IN TOUCH WITH US Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/LearningStationMusic Twitter: https://twitter.co...
Wale's new single "Fashion Week" featuring G-Eazy, available now. SHINE available 5/5. Preorder/Presave SHINE: http://atlanti.cr/preordershine Buy/Stream "Fashion Week": http://atlanti.cr/walefashionweek Follow Wale http://Twitter.com/Wale http://Facebook.com/WaleOfficial http://Instagram.com/Wale http://Soundcloud.com/WaleFolarin
This week on The Breakdown we're breaking down the competitive strengths of Rakan after his multitude of flashy plays in the opening week of Summer. Watch more Breakdowns: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPZ7h6L6LC7XmWF9BgUMrfX2lzy6IRtkd Music by: Sean Barrett Tweet #TheBreakdown if you see a great competitive play you want us to break down and for more competitive League of Legends visit Lolesports.com
Seth's favorite jokes from the week of June 5. » Subscribe to Late Night: http://bit.ly/LateNightSeth » Get more Late Night with Seth Meyers: http://www.nbc.com/late-night-with-seth-meyers/ » Watch Late Night with Seth Meyers Weeknights 12:35/11:35c on NBC. LATE NIGHT ON SOCIAL Follow Late Night on Twitter: https://twitter.com/LateNightSeth Like Late Night on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LateNightSeth Find Late Night on Tumblr: http://latenightseth.tumblr.com/ Connect with Late Night on Google+: https://plus.google.com/+LateNightSeth/videos Late Night with Seth Meyers on YouTube features A-list celebrity guests, memorable comedy, and topical monologue jokes. NBC ON SOCIAL Like NBC: http://Facebook.com/NBC Follow NBC: http://Twitter.com/NBC NBC Tumblr: http://NBCtv.tumblr.com/ NBC...
This week for the fails of the week, we've got bears on the loose, crazy trick turned sideways and some hilarious dog fails. Make sure you leave a comment below letting us know your favorite clip, and submit your fail at FailArmy.com. Later, dudes! ►►► SUBMIT YOUR VIDEOS! http://bit.ly/fasubmit SUBSCRIBE! http://bit.ly/fasubscribe FACEBOOK • http://bit.ly/fafbpage INSTAGRAM • http://bit.ly/fainsta TWITTER • http://bit.ly/fatweet TWITCH • http://bit.ly/2j9rKEX Check out FailArmy U!!! • http://bit.ly/failu Download the FailArmy App!! on iOS • http://bit.ly/faiOS on Android • http://bit.ly/fadroid FailArmy gear • http://bit.ly/failmerch FailArmy is the world’s number one source for epic fail videos and hilarious compilations. We’re powered by fan submissions and feedback from all ar...
OMG vs. Royal Never Give Up JD Gaming vs. LGD Gaming Welcome to the 2017 League of Legends Pro League Spring Split! For more Lolesports action, SUBSCRIBE http://bit.ly/SubLolesports For more LCS coverage including the latest schedule, results, stats, and analysis, GO TO: http://lolesports.com Join the conversation on Twitter, TWEET #LPL: http://www.twitter.com/lolesports Like us on FACEBOOK for important updates and more: http://www.facebook.com/lolesports Find us on INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/lolesports
I recently spent a week in Montana with F9 Photo & Eric Hines. This video was shot in various locations around Montana. This film was shot with the Canon 5D Mark II, Canon 14mm 2.8, Canon 50mm 1.2, Canon 70-200mm 2.8, Canon 24-105mm, Kessler Crane Cineslider, Shuttlepod, and Oracle Systems. Special thanks to http://www.kesslercrane.com. Music by: God is an Astronaut - Remembrance Day Licensed through Rumblefish.
Rolled through Black Bike Week in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Enjoy! @SeanVeryApe on twitter and Instagram facebook.com/seandunnedirector www.veryape.tv
Make it cool make it short, every fucking week. —————————————— The challenge, each week we must make from scratch a short creative piece. Subscribe to our vimeo channel to never miss a Haïku. vimeo.com/channels/887092 Motion Graphics : Darkpulse (bit.ly/1KDkvWJ) Sound Design : Nïats (on.fb.me/1anFXoc)
www.dannysangra.com A short film written and directed by Danny Sangra for Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin. Poking fun at the many 'faux motional' styled fashion adverts. The film depicts a man trapped in a world of fashion, while his friends wonder what has happened to him. Starring Justin O'Shea, Veronika Heilbrunner, Julia Knolle , Gabriel Chipperfield & Raphael Chipperfield Car: Mercedes-Benz C111, 1970 For more information on the Fashion Creatives video series and the global Mercedes-Benz fashion commitment go to: www.mercedes-benz.com/fashion. See the Mercedes-Benz channel: https://vimeo.com/mercedesbenz Crew Writer & Director - Danny Sangra Creative direction - Aldona Kwiatkowski - Neulandherzer Karla Otto Seyn...
Simone Barraco, Drew Bezanson, Trey Jones, Ben Hucke, and the newly recruited Mark Burnett headed Northeast to hang out with the Week 7 Woodward campers. In between product tosses and autograph signing's, the crew managed to absolutely DESTROY the many parks Camp has to offer. Enjoy! Big thanks to the entire Woodward Staff, Darin Hazel, Michael Bennet, and all the Week 7 campers! Filmed and Edited by Ryan Chadwick Music: Grand Piano "America's America" America's America http://grandpiano.bandcamp.com http://www.theshadowconspiracy.com http://www.campwoodward.com
Branding pack for "This Week's Top 20" show, for Viva Channel (MTV UK). More info at: www.viva.com CLIENT: Viva Channel (UK) CREDITS: Creative direction, design and animation: 2veinte. MUSIC: BoysNoize - & Down. (not for commercial purpose, just used in this reel).
청하 [월화수목금토일] - 청초한 변신 - I.O.I 최초 솔로 데뷔 - 청하의 수많았던 데뷔까지의 여정을 오롯이 담아낸 곡 - '인디 대세'로 떠오르고 있는 신예 뮤지션 그리즐리(Grizzly)와 프로듀싱 팀 크래커 참여 청하 첫 발을 내딛다. 아이오아이(I.O.I)' 출신으로는 처음으로 솔로 데뷔 소식을 알렸던 청하가 선공개 곡 '월화수목금토일'을 발매하며 본격적인 활동의 시동을 건다. 지난해 '프로듀스101'을 통해 그룹 아이오아이로 활동하며 수준급 보컬 실력과 안무 창작 능력까지 인정받은 실력파 가수이다. MNH ENTERTAINMENT에서 첫 번째로 선보이는 청하의 첫 싱글 '월화수목금토일'은 그녀의 수많았던 데뷔까지의 고단한 여정을 고유의 음색과 감성으로 담아낸 곡이다. 이번 곡은 아이오아이 활동 때와는 또 다른 한층 더 성숙해진 분위기를 예고하며 데뷔 앨범은 어떤 다양한 모습을 선보일지 더욱 궁금증을 자아낸다. 청하의 솔로 데뷔 신호탄이 될 '월화수목금토일'은 이 시대의 많은 이들과 같은 감정을 공감할 수 있는 섬세한 가사가 돋보이는 R&B; 발라드 곡이다. '인디 대세'로 떠오르고 있는 신예 뮤지션 그리즐리(Grizzly)와 프로듀싱팀 크래커가 프로듀싱에 참여하였다. 청하는 5월 첫 정식 데뷔 앨범 발매를 목표로 마무리 작업에 한창이다. --- Lyrics by 크래커, 그리즐리 Composed by 크래커, 그리즐리 Arranged by크래커, 그리즐리 Piano : 김소담 Bass : 김종훈 Guitar : 대감@ 크래커 Chorus : 김호연 @달좋은밤 Recorde...
Donald Trump plans to withdraw the United States from the Paris agreement on climate change. That's bad news for anyone who happens to live on this planet. Connect with Last Week Tonight online... Subscribe to the Last Week Tonight YouTube channel for more almost news as it almost happens: www.youtube.com/user/LastWeekTonight Find Last Week Tonight on Facebook like your mom would: http://Facebook.com/LastWeekTonight Follow us on Twitter for news about jokes and jokes about news: http://Twitter.com/LastWeekTonight Visit our official site for all that other stuff at once: http://www.hbo.com/lastweektonight
16-year old Harry Gardner from Essex takes to the piano to play our Judges his own song, Not Alone, which he penned for his nan, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s three years ago. See more from Britain's Got Talent at http://itv.com/talent SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/BGTsub Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/BGT Twitter: http://twitter.com/BGT
Freak Of The Week OUT NOW on iTunes: http://po.st/FOTWitYT Krept And Konan's New Album is OUT NOW: (iTunes - http://po.st/LWHdlxY) (Google Play -http://po.st/LWHDYtg) (Signed CD - http://po.st/KKSyt) Follow Krept & Konan: Twitter http://twitter.com/Kreptplaydirty http://twitter.com/konanplaydirty Instagram https://instagram.com/kreptplaydirty https://instagram.com/konanplaydirty Facebook https://www.facebook.com/kreptandkonan Spotify https://open.spotify.com/artist/31lnF... https://twitter.com/jeremih https://instagram.com/jeremih/
Our popular song for children, "7 Days of the Week" from the CD, "Preschool Learning Fun" Download "Preschool Learning Fun" CD: http://store.learningstationmusic.com/preschoollearningfun.aspx Children will learn the seven days of the week with this play along activity song that makes learning fun. "7 Days of the Week" enhances word recognition, vocabulary, comprehension, memory and recall. "Like" us on Facebook and participate in FREE giveaways galore: http://www.facebook.com/LearningStationMusic Visit The Learning Station: http://learningstationmusic.com/index.html Visit our store! CD's, CD Downloads, DVD's, Tee shirts & more: http://store.learningstationmusic.com/shoponline.aspx STAY IN TOUCH WITH US Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/LearningStationMusic Twitter: https://twitter.co...
Wale's new single "Fashion Week" featuring G-Eazy, available now. SHINE available 5/5. Preorder/Presave SHINE: http://atlanti.cr/preordershine Buy/Stream "Fashion Week": http://atlanti.cr/walefashionweek Follow Wale http://Twitter.com/Wale http://Facebook.com/WaleOfficial http://Instagram.com/Wale http://Soundcloud.com/WaleFolarin
This week on The Breakdown we're breaking down the competitive strengths of Rakan after his multitude of flashy plays in the opening week of Summer. Watch more Breakdowns: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPZ7h6L6LC7XmWF9BgUMrfX2lzy6IRtkd Music by: Sean Barrett Tweet #TheBreakdown if you see a great competitive play you want us to break down and for more competitive League of Legends visit Lolesports.com
Seth's favorite jokes from the week of June 5. » Subscribe to Late Night: http://bit.ly/LateNightSeth » Get more Late Night with Seth Meyers: http://www.nbc.com/late-night-with-seth-meyers/ » Watch Late Night with Seth Meyers Weeknights 12:35/11:35c on NBC. LATE NIGHT ON SOCIAL Follow Late Night on Twitter: https://twitter.com/LateNightSeth Like Late Night on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LateNightSeth Find Late Night on Tumblr: http://latenightseth.tumblr.com/ Connect with Late Night on Google+: https://plus.google.com/+LateNightSeth/videos Late Night with Seth Meyers on YouTube features A-list celebrity guests, memorable comedy, and topical monologue jokes. NBC ON SOCIAL Like NBC: http://Facebook.com/NBC Follow NBC: http://Twitter.com/NBC NBC Tumblr: http://NBCtv.tumblr.com/ NBC...
This week for the fails of the week, we've got bears on the loose, crazy trick turned sideways and some hilarious dog fails. Make sure you leave a comment below letting us know your favorite clip, and submit your fail at FailArmy.com. Later, dudes! ►►► SUBMIT YOUR VIDEOS! http://bit.ly/fasubmit SUBSCRIBE! http://bit.ly/fasubscribe FACEBOOK • http://bit.ly/fafbpage INSTAGRAM • http://bit.ly/fainsta TWITTER • http://bit.ly/fatweet TWITCH • http://bit.ly/2j9rKEX Check out FailArmy U!!! • http://bit.ly/failu Download the FailArmy App!! on iOS • http://bit.ly/faiOS on Android • http://bit.ly/fadroid FailArmy gear • http://bit.ly/failmerch FailArmy is the world’s number one source for epic fail videos and hilarious compilations. We’re powered by fan submissions and feedback from all ar...
OMG vs. Royal Never Give Up JD Gaming vs. LGD Gaming Welcome to the 2017 League of Legends Pro League Spring Split! For more Lolesports action, SUBSCRIBE http://bit.ly/SubLolesports For more LCS coverage including the latest schedule, results, stats, and analysis, GO TO: http://lolesports.com Join the conversation on Twitter, TWEET #LPL: http://www.twitter.com/lolesports Like us on FACEBOOK for important updates and more: http://www.facebook.com/lolesports Find us on INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/lolesports
I recently spent a week in Montana with F9 Photo & Eric Hines. This video was shot in various locations around Montana. This film was shot with the Canon 5D Mark II, Canon 14mm 2.8, Canon 50mm 1.2, Canon 70-200mm 2.8, Canon 24-105mm, Kessler Crane Cineslider, Shuttlepod, and Oracle Systems. Special thanks to http://www.kesslercrane.com. Music by: God is an Astronaut - Remembrance Day Licensed through Rumblefish.
Rolled through Black Bike Week in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Enjoy! @SeanVeryApe on twitter and Instagram facebook.com/seandunnedirector www.veryape.tv
Make it cool make it short, every fucking week. —————————————— The challenge, each week we must make from scratch a short creative piece. Subscribe to our vimeo channel to never miss a Haïku. vimeo.com/channels/887092 Motion Graphics : Darkpulse (bit.ly/1KDkvWJ) Sound Design : Nïats (on.fb.me/1anFXoc)
www.dannysangra.com A short film written and directed by Danny Sangra for Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin. Poking fun at the many 'faux motional' styled fashion adverts. The film depicts a man trapped in a world of fashion, while his friends wonder what has happened to him. Starring Justin O'Shea, Veronika Heilbrunner, Julia Knolle , Gabriel Chipperfield & Raphael Chipperfield Car: Mercedes-Benz C111, 1970 For more information on the Fashion Creatives video series and the global Mercedes-Benz fashion commitment go to: www.mercedes-benz.com/fashion. See the Mercedes-Benz channel: https://vimeo.com/mercedesbenz Crew Writer & Director - Danny Sangra Creative direction - Aldona Kwiatkowski - Neulandherzer Karla Otto Seyn...
Simone Barraco, Drew Bezanson, Trey Jones, Ben Hucke, and the newly recruited Mark Burnett headed Northeast to hang out with the Week 7 Woodward campers. In between product tosses and autograph signing's, the crew managed to absolutely DESTROY the many parks Camp has to offer. Enjoy! Big thanks to the entire Woodward Staff, Darin Hazel, Michael Bennet, and all the Week 7 campers! Filmed and Edited by Ryan Chadwick Music: Grand Piano "America's America" America's America http://grandpiano.bandcamp.com http://www.theshadowconspiracy.com http://www.campwoodward.com
Branding pack for "This Week's Top 20" show, for Viva Channel (MTV UK). More info at: www.viva.com CLIENT: Viva Channel (UK) CREDITS: Creative direction, design and animation: 2veinte. MUSIC: BoysNoize - & Down. (not for commercial purpose, just used in this reel).
Malamal weekly
week 1
3rd project After school
And Brave sound
It's been a long time we back together again
With a fresh track for y'all
For all ya
And it goes little something like this
Let's go
[Lizzy] iljuiri iljuiri jinasseo
[Raina] wollyoil oneul neowa heeojyeosseo
Hwayoil haruga il nyeon gata
[Jungah] suyoil jeonhwaga ojil anha
Mogyoil jogeumssik buranhaejine
([Raina] neoneun jal jinaeni) [Kaeun] nareul beorigo
([Raina] haengbokhani) [Uee] mam apeuge
([Raina] tteonagani) [E-young] dasi dorawa
[Raina] ijen neol deo isang bol su eobtjanha
[Jungah] iljuiri jinanneunde yeollagi eobseo
Iljuiri heulleonneunde neon dabi eobseo
Iljuiri jinanneunde sosigi eobseo
Neoneun nal ijeonni anim nal jiwonni annyeong
[Nana] iljuiri iljuiri jinasseo
[Uee] geumyoiri jinasseo jumari watjanha
[E-young] naneun naesim gidaehago jeonhwagiman gyesok bwa
[Nana] hoksina haneun maeume tteollineun gaseume
Gidaryeoboneunde ([Nana] gyeolgugen oji anhasseo)
([Raina] neoneun jal jinaeni) [Kaeun] nareul beorigo
([Raina] haengbokhani) [Jooyeon] mam apeuge
([Raina] tteonagani) [E-young] dasi dorawa
[Raina] ijen neol deo isang bol su eobtjanha
[Jungah] iljuiri jinanneunde yeollagi eobseo
Iljuiri heulleonneunde neon dabi eobseo
Iljuiri jinanneunde sosigi eobseo
Neoneun nal ijeonni anim nal jiwonni annyeong
[Lizzy] jukji motae sarayo oneuldo
Babocheoreom ireoke pyeincheoreom
[Jungah] doragal suneun eomnayo uri
Saranghaeyo saranghaeyo nal itji marayo wooh~
[Jungah] iljuiri iljuiri jinasseo